The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Because in order to “recruit” High elves, you need more than just their fighters. You need their civilians.

I’m going to say a Void Elf is a little more intimate and proficient with the Void than any old Shadow priest, player character notwithstanding.

Also, what brought up Void Elves needing…infrastructure of all things? They are bumming off Stormwind just like High Elves and now Night Elves do. I can’t think what would nessecitate something as pointless as one’s own tailors, fruit vendors, etc. when your rift is connected to the heart of the Alliance.

It’s just a variation on my real name that I use across multiple games. But I do remember that old movie!


Like I said, it was a discussion I didn’t agree with.

As for Void Elves possibly being more powerful in wielding the Void, is that really such a great thing considering the costs? That’s my issue. The Benefits do not outweigh the cost, especially as we’re not explicitly told what the benefits are to begin with.

I imagine a High Elf Shadow Priest might be more interested in power than morals, but that already speaks pretty poorly to their state of mind. You have to wonder if any elves seeking to become Void Elves haven’t lost their battle with the Whispers before it even began.


Yeah, and the price is schizophrenia, mental instability, and being shunned by people. Doesn’t sound worth it.

Like, what big advantage does the Void provide over other sources of power? What does it have that no other can offer with infinitely less risks?

Is it really worth to get more power at the risk of no longer being in control of yourself?


And it has to be unique to the Void Elves as a race, as in, no Shadow Priest can replicate or obtain this thing Void Elves can do with the Void, no matter how much they study and train.


That’s been my point too.

It’s just not worth it to become a physically unstable and mentally unstable creature for power. Not many people are going to want to make that choice and the ones who do are going to be pretty suspect.


I know the discussion has moved on since this post was made, but I just want to hop back to it for a second.

As much as I’d love one - and god knows the levelling experience is atrocious so an overhaul to the starting continents and the levelling experience would be welcome, especially given that with the new level adjustments it frees them up a lot in terms of making the level progression relevant to veterans and new players alike - I honestly don’t think Blizzard are devoting the resources to WoW in order to make something as big as a world revamp happen again.

That being said, I also think that the various current devs in leadership roles believe that they have to introduce new regions/islands/whatever every expansion, so I think that puts major constraints on what time and money they have to dedicate to updating the mainland zones as well.

If it were up to me, I’d bring the story back to the mainlands and make the levelling experience working through story content contained within that scales to your level, allowing new and veteran members alike the opportunity to play through the story content. Then, lower level characters can go off to another zone to continue their levelling experience, while the players who have reached cap start doing world quests across the two continent - maybe each player picks a continent at the start of the week to do World Quests in, and each player’s choice and completed World Quest would then go towards filling a resource bar for a warzone type weekly scenario or something?


You do realize that this whole conversation, now has me picturing this. A group of Void Elves going up and down the streets with a wagon, that has a large cage on the back. Ringing a bell and shouting. We’re here fo your crazies, bring out your insane. ding, ding, ding.

Also if they want to recruit, why can’t they recruit other races?


Ion’s recent interview Nyshant has linked previously touches on their thoughts of updating the old world.

It basically comes down to not wanting to spend resorces that could be used on the older zones at the expense of new content or experiences.

That said, as we’ve seen with zones like Arathi and Darkshore, they “Are always looking for an excuse” to work on the older zones if they find they can be a place for current content.


Well, that’s just another problem with Void Elves, isn’t it? There really isn’t a reason any other race couldn’t become Void-Race. Void Orcs, Void Gnomes, Void Draenei, etc… We’ve even seen some of these, on Argus, or the Pale Orcs in WoD.


more reasons why this should have been a class all along.


Oh I know, I’m just saying revamping the mainland could still work due to the new adaptive levelling thing they’re doing these days.

You don’t have to build a zone for a level range anymore - you can just build it and say ‘here you go, this is the most recent story content, you can play it before or after the old content, it’s your call.’


On this: aside from the absurd logistics involved in making multiple races within one, it would be an unfair amount of work on what I already consider the most worked on Allied Race (until Kul’Tirans, I guess).

That said, I could have easily seen them go with Void Elves/Void Broken, and in terms of multiple races within one, that’s something Forsaken have asked for ages, as the undead plague affected more than just Lordaeron’s humans.


It’s not clear that other races are as cosmologically unstable as Elves are.

The majority of races on Azeroth were created by the Watchers which are creatures of Order… so it would be more difficult for them to interact with the forces of chaos (Shadow)

Elves are kind of unique (though so are the Tauren!) in so far as they interact with the well of eternity and change and since then are really reactive to cosmology.

It would be a bit of work, that’s why I have to somewhat agree with Fliktarg. Void should of been a class open to all, and not a race restricted to the shorter Elves.

Also the whole Alleria, Sunwell debacle threw me off. I mean there must have been Blood Elf shadow Priests, and Priestesses, practicing and using void around the Sunwell. Why didn’t the void try and possess the Sunwell through one of them. Also now that Void is bad, does that mean Shadow priests and Priestesses have been exiled from Quel’Thalas? It would make sense lore wise In my opinion.


I think they’re shooting against their own foots about this matter. Because the old world is pretty much the first thing new players see, and it looks like PS2 graphics at best. I’ve meet some people that haven’t passed the trial because they said this game looks outdated, never stepping in newer expansions.

I think they can make a time skip and shape each continent for each faction changing it completely, and the max level content being in stablishing footholds in the opposite faction continent.

If they never update the old world again, I think we’ll never see WoW climbing again.


We already have those. Shadow Priest, Subtlety Rogue, and to a lesser degree, Warlock.

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I think updating the old world is something they can’t avoid forever, and each expansion makes it more likely to happen.

The leveling experience is essential to grab newcomers, and the game needs to reinvent itself for new audiences over time.

I think they should make an expansion that is a quasi-WoW 2: no new continents: Kalimdor and EK are entirely renewed. This should not be a revamp: they are essentially new content, with the option to timewalk to the old ones (different servers), but that is optional.

Players should be able to level up entirely on the new versions, from level 1 to whatever is max. The racial areas should be for leveling, while other areas are for expansion content. The former would get some story questlines and lots of Bonus Objectives (like in WoD), making leveling quick and simple.

I think such a framework could be successful, and used to both renew the game for new players and provide new content for the old ones. They could seize opportunity to pick up lots of dangling plot lines and even finally bring Quel’thalas/Myst Isles to the new continents.

Here’s an old theory of mine. I started to see this pattern during MoP, when the devs said they were trying to get the vibe of exploration of new lands like in Classic WoW. Then WoD and Legion came and felt like a repeat of the pre-MoP cycle of expansions.

Expansions work in a cycle that goes along more or less this:

  • Exploration and Wonder: Visit new lands, meet new races, lots of new lore
  • Travel to another world: Visit an alien world, where great dangers await, in order to keep Azeroth safe
  • Fight an old foe: This is the big battle against the big bad that has been threatening Azeroth for a long time, built up over past expansions or games. It’s reckoning time!
  • Destruction and Renewal: The world as we know it changes, opening up new possibilities. It ends the cycle so it can begin anew

Now look at that pattern in what we got:

First Cycle

  • Classic: Exploration and wonder
  • TBC: Travel to another world
  • WotLK: Fight an old foe
  • Cataclysm: Destruction and renewal

Second Cycle

  • MoP: Exploration and wonder
  • WoD: Travel to another world
  • Legion: Fight an old foe
  • BfA: Destruction and renewal

So, I’d guess we will get Exploration and Wonder again. Either a new, previously unknown continent, or maybe the aforementioned “WoW 2” expansion, in which we are seeing how BfA changed the landscape of the renewed world.

Then later we will probably meet a new world. Maybe it’s finally the Void expansion? Or we go to K’aresh? I don’t know.

Then, we fight an old foe. Maybe this is the Void expansion, instead of the above? Or maybe it’s the Lich King again, or other foe that is yet to be introduced but would be built up over the past expansions.

Just some wild guesses for the future…