The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

N’Zoth knows there’s a whole lotta land and storylines in need of updating

And I can’t bear to look at Cata’s garbage anymore, get those out-of-place cyclones and volcanoes and fissures outta here.

If they can’t even do that, what is the Earthen Ring even good for?

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2 crappy Allied Races and only one good One that made the Druid Class more Fun and exciting again. Only thing that sucks is the no Kul’tiran Paladin Class in which I was really looking forward to creating more Kul’tiran Characters Plus a Paladin but sadly Blizzard doesn’t want the Iconic theme of the Human Race within the Alliance Faction known as Paladins. Because who needs Reinhardts when there are alot of players like myself that wanted to be a Old Paladin Knight than a Skinny Buff Anime Guy in the first place.

If there’s anything this game doesn’t need more of, it’s human male paladins.

That and more elves.

Also, I have no idea how you could consider current male humans skinny.

Imagine how the world would feel after BfA.

They could do a 10 year timeskip, and we meet a world that changed in ways we can only imagine!

You move to Tirisfal Glades and there’s… the Kingdom of Lordaeron, a place of Light and worship.

We explore Ashenvale and have to fight off Saberon tribes and Botani enclaves.

We move into Myst Isles, only to find the ruins of the Exodar and the new towns of the various Mag’har clans.

We explore the Argent Lands, once known as the Plaguelands.

The possibilities are limitless.

Those things are popular. I have no reason to be against kul tiran paladins. They would even look like Garithos, lol!


To be fair, this game only needs two more elves. High Elves and San’layn.


Good thing they’ve been around since the beggining, huh.

All I want is Gilneas.

Even Sylvanas talks about how it’d be weird to reclaim Teldrassil before Gilneas.


Because One: Current Humans of today like Kul’tiran and Worgen really don’t have any Paladin Class Meanwhile there’s already 2 Allied Races with the Paladin Class like Dark Irons and Lightforged.

Two: People like myself are already bored with the regular humans since They don’t have the Customization Options like the Kul’tirans to be Reinhardt.

Three: Playing a Regular Human Paladin as a Old Man doesn’t have that feeling since they’re not Buff and Giant like, like Reinhardt and don’t have the options of him and other Old Knights from RPGS as well.

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I think you’re playing the wrong game.

“Reinhardt” isn’t a Warcraft fantasy, or even generic high fantasy type.


I think that ship has sailed. They really brilliantly designed the art style so that it would age well. Obviously they’ve updated things, but at the end of the day it was their choice of art style that makes this game playable fourteen years later.

WoW was incredibly, incredibly good.

But the thing is that everybody can play WoW and learn from it. I wonder how many game developers today grew up having played WoW?

But it’s got a pay wall - This wasn’t strange when WoW came out. But it’s a pretty unique feature these days and it’s always going to limit the playerbase.

The market just wasn’t saturated like it is now back then. I began working at GameStop about three years before WoW came out and the amount of games that was coming out yearly was doubling and tripling.

Now WoW is competing for market share against free to play massively multiplayer online games created by people who grew up playing this thing.

I think it’s current position is pretty nebulous. That’s not me saying it’ll die. People are still playing Ultima Online. (I just looked it up. I guess it’s going free to play.)

So World of Warcraft, unless they shut it down while it’s still incredibly profitable, will be around forever.

But when do you overhaul everything and when do you just start over?


Glances at Uther’s tomb.


Hey man, Diablo and Warcraft both have StarCraft pets.

If it’s in the WoW Universe it’s fair game.

Nova the Ghost from StarCraft is a Blood Elf. There is definitely some mixing of the fantasies… The Lightforged Draenei mix up their homeworld and the Protoss one in their /sillies.

Ultima Online was so good. I started playing that during Renaissance.

I hope I live to see a proper WoW 2 or major restart. So many things limiting WoW come back to its dated spahgetti code of an engine.

As for Reinhardt, they can’t even let pallies swing around his hammer as Ret. Silly in-jokes and references don’t make them fair fame fantasies they need to provide just because they own the IPs.

Jay Wilson’s intent on Diablo-izing Warcraft were mostly negatives, not positives. I’d rather they get this franchise right and pull in concepts from other IP only where completely needed.

I remember thinking I’d never play an MMO like everquest back when everquest was big, obviously I was incorrect.

But ironically I’d already played Ultima Online by that point… Though I was crazy young at that point.

Tell that to the Blood Elf Nova Rogue, Lightforged Protoss, Diablo Monster Cows, and etc who has been within the Warcraft Universe.

Heck Warcraft is already within the Overwatch Universe as well.


Are you really trying to narrow down the fantasy of a setting that has knights in shining armor, walrus men, machine guns and freaking magical space ships?


Everquest was also good.

Being able to backstab as a Rogue with a 2 handed Harpoon or Spear just because weapons were categorized by what they did (Slashing, Piercing, etc) was just so cool.


No, I’m saying asking to emulate an Overwatch character and using that as a legitmate basis for a complaint about class options in Wacraft is, plainly, stupid and a bad precedent.

Why does big, bad Lydon have to be the only one to call out these things.

I don’t judge what people envision their characters as. Human paladins make sense, I see no reason to deny it to players. Why can’t a paladin be fat?


Yea or a Giant Crusader in general other than being just a Skinny same old Human Male Paladin who doesn’t have Old Man Features or other different kinds of options for Humans/Kul’tirans in General.

https:/ /

I mean tbh I don’t even know why we’re arguing this point, but this reminds me of the Warcraft 3 Paladin hero a lot. /shrug