The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

…as I said, Dalaran’s continued use in WoW was a big, giant retcon. The evac of its residents, the rebuilding, etc.

Dalaran was beset by the Scourge. Its magisters slain. Arthas and Kel’thuzad assaulted it just so they could get the Book of Medivh, bring Archimonde into Azeroth, who then sandcastled it, and obliterated it to dust.

Garithos in TFT retakes the ruins of Dalaran from the mostly mindless Scourge left in the area, as Arthas retreated to Northrend to aide the Lich King.

You did it Vex. :clap:t2:


Nah. Vex just solved it.

In World of Warcraft it even says that the Kirin Tor return to bubble part of the city.


“It’s not a retcon, the Kirin Tor return, from being dead in WC3/TFT, to bubble and restore the city, a pile of dust, in WoW”


Well of Eternity Pg 5. apparently. (Novel)

Kirin Tor are scattered and in disarray.

Not all dead.


And why must that be argued when it’s blatantly false?


To be perfectly clear, Lydon, you’re coming across as the people who cried, “Retcon,” at learning that Stormwind and Ironforge still stood after WC3. People had assumed that all of the Eastern Kingdoms had been conquered by the Scourge.

To assume a city of Mages did not evacuate and would not return is a pretty fool-hardly assumption.

Antonidas wasn’t magically alive again. That would be a Retcon. Survivors of the Fall of Dalaran returning to rebuild their city isn’t a retcon. That’s like saying WC3:TFT retconned the Fall of Quel’Thalas by making Blood Elves.


Because there are multiple variations of what High Elves are, as is, left in Azeroth, with none holding a position of authority or influence over the other.

It literally is an identity crisis, aside from being Alliance sympathetic, and simply being High Elves, they have no unified identity.

And you’re saying that can never change?

Things can change. Multiple identities can become multiple facets of a society. We don’t, for example, think that Blood Elves can’t be playable because of their multiple identities. You’ve got Magisters, Farstriders, Blood Knights, the Reliquary, etc…

Those identities are united behind a government, which is all the High Elves need.


There are multiple variations of what humans are left in Azeroth. Three of them have been made playable (two if you don’t count Gilnean Worgen for whatever reason). They don’t share much in common beyond being human and part of the Alliance, either.

We could have a whole journey where all High Elves scattered across the worlds come together as one united group as part of the recruitment questline/scenario.

We could just have one of these factions be made into the playable High Elves.


You think 11942 replies would be enough for Blizzard to add high elves.

On my RP server, half the void elf RPers say they are high elves in their profile.

The demand is there, and it makes more sense lore-wise than void elves.

Go go go.


No, but it isn’t likely.

Most of high elves’ territory is straight up retreaded ground, aesthetically, artistically, and narratively. The major events in High Elf history is Blood Elf history.

Yeah, they “could” write them all to be unified, and give them story, but at this point, with pretty much no notable anchor characters outside of Alleria/Veressa (and Alleria being a Void Elf storypiece now), and no homeland , why not just apply that to the Blood Elves? Why take away thalassian lore and story development from Blood Elves just to arbitrarily make High Elves playable?

It just doesn’t look like a good return on investment to me. Then again, you’re probably never going to get an answer from me that this thead likes, and that’s ok.

Maybe because the blood elves already have a home and a lore and a story and development- and doing this won’t take ANYTHING away from the blood elves?

Why do people keep bringing this up? Are people expecting high elves to suddenly come up and kick blood elves out of their city?


I mean, if you really want Blood Elves to leave the Horde and join the Alliance, forcing countless players to faction change against their will, I suppose that’s your right. Personally I’d rather not infringe upon Blood Elf players like that, let alone the Horde.

Because that’s all you’d accomplish by taking High Elf lore and applying it to the Blood Elves, really.


Because if they’re anything like me, they considered themselves the continuation of the high elven story when Blood Elves were advertised to us as such back in TBC over a decade ago.

The only reason the High Elf issue is even this heated or prevelant is due to Allied Races, and Void Elves getting the spot instead.

It might take awhile, but this “issue” will fade back down again.

What would be taken away from Blood Elves? What would they lose if High Elves were made playable?

If anything, they should only gain, seeing as to how Blood and High Elves (particularly the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers) have some sort of archnemesis deal going on. Meaning both races should get screentime and development from High Elves becoming a playable race.


It hasn’t simmered down in over a year since Allied Races were announced. I wouldn’t get your hopes up. The fact remains the existing of Void Elves isn’t helping. Every time an Alliance player see’s a Void Elf they ask, “Why didn’t we get High Elves?” Every time they see a High Elf NPC they ask, “Why did we get Void Elves?” I have yet to yet an Arathi Warfront where people fail to point out the 7th Legion Shield Mages are High Elves.

This isn’t going to go away, nor should it at this point.


Blood Elves are already getting this, in a much fresher and relevant forat no less, with Void Elves.

The Void vs. Light angle with Void Elves is far more ripe for good story than High Elves’ “I like humans and hate how you guys siphoned living creatures like 5 expansions ago!”

Hate to break it to you- but Void elves have hardly gotten any development. The vast majority of it was back in Legion, and aside from popping up in a few of the Warfront quests there hasn’t been much aside from “so, whats it like?” and “are you really loyal to the cause?”