The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Haha. This is so absurd.

They’re literally in the Alliance in World of Warcraft.


So, what, are you trying to say there were no High Elf Alliance loyalists? Or are you just trying to say this one, single point isn’t valid, which seems a whole lotta work for not much in return?


All of your points and arguments are countered by the mere existence and presence of Quel’dorei in the Alliance on World of Warcraft, you can close your eyes and ignore everything, but the fact remains that not all High Elves became Blood Elves and followed Kael’thas.
If all High Elves renamed to Blood Elves and returned to Quel’thalas back in the day, surprise, we wouldn’t be asking for them to be playabe nowadays, because they wouldn’t exist, but back to reality, they do.


He’s arguing that because in the Frozen Throne you play Kael’s Blood Elves, that it supersedes the original Warcraft III priest and sorceress descriptions, even though in World of Warcraft they still exist.

So for Lydon after Warcraft 3 TFT there were no other elves in the Alliance…

which is why when you play WoW there are High Elves in the Alliance.

and even in TFT the rest of the Alliance (even though you don’t play them) are still using those same units.


ikr. Like sure the survivors could have joined kael’thas and went back to silvermoon to become blood elves but what happened is clearly shown in the continuation of the franchise with no speculation needed.

We see them in dalaran and stormwind. You can see NPCs labelled high elf sorceress in the mage quarter.


We LITERALLY made a big ol’ list of them, and guess what?


Edit: Well, except the ones in Dalaran due to it being neutral and all.


Almost what I’m saying, yes. WoW retconned, and continues to, stuff established in Wacraft 3 and TFT, and yes, going by how the story in Warcraft 3 and TFT was portrayed, there wouldn’t be substaintial, if any, elves left in the Alliance under the name High Elf.

Obviously come WoW they brought Dalaran back through retcon and populated High elves among pockets here and there and use them and they exist, but my point is using the Warcraft 3 descriptions is a weak as hell lore precedent.

I’m more curious how they’ll handle these moments when we go through Reforged, now that the Blood/High Elf stories have been more fleshed out.

And the ones who went to Draenor/Outland in the Second War, some are not too happy about what the Blood Elves became.

" The opening of the Dark Portal brought news of my people’s news. In a way, my exile shielded me from sharing in their downfall, but to see the Farstriders throw their lot in with Kael’thas…

I never imagined my one-time brethren capable of such a thing.

The homecoming I once dreamt of will never happen. This forest is the only home I have left. "

Thelloria Shadecloak.


I doubt they’ll change any of it for re-forged. I think it’s some third party company doing it.

I’ve always thought it was fairly obvious that Garithos and Kael’s Blood Elves weren’t indicative of the entire alliance, which probably also had High Elves.

Though, the whole Dalaran thing doesn’t make sense. Like, why does Garithos even have any authority in Dalaran?

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How would you feel if WC3 Reforged went out of it’s way to show High Elves remaining loyal to the Alliance? Perhaps High Elves in the Kirin Tor who are disgusted that Kael’thas allied with the Naga? Perhaps even something from Kael’thas himself saying, “None of my people save those in Quel’Thalas are loyal to me.”

Heck imagine him adding, “If only we could unite, we’d be able to stand at nearly a fourth of the strength of the High Kingdom before the War claimed the Sunwell!”


Is this all about population size again


Garithos was a unnecessary character, he was just used to move the plot of the Blood Elves and the Forsaken, like, Kael’thas didn’t needed a jerk imprisoning him to decide to leave the Alliance and follow Vashj and the Naga into Outland seeking Illidan and the only cure avaliable.

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Yeah, I remember her. She was from that little shelter called the Allerian post I think (not to be confused with the Allerian Stronghold) several of them had interesting things to say. Like the Archer who joked that she “wasn’t gonna suck the magic out of you” and the seamstress that “never grew out of the farstrider phase.”


In this era of the story, there isn’t much of an “Entire Alliance”, as we’re talking about the Alliance of Lordaeron, not Stormwind, which wholly crumbles.

Garithos comes into authority solely by survival; he is the highest ranked soldier in the Lordaeron military left alive after the Scourge ravage Lordaeron.

Apparently its about each and every single one’s REASON for living where they are living currently. :man_facepalming:


It’s never really made much sense.

My best guess is that Dalaran and the Kirin Tor were supposed to be separate entities…

because some how or another you have to explain why floating city Dalaran of the Kirin Tor still has High Elves since Garithos was in command of, “Destroyed city state Dalaran” and arrested Kael’s elves.

Though, theoretically, he could have just arrested Kael’s army.

Could have just been citizen High Elves running around.

They say the Kirin Tor is pretty scattered.

But it’s never made any sense.

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Even tough i would like that, i prefer to keep Warcraft III untouched.
But it’s true that many High Elves weren’t happy with Kael’s decisions.

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Allerian Stronhold is my favorite High Elven town/hub in the game aside from Dalaran, i love the NPCs from there, they aren’t just plain NPCs without story and flavor, they have really nice text lines and backstories.


Dalaran had evacuated it’s population prior to Arthas’ attack on the city. It’s unlikely that population returned while the city was under Scourge control, and still being repaired. When Garithos held Dalaran, while some members of the Kirin Tor were present, the Kirin Tor as a whole was not. They were likely busy continuing to support their refugee population.

The Kirin Tor didn’t actually return to Dalaran until well after Garithos was dead.


I think the point Lydon is trying to make is that even though there are three obvious, distinct group of High Elves in the Alliance… Four if you want to count the Kirin Tor separately;

There are other elves, like vendors, flight masters and ne’er do wells and because they exist sporadically throughout the Alliance that Alliance High Elves have no identity…

Even though playable factions are only a snapshot of part of any faction. I.E. Kul Tirin’s don’t have paladins. Not because Kul’Tirans don’t have paladins but because the group of Kul’Tirans that are going to be playable don’t have Paladins.