The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

On the topic of draenei I believe they really should expand their azeroth society. Their isles should be properly built up. While the light would have a prominent role for them like always they could reclaim their arcane heritage like they had on draenor. They could build observatories. They could construct new defense pylons around the island. We could also see a resurgence in the artificers and the rangari.

and beyond the isles there are towns that could be built such as an expansion of the one in swamp of sorrows and the ruins in ashenvale that was granted to them by the night elves to build a new settlement.

also seeing as the exodar should receive a port like the one karabor had I would like to see draenei trading ships made.


I supposed it was the Fel radiation on argus that had those effects on them, or maybe the sudden destruction of their world cut them from the Arcane magic, which was a central part of the ancient Draenei society on Argus. The Outland Broken it was the Red Mist, my short memory made me forgot about those details from the Unbroken story.

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Considering Draenei settlers moved into the Hinterlands and are at the Quel’Danil Lodge, I wouldn’t mind seeing them build up a settlement out there to be honest. Take that one Troll Altar west of Jintha’Alor, and make it into an Observatory, for example. Maybe take that area that has three of those pyramid shrines to Shadra and make a proper settlement there.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the Draenei build over the Dalaran Crater, either. With their knowledge of magic they should be able to regulate the magic in the area and make it safe again.

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I tend to agree. Draeni have been on Azeroth for years and they still feel like cast always who have washed up on shore. They pitch in with Alliance ok events but they still seem Alien to Azeroth as a whole. Compare this to say the Orcs who are just as alien but have spread far and wide, setting up settlements with varying cultures.

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the dalaran crater personally I believe should be reclaimed by dalaran. They have been trying for a while now to repair the area.

Just put dalaran back in the ground as an alliance city. No more need for flying neutral hubs.


As much as I would like this, I’d also be open to seeing it be a Draenei city. I’d just like something done with it.


As much as blizzard says they don’t have time to focus on the old world and update it I really believe they should. There is no reason why it can’t just be used more often in current content with an updated phase of the zones to reflect what has changed.

They have started this with warfronts and they need to finish this.


Add that to my wishlist, AU Shadowmoon Valley and Talador are among my favorite zones and their visuals make up for most of it, Azuremyst is gorgeous even with 2007 graphics, imagine it with the modern settings and WoD Draenei building assets. Too bad it probably will never happen because Blizzard only does this kind of thing when it suits new content, and it would take a lot of work to do it, especially because it’s a no-fly zone in the same build than Outland.


A problem with warfront zones is that they are reworked for the Warfront itself function on them (i think the Darkshore revamp is underwhelming being honest, it’s mostly retextures and the place still look ruined and shattered by Deathwing), and sadly they cannot be “transfered” to low level content, but they can if the devs rework them specifically to suit leveling, they did that in Cataclysm, they can do that again with new graphics included, but it is unlikely, the Cataclysm revamp happened to allow flying in the old world and adapt the old zones to the more fast paced leveling of modern World of Warcraft.
I don’t know if the devs foresee a good motivation to do it, perhaps to attract new players and boolser time metrics by having people leveling again in renewed zones?


Personally I don’t want them to be designed for leveling players. I don’t want new questlines added for each zone.

I want them updated to reflect past events and to now be stable and secure due to the actions of the player. They could add in world quests to kill groups of mobs or rares similar to darkshore and arathi but I do not want new zone questlines. However I do want them to be incorporated into new questlines that have us travel around the world to do things.

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Honestly though, we need a revamp including a 1-Max leveling experience. The 1-60 experience is so massively disjointed now. I mean, the Horde has had THREE Warchiefs since the original revamp, and starting off 1-60 at war when we’re not actually at war is confusing. Toss in Outland/Northrend and Cataclysm/MoP choices and it’s clear that the leveling experience is a monumental mess as far as story goes.

Revamping Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms to provide a smooth and flawless 1-120 experience that is also kept timeless is quite honestly the best way to go at this point. It’ll be a chance to build up the factions and better define them. Give each their own continent.


And ultimately, this is probably the more lore-friendly approach anyways.

It would illustrate that Blood Elves are quite willing to inundate themselves in whichever magical energies they find to be socially permissible, more-or-less cementing them as being the group which is culturally obsessed with magic; while it would simultaneously depict the High Elves as having elected to de-centralize and de-emphasize most extravagances, as it pertains to magic, allowing them to further separate from Blood Elves.

It’s like 100+ posts back, now, but this needs to be repeated at the end of every post. :slight_smile:


Maybe a mini holy Nova that heals nearby allies.


I think I would prefer character based story progression determining the state of the world around you.

So long as questlines are properly reflected once completely done I am okay with it.

I dont want another case of sentinel hill being on fire despite me having gone into the deadmines and destroyed the defias brotherhood.

On top of that they can also do as I suggested and have world quests for max level players. Not 110 or 120 but instead will always scale to the max level.


Yeah… that still bothers me. You’d think they’d have put those fires out a while ago. But every time I go there to help a friend out to run Deadmines… still on fire.

exactly. I really have a feeling an old world update will happen sometime soon. ALl of the human and orcish assets have now been made.

forsaken, goblins, and night elves have new textures to work with and in the case of forsaken and goblins some new assets. Night elves are practically on the level of orcs and humans with the full remakes of their buildings.

I suspect gnomes will come more from the mechagon stuff of 8.2 and I fully expect a barrens warfront in BFA to bring in new tauren and dwarf assets.

At that point they have practically everything needed to remake the world. Everything would have been made already for the most part and just needs to be placed.

I’m not sure how people would react to another world revamp. We do sorta need it for many zones as they’re pretty outdated. (Cataclysm was one of the worst expansions for me as well.) On the other hand, the last time they did a world revamp I remember a lot of players being pretty unhappy about it.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what they do.


The complaints from me would be how poorly done the Alliance’s content was in general. There were minimal changes to zones, and zones that did get changes were half memes and half losing to the Horde. Westfall read like Fanfiction from someone who loved the Defias storyline. This little girl super trained as a rogue outwits the SI:7 and destabilizes an entire zones on her own out of spite. Redridge was just one entire Rambo reference, which got insulting as an Alliance player when you’re told the people of Redridge spit on Second War veterans and called them, ‘Baby Orc Killers.’ Duskwood was at least spared from that and just got quests shuffled around.

But then you had anything relating to Night Elves being depressing and getting their teeth kicked in, and on the Eastern Kingdoms the Alliance player’s only real taste of faction conflict was Andorhal, which ended with, “Nice job, but we lose anyways. Go quest for neutrals.”


they were unhappy because blizzard tried to do a world revamp AND a new expansion on top of that. SO they made 5 zones and 3 opening raids. They have this weird idea where they must make new zones for every expansion to take place in. Honestly we should get an expansion that isn’t about going to new places.