The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m not prohibiting you from saying that our side sucks and calling our posts garbage, but doing that all alone make you look silly, and it’s reportable depending on the nature of the post.


I mean, you’re just listing the same stuff from the opposite perspective.

Also there’s nothing really saying that Elisande wasn’t just trying to make a dig at Vereesa in that cutscene.

At the end of the day, the Blood Elves redemption just shows that they are further removed from the Quel’dorei.


I might be remembering the Lore all wrong here. But wasn’t a decent sized group of Blood Elves, Exiled from Silvermoon? I mean when Rommath and the group of Magisters returned from Outlands to teach the Sin’dorei what they had learned. Part of the Sin’dorei Population wanted no part of this. Lor’themar not wanting to lead a divided nation exiled these Elves from Silvermoon. From what I’ve read some of those exiles reclaimed the name of High Elf. How were these Elves to aid in the rebuilding of their homeland when they had been banished from it.

Now let’s say you are talking about not aiding their homeland while Arthas and his Scourge were decimating it. First Lordaeron was attacked, a y attempts to reach Quel’Thalas to warn them was stopped by Arthas. The fact that Quel’Thalas had shut its borders and chose to remain blissfully ignorant of the dangers around them, believing that their magic would keep them safe. Is by no means the fault of the Elves not living within the kingdom. As for Dalaran, I believe they didn’t learn of the destruction of Quel’Thalas until after it had happened. By then Arthas was marching on Dalaran, and it was destroyed just as Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas were.

On a different note might I ask your opinion on something? This has alway confused me, because the lore differs depending on the reading source. One source claims that Kael’thas gathered all the remaining High Elves that were scattered about. While Lor’themar gathered the remaining High Elves of Quel’Thalas. Then it says that 90% of all High Elves took on the name Sin’dorei when Kael’thas renamed them to honor the blood spilled by their kin. I always saw the gathered all the remaining High Elves to mean exactly that. Whether you stuck with the Alliance or where just studying abroad, If you were a High Elf, you were part of the group Kael’thas gathered up. Yet other sources say the only High Elves gathered, were those living in Quel’Thalas at the time. So that has always confused me somewhat. What are your thoughts which do you believe to be true?


The Sin’dorei made their own path towards their former glory, and the
Alliance Quel’dorei didn’t take it, instead they did in their own way. Different things.


Citations are easy.

Warcraft III manual for Healers and Sorcerers…
Go to the wow wiki and look up the Quel’danil Elves.

The quest chain out there, including Lines of communication prove it.


I gave you an answer and you weren’t happy with the response so you changed the question to something I can’t answer. GG man. Give yourself a hand.

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He was trying to move the goal posts, but the Sorcerer and Healer entries in the Warcraft III manual prove him wrong anyways.

Also he could just play World of Warcraft. You run into High Elves everywhere.


The Blood Elves have a redemption arc.

The Quel’dorei didn’t need one.


He was upset because he believed I was taken a dig at Blood Elves. Which I wasn’t, I was just pointing out their differences in a way a certain Sin’dorei troll might be able to understand. Every time she pops into the thread it’s just to make a sarcastic remark. Sadly I find that the language of that specific troll is indecipherable, so in the future I plan to ignore it.


Well according to HIM, I need to interview each one and poll them for why they exist.

…If I could I would in all honesty! :rofl:


Are you actually familiar with the relationship Blood Elves have in the Horde at all?

Blood Elves have been able to maintain a lot of their identity and autonomy within the Horde, which is why they joined in the first place. This has only been clearly stated and reinforced, especially recently.

From the very quest that the Blood Elf player does to officially join the Horde:

More recently, Liadrin selling Silgryn on the Horde by explaining how the Blood Elves have found a home in it on the Vindicaar:

And again, during the Nightborne recruitment scenario:

Wow, it’s almost like you can find this out by playing the game, or something.

Nyshant loves his Warcraft 3 manual. I keep having to tell him that this is a description of human units in Lordaeron fighting with Arthas…prior to him of course going nuts and razing Quel’thalas and Dalaran to dust. :man_shrugging:

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Do you have a citation for this? I’m not saying I don’t believe you. I’m interested in this answer, but I can’t propagate it without proof.

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Because we all know that’s when Warcraft III ends and World of Warcraft begins right?


…there was an entire expansion called The Frozen Throne, where you know, those units become Blood Elf units, follow Kael’thas, Spellbreakers, all that jazz?

Citing the unit descriptions of the Reign of Chaos timeline is almost completely pointless with regards to High Elves.

What is he even arguing about?

Just seems like his blood pressure is up.

He’s upset Drede gave a post from a Quel’dorei perspective?

He’s arguing that three separate distinct groups (technically there were 5.) aren’t well defined?

That’s kind of what the Silvermoon Remnant was going to be about and what the Silver Covenant became.


On this, if you go just off of Wacraft TFT reading: Kael rounded up all the High Elf survivors to return home to Quel’thalas, found the kingdom on ruins and the Sunwell tainted to a point that it was necrotic to draw on, so he had it destroyed.

Only then did they realize they had latent dependency on the arcane magic. He renamed his people Blood Elves.

This is all still circa Warcraft 3: TFT. It’s when you get to WoW, TBC and WotLK that you even realize any “High Elves” were “left”, some being exiled, some leaving as they didn’t agree with Kael’s methods, and some simply running off with Jaina and her remnants of Lordaeron forces to Theramore (where they would later eat mana bomb).

Dalaran itself was a giant retcon. Archimonde completely obliterated it to dust, and in WoW they brought it, and its residents back so we could romp around and do quests in it, making its intial destruction, and Archimonde’s supposed threat, look like a joke.


… I dunno if I should even answer that. I freaking mained a Night elf for 11 years.



Warcraft 3 manual: The High Elven Sorceress, working as an agent for the Kirin Tor or Dalaran stuck with the Alliance and aided them.

World of Warcraft: High Elven Sorceresses running around in the Alliance

Lydon: The manual is wrong!


We’re clearly not talking about the same point, or are having some other disconnect.

Nyshant is quoting Warcraft 3 REIGN OF CHAOS unit descriptions. Descriptions that talk about how the sorceress/priest units didn’t care that Quel’thalas had as a greater whole left the Alliance.

Then Warcraft 3 TFT happens. These same humans they were aiding in Lordaeron would either be Arthas and his forces, who later destroyed Quel’thalas, Lordaeron and Dalaran, or survive and serve under Garithos and become huge jerks that try to have the High Elves, now the Blood Elves, executed, waiting in Dalaran’s dunegons, no less.

The descriptions of these sorceress and priest units serve little to prove there were High Elf Alliance loyalists following the events of Wacraft 3/TFT, only that for a time the elves fought alongside humans, which Blood Elves also did.

And the ones that sailed with Jaina to Kalimdor?