The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Maybe she’s a death knight?

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Most Death Knight NPC’s have a unique voice set that makes them sound all “spooky-like.” She just uses regular blood elf NPC dialogue. No spoops.

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Also, can’t say I’ve seen a Death Knight among the Kirin Tor or one that wears cloth. She is an anomoly.

Around 0:30 seconds:

“…a different kind of transformation occurred within the Sunwell itself as a dying Naaru sacrificed it’s life essence to reignite the Sunwell into a fount of holy energy. Now the Blood Elf Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron, sees a new hope on the horizon for his people, overtime the Sunwell light could cure the Blood elves of their cursed state, but many cling to the arcane power they procured and are hesintant to reliquish them…”

I should have payed more attention to this, now I’m sure that the light energy is predominant within the Sunwell. The last setence is indirectly stating that arcane powers are not coming from the Sunwell anymore, and because of that, some Blood Elves are hesitant to relinquish the arcane powers.

This is the answer why Blood elves didn’t received glowing blue eyes alongside the golden ones, as we see in the previous sentence, that the Sunwell light could cure the Blood Elves curse.

Really insightful. It was literally in front of my eyes all this time…


According to The World of Warcraft chronicles, Fury of the Sunwell chapter. It states that the Sunwell is both Holy Light and Arcane Magic.

I’ve noticed over the past 12 years of playing the game that. What is considered canon inside of the game, doesn’t always match up to what is canon outside of the game. Which I find can be pretty confusing. With the way Blizzard is continuously retconning lore. It’s hard to say what the Sunwell really is.

I will say that I always wished Blizzard had given us a choice. It’s just a dumb dream that has always been in my head. I use to think it would be great if the Blood Elf starting quests began with Rommath and the Magisters returning from Outlands. They bring with them the knowledge and means necessary to use fel to rebuild Silvermoon. Along with the knowledge to sate their addiction by draining magic from mana bearing objects and creatures. This is when we are given the choice. Accept their teaching and way and remain Blood Elves. Refuse them get exiled from the city, reclaim your High Elven name and return to the Alliance. Of course as I said it was just dreaming on my behalf.


Especially because Blood Elf players would cry like toddlers.

I’d much rather have Sethrak, thanks.

They absolutely don’t look appealing… if anything, they look appalling.


I mean, I didn’t hate them, but… it’s still not a Mechagnome.

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Guess which race ends up playable…

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Yeah, I think the CDEVs wanted to take an entirely different direction with blood elves rather than just reverting to high elves, instead they are slowly becoming a different race and people from what they once were. I think Ion was somewhat ignorant of this and took personal offense to the requests for high elves.


Yeah, I don’t know anyone who would want to make one. I think they would be a massive waste of time.


Personally, I like Gnomes (I like most Alliance races.) But Junker Gnomes just look hideous. Plus, how would their armor work? Their arms and legs are completely robotic and have a unique mesh that don’t work with existing armor models.


Sethrak make no sense going Alliance. The Horde does so much more for them, including bringing their Loa back. Not only that, but they’d be isolated on Zandalar, and targeted by the Horde, Vulpera, and Zandalari. Joining the Alliance would be one of the dumbest things they could do, and would come off as horrendously forced writing just to put them into a faction they have little reason to be in, in the first place.

I wouldn’t mind if Blood Elves got a new racial that reflected the Sunwell’s new state. Something like Gift of the Naaru perhaps, except restoring MP instead of HP.

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2 problems with this: First is that there is no evidence that Arcane can cleanse Fel or override it, while the “opposite” is very common. The only way you can get rid of the Fel is through the Light, and the process give you Goden Eyes.
Second is that there’s no evidence that you can simply choose wether you want the Light or the Arcane, and considering that the Light is a primordial force in the Universe, it’s most probable that it have more influence than the Arcane, and the decision to give Golden Eyes but not Blue Eyes goes in that direction.

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Actually, there is evidence of this. The Demons in the Black Temple who served Illidan during Burning Crusade were blue and had blue flames. This was because Illidan had provided them with a powerful font of arcane magic, a font so powerful that it freed them from their dependence on fel magic.

Of course, this particular fix won’t work for the Blood Elves, unfortunately. We know what happens when Thalassian Elves take in too much magic. They become Wretched. So, there isn’t a way for them to over-write the mark of either Fel or Light within them. At least, not so long as they’re addicted to magic, I imagine.

Bit of an unfortunate limitation for Thalassian Elves, unfortunately. Too much magic makes them Wretched. No wonder all the best mages in the world are Humans. Jaina can harness the power of Ra-Den, but if Rommath tried he’d end up a Wretched.


This is very eye oppening, people complain about Human mages being more powerful than elves but they never even bother to consider aspects like this or do some searching before, they just want to hate on them for every reason, they cannot accept the fact that Blood Elves are not the best on everything they do.


To be fair, personally, I think the Draenei should really have the world’s best Mages, or at the least, Archmage Y’mera should outclass any mortal mage on Azeroth by a long shot. She was studying magic before Argus was fled, after all. I can only imagine she hasn’t had the same opportunity to study and expand her knowledge of magic, and has had to use it instead. Even then, the Eredar of Argus had a flourishing society built on magic.

I’d love to see that explored further.

Anyways, there was a time I considered that the Sunwell somehow prevented people from becoming Wretched, that it regulated the metaphysical metabolism of Thalassians to ensure they didn’t suffer that fate, but unfortunately the Quel’Lithien Lodge in the Eastern Plaguelands proves that bit of headcanon to be false. The Sunwell was back and we knew they were affected by it’s return thanks to Lor’themar’s short story, and they still became Wretched.

I suppose it’s possible the artifact that came into their midst very specifically had the power to make them into Wretched. Personally I’d love to know who put it in their path, since that whole thing feels rather intentional. Still, if the artifact specifically could turn Thalassians into Wretched, I suppose the Sunwell could regulate the race enough not to worry.


Another thing i observed is that races that have some kind of supernatural characteristics, capabilities or that are naturally infused with cosmic energies also suffer more than “normal” races when they are affected by negative energies or are cut from a source of power, Draenei, which are naturally infused with Arcane (correct me if i’m wrong) devolve into Broken when struck with the polar oposite of the Arcane, fel, and Blood Elves and Nightborne devolve into Wretched and Withered when they are cut from their source of power or are overriden by it.

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The Broken/Lost Ones were a specific result of the Red Mist, though I don’t have an explanation for the change of the Krokul, so you’re not wrong. I imagine more races with a strong magical connection share this issue.

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The Arcane side of the Draenei society is criminally underused, i totally agree that they should make the best mages in Azeroth by a wide margin, they can live for the longest amount any race can and had a advanced society based on magic way before any modern race in Azeroth came to be, no wonder why Sargeras chose them. They not only can harness Arcane with ease but also combine magic with technology and empower crystals.