The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

And this is why you are a troll.

Blood Elves may be former High Elves but the Alliance High Elves are NOT Blood Elves. And you purposefully make posts like this just to stir the pot and then get all innocent when called out on it.

I know you get off on triggering people but that just makes your deserving of being called a troll and reported.


That means that High Elves like the Priest Units and Sorceress Units were and still are part of the Alliance Faction since Warcraft 3 and now with its Npcs. Heck you even get to see Npcs of them within WoW itself through Stormwind City, Battle for Mount Hyjal Raid, Culling of Stratholme, and 7th legion.

Only Blood Elf Unit kinds are the Spellbreakers, Dragonhawk Riders, and Blood Mage Hero. Even through they did once helped the Alliance. It was the Dalaran High Elves like Priests and Sorceresses were the ones helping out the Alliance Faction even with Jaina Proudmoore and beyond.


High Elf Sorceress and Priests are still common Alliance NPCs to this day.
While Blood Mages, Dragonhawk Riders and Spellbreakers are exclusive to the Blood Elves, as High Elves favor Arcane and Frost over Fire, Hippogryphs as air mounts and Magic-enhanced blades over shields and polearms.


disagreeing with your opinion is not trolling :thinking:

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You aren’t “disagreeing” you’re purposefully calling High Elves Blood Elves when that is emphatically not the correct nomenclature.

Blood Elves are Blood Elves. They used to be called High Elves but no longer are.

High Elves… the ones who stayed with the Alliance… are not now, nor were they ever, called Blood Elves. This is a fact.

When you say “High Elves are Blood Elves” you aren’t disagreeing with an opinion. You are purposefully trying to tick people off by making an erroneous statement. Congrats you succeeded. But you’re still a troll for doing it.


the wow game director is on the record saying blood elves are high elves. more then once

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Now you’re just being purposefully obtuse.

You didn’t say “Blood Elves are High Elves.”

You said “High Elves are Blood Elves”.

The two sentences do not have the same meaning. You know they don’t yet you persist in using that sentence repeatedly because you know it ticks people off.

You aren’t stating an opinion. You are purposefully playing word games to annoy people. And don’t try to play ignorant about what you are doing. You and I have had this song and dance several times.


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Purposefully obtuse is her thing. Just ignore her and she’ll go away.


I don’t even know who we’re talking about.


thats the albino skin tone. they are extremely rare in nature but its a player option

Most of the difference here is on the stance.

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“this thing totally breaks my argument so I am just going to say it doesn’t count and is invalid for X reason”

also double standards. Blood elves have an option for a pale skin similar to high elf NPCs but that skin definitely isn’t common on NPCs out in the world.


The Night Elf is a core race, Nightborne is an Allied Race that’s not following “your rules” :policeman::policewoman:, we must even things out with High Elves, that’ll make things more fair :handshake:.


i could have just said blood elves/high elves are physiologically the same unlike nightborne/night elves :thinking:


the above image to me looks like they could be sisters.


Need to add something important:
My favorite color is blue, no yellow…!!

Why are you all trying to ration with someone who clearly does not want to be rationed with?


because I am bored and this is somewhat entertaining despite being pointless and obviously is with someone being obtuse just to argue.

nightborne do not have a purple or pink skin tone. which is the core of a night elf. thats why alliance got blueberries and no pale fair skin tone. blizzard and my line of “rules” appear to be Nsync :face_with_monocle: