The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Though this conversation is a bit out of place.

Reinhardt isn’t overweight. Dude is just jacked and in giant armor.

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Its a shame Regular Humans still don’t have his Looks. Nor his Face, Beard, and Hair.

Plus not even that Scar too…


Can we have Blizzard pin this to the top? That way it would remain more relevant and more easier for people to see since apparently this is a very active thread.

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Man… people need to give this a rest already. Want one? Play horde


The thing is though, they are not referring to Blood Elves. They are referring to Silver Covenant High Elves. If you ever played Alliance, you would encounter them some time in your playthrough. They are ultra-fanatic high elves and they are very alliance-leaning. They even almost wiped out their own kin in Dalaran when jaina ordered them to remove the blood elves from the city due to treason and spying. They are very fanatical alliance leaning high elves. And that’s one of the reasons why I think Alliance players love them and want them playable, because their history proves they have always been pro-Alliance. They were ready to kill their own kin in the Dalaran incident lol so that shows how fanatic they are in the cause for the Alliance. I personally like them and I’d prefer them over Void Elves any day.

I’d best describe them as ultra-conservative, fanatic, zealous High Elves of the Alliance.


The Horde don’t have the already Alliance allied High Elves we want to play.


I mean, to be fair, Even Elenedhel doesn’t have hair that fabulous.


Checklist for Alliance High Elf.

Stayed with the Alliance.
Never widely used Fel.
Never Syphoned Mana from living things.
Didn’t join the Horde.
Not called Blood Elf or Void Elf.


Stopped using magic entirely = no mages or warlocks - Likely Druids or Shamans
Collectively have the Dwarf Friend trait!

Almost only used magic! - have likely lived off of arcane magical devices in Dalaran
Alliance Vanguard!
Killed the Sunreavers!
Got a lightning staff thingy in Panderia!
Fought in Suramar just so the Nightborne could join the Horde.

Allerian Hold:
Even Earlier Alliance Vanguard!
Went on a Suicide Mission! - Survived!
Used Draenei vessels of stored magical power rather than fed off demons!
Ranger Society!


That bit is a huge difference for me personally.


Checklist for Horde Blood Elf

Joined the Horde
Suffering from fel contamination
Will tap just about anything for a good mana fix
Left the Alliance
Not called a High Elf… well unless you are talking about the ones partying In Eversong Woods. Drinking Arcwine, smoking Blood Thistle, and snorting mana crystals, I can assure you them be some very High Elves. :rofl:

So as you can plainly see, High Elves and Blood Elves are not the same.


Hopping back to this post I made for a moment, but I’ve actually been able to explore this a bit more in-depth.

https:/ /

This is a Blood Elf model with a ‘reskin’ to have cooler tones. Though I use the term reskin very loosely because (aside from the eyes obviously) the actual texture work done is nothing but changing the colour balance by shifting the shadows heavily towards blue and cyan, the midtones slightly towards red and yellow, and the highlights slightly towards blue and cyan again.

I’ve changed nothing else at this point. For reference sake, the skin texture used is the palest Blood Elf complexion. I also used a slightly yellow light on the model to simulate in-game sunlight. So basically this is about as pale as the Belf model gets unless you’re in a bluelit area.

So the High Elf model is the same. skinwise, but with the colour balance shifted toward blue tones. Is it that drastic a difference in reality? On its own, probably not, yet even just by doing something this basic, you can already begin to differentiate between the two models pretty clearly. The High Elf already has a different vibe about it, because it’s suddenly using cool tones instead of warm ones.

What happens next if I rework the skin texture properly? How about if I add tattoos? Or a new hairstyle? Or a new pose?

Well, that’s what I plan to investigate.

*Also please note that the above linked image is for demonstrative and research purposes only, and I’m not sure what Blizzard’s policy is on reskinning one of their models for the sake of a development discussion; if this is in violation of some rule then let me know ASAP since obviously I don’t want this thread to be shut down or anything.


You know, it seems like void elf idenity is supposed to be tied into that of the blood elves. Check out the two races music.


Only Thalassian Elf that is taking away from Blood Elves is Void Elves.

Checklist for already Alliance Blood Elves.

Once Horde.
Still uses Fel but also Void.
Still has the same Theme of Blood Elves.
Syphoned Mana from Living Things.
Uses Necro Powers to raise up set living things.
Not Called High Elves or call themselves Quel’dorei.

Only thing that makes them any different is just being Blue/Purple.

Other then just those 2 things about Void Elves. They’re nothing like the High Elves at all. Just the same Thalassian Blood Elves who are Blueberries.


It bears repeating since some folks still don’t seem to realize it.

EVERYONE can post links. You don’t have to put spaces or other annoyances to post a link.

All you have to do (if your trust level isn’t high enough) is to highlight your link and hit the little </> icon next to the quote icon.

Here’s what it looks like:

(that’s just a pic of some of my mage outfits >_>)

That makes it way less annoying to try and see any links you post than trying to figure out where you put a space >_<


Nice transmogs!

I’ve yet to understand why they haven’t fixed the Silver Covenant guard’s shoulders. They’re red when they’re supposed to be blue- just like in your second row second picture set. A lot of High Elves in the Alliance use those shoulders (Like the 7th legion battle mages and Shield mages) but Blizzard keeps giving them the red colored version.



It seems like some of the Silver Covenant NPC’s are using the Tier 5 shoulders (which are red) instead of the pvp recolor (which are blue). Probably just an oversight they never bothered to fix.


Yeah, I just checked Wowhead. All these NPC’s started with the blue PVP shoulders and at a certain point they were changed to the red Tier 5. They never bothered to fix them- but continued to ADD High elf NPC’s with this mismatched armor over the next several expansions.

Funny how a mistake becomes the “new norm.”


actually I think it is to contrast the rest of their armor.

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