The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The problem with that is that is the shoulders don’t match the set. The armor is almost entirely blue and gold and the shoulders are red and silver. They clash more than anything.

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This is valuable and important information that I have forgotten at least four times already and will probably be up for a fifth time since Im reading this in the middle of the night because my cat woke me up cos he needed to go pee.

But thanks! >.>


I would say they are split between Mages and Rangers.

One odd thing about High Elf “Rangers” is it seems to include Warriors and Rogues in some cases.

Also since it’s come ups so much in this thread I figured I would link the WoW powers thingie from Chronicles.

I if I made this I would flip Order and Death but that’s just my line of thinking.

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My interpretation of the cycle is:

  • The “positive” forces
    – Creation (Arcane) -> Growth (Life) -> Maturity/Stability (Light)

  • The “negative” forces
    – Entropy (Fel) -> Decay (Death) -> Dissolution (Shadow)

Arcane creates, Life makes it grow, Light makes it strong and healthy, Fel damages and weakens, Death leads to its end and finally the Shadow consumes it so that the cycle can begin anew.

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Its nice to know that people still know what “subtlety” means these days.

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But it my interpretation it would be Life and Death are connected and feed off each other and reach equilibrium in Spirit.

Order and Disorder would be similar and would reach equilibrium in Fire since fire can be used to create or destroy.

Decay and Earth would still be the connecting points between Order and Death.

Water and Air would be the connecting points between Life and Disorder since Air is often depicted as free spirited and ungrounded which can be interpreted as a form of Disorder.

But I can see why they went with the whole Yin Yang thing.

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I have a suggestion for the thread, if the OP is still there we could update the original post adding the ideas and suggestions that we made over the months, because a lot of good ones were lost over time in the middle of this ocean of posts, while the original post is always there for anyone to see and read, especially newcomers.
Some weeks ago i did a small sum up of everything but it got lost over time and some stuff were lacking because i did it alone, if we can group all of the stable ideas from all of us into one comment we can add it to the original post and enrich it, also include more links and artworks that people from our community did like Talendrion.


Yay found it

"I can make a sum up of everything, this could be useful as a reminder too.

The Quel’dorei, Alliance High Elves.

Who they are: The High Elves of the Alliance are a race formed by many groups of High Elves aligned with the Alliance over Azeroth and Outland. They didn’t followed Kael’thas path, never took the name Blood Elf and never were corrupted by fel.
The Dalaran High Elves are the largest population group of them, composed mainly by commoners and mages. The Silver Covenant is a military group of High Elves that have a district of Dalaran as their operational center, the Silver Covenant also serves as mediator to reunite the High Elves when a military effort is required.
The Allerian Stronghold is an Alliance settlement in Terokkar Forest build after the Second War by High Elves from Quel’thalas that volunteered to fight with the Alliance all the way to Draenor. They were led by Alleria herself, but she was lost when Draenor was destroyed and became Outland.
The Kalimdor High Elves are a group of elves that followed Jaina into that continent after the downfall of Lordaeron to the Scourge. They fought at the Battle of Mount Hyjal and mostly used to work for Theramore while some of them developed good relations with the Night Elves.
There are also High Elves from lodges around the Eastern Kingdoms, namely the Quel’Lithien, Quel’danil and Farstrider lodges. They are composed by more nature inclined High Elves and skilled Rangers.
Their possible classes:
Warrior: They are not a common class of the High Elves, but High Elves make agile melee duelists, plus that all races in the game can be warriors.
Paladin: Some High Elves dedicated their faith to the Light and trained to be Paladins in the same way Humans and Dwarves did. Arator the Redeemer is a good example.
Hunter: High Elven Rangers are the most iconic figures of the race, plus that all of the races in the game can roll Hunters.
Rogue: Like other Elves, High Elves are skilled in stealth and can be effective spies. It’s not a example of a class that High Elves cannot be.
Monk: Just like other races they are able to take the way of the monk with good training.
Mage: High Elves are excellent mages, especially in the school of Frost, no wonder that they train other races of the Alliance to become mages.
Priest: The High Elves are skilled spellcalsters and are known for their Priests, they also didn’t lost their connection to the Light the same way the Blood Elves did.
Debatable classes:
Death Knight: All Thalassian Death Knights chose the name of Blood Elves and hold their loyalty to the Horde over the Alliance.
Demon Hunter: Only Night Elves and Blood Elves trained to became this class. And no Allied Races are allowed to be Heroic classes.
Warlock: High Elves refused the use of dark energies such as fel and shadow, some of them were exiled from Quel’thalas for that reason.
Shaman: Lorewise they didn’t exist, but it was suggested that they could learn the ways of shamanisn from the Wildhammer Dwarves.
Druid: High Elves are more inclined to nature than the Blood Elves, they can learn druidism from their Night Elven cousins.

Their visuals and customization options:

Eyes: Their blue eyes are their most iconic visual trait, there’s also the possibility of violet colored eyes. None of those should be glowing.
Hair: They can use different hair from the Blood Elves that reflect their ways and visual preferences, such as simpler and more practical hair styles with braids and such. They can also use some of the hair styles that Void Elves have but without tentacles. About the hair colors, they can range from Black to White, Blonde to Golden and Brown, Silver to Light Blue.
Skin: It can range from Brown to White, with possibilities to add blue Tattoos (just like those that Alleria use) and Arcane markings and more muscular builds than the Blood Elves.
Features: Beards and facial hair for the males and Silver earrings with sapphires for the females.
Add Half Human features such as options for shorter ears and beards and you can have a good amount of customization for them. All of that can visually set them apart from the Blood Elves without requiring a new model or anything exaggerated."

I myself would make a lot of edits on it.


I think that’s a pretty good start!

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This kind of goes back to the Wiki Drede and I were talking about making. We should make a Wiki post, put our resources there and our things in there and bookmark it.


If we can add those to the OP too it would be nice.


I wish I could do it. But unfortunately I’m at peak load right now. One week between pathology exams and two huge projects due. It’s crunch time.

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TBH I worry about taking the activity away from the boards in that it removes the focus away from here - people will post more on the wiki, thereby making this less active.

It also makes things more rigid - simply by way of making articles about information, even if the site had open access (which it couldn’t, since apparently even a discord channel can’t happen without trolls coming in and breaking things), just the act of posting solid articles of information makes them more resistant to change.

Like, yes, this thread is a mess and there’s a LOT of posts to sift through, but at least the discussion remains fluid.

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We were talking about a WoW forums wiki post.

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Oh, right, that’s a thing now, of course.>.<

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guys. Mariana’s trench is doing a liverelease party playing their album early.

I’m in heaven. This probably isn’t applicable to anyone. But I’ll link it anyways.

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How this WoW forums Wiki thing works?

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Brown? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.


Messed up that post so I decided to start over…

For the wiki post

----Links about the request for High Elves----
----Blue Quotes about High Elves----
----Fanart for High Elves—
----Discredits against arguments against High Elves----
----Why they are relevant.----

I got one like this

General Concepts
-Tattoos/Warpaint like Alleria.
-Different Hair/Facial hair styles (Less fancy) with Blue/White hair colors and no red hair color.
-Blue Eyes/Purple Eyes. (Duh!)
-Dark Skin options (Like Devi)

Possible Additions/Alterations/Options-
-Some Short Eared/Eyebrowed versions for Half Elves.
-Different idle stances. Like between Female Night Elves/Nightborne.
-Slightly different physique. Possibly buffer/metier than the average Blood Elf because they mostly live in the forest and/or highly Militarised. About as different as Nightborne males from Night Elf males or less so. Or based on Night Elf models.
-More practical building designs. Like altered versions of the Lodges. (Like the WC2 Lumber Mill.) Or just dalaran.
-Celtic themes to tie it all together. (Like in WC2)
-Woodsmen themed Heritage Armor. (Like in WC2…)

Posible Classes-
-Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest. Highly likely.
-Rogue, Paladin, Monk. Likely.
-Shaman, Druid. Unlikely but possible with new lore additions.
-Warlock. Highly Unlikely. (We have one NPC who might not even be a Warlock)
-Death Knight, Demon Hunter. Straight up no because no Allied Races get hero classes. (Death Knight might be possible in the future.)

At a curtain trust level you can make it into a wiki post and people can edit it.