The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

While it has been established that elves have a connection to the Sunwell no matter the distance, the ways they explore their connection vary. For instance, the farstrider suffered a lot less from withdrawal than other blood elves, probably because they’d not actively draw power from the Sunwell. We can surmise high elves are also less actively dependant of the Sunwell’s power, while it still flows through them.


High Elves didn’t all actively drain the Sunwell. It similarly radiated out and bathed them in arcane magic. Even non magic users, craftsmen, farmers, found they had become dependent on its passive energies.

While it’s unclear if the new Sunwell requires a connection that has to be restored, or something it reaches out and passively infuses, has yet to be fully delved into.

I just wanna know what do you think, it’s not a hard question.

Why are you so afraid to answer?

There are people that are going to be like that with any race.

There are people like that with Vulpra… Shivers

Well. Most of my suggestions would make them less ‘mainstream attractive’ but eye of the beholder and all that.

Simple really, it WAS canonical that they where feeding off Fel but they retconned it and we’re dealing with the fallout.

You can still even see a Blood Elf Magister drawing energy from the Fel Crystals near the entrance.

But if you want a headcanon you can say the Fel Crystals are highly concentrated and Silvermoon has every building empowered by magic in some way.

Blood Elves learned Mana Tap from Illidan and that made their hunger grow worse and worse to the point many where becoming wretched.

Blood Elves where never “Cured” of their addiction. They just got an infinite source of (healthy?) juice.

High Elves never learned to suck magic from creatures and had to go cold turkey or wean it off by feeding off artifacts during rough spots.

Also non magic users suffered far less from withdrawal and the only mage ones are in Dalaran/Stormwind where they had other sources.

Fun Fact. Dalaran seems to have more purple eyed High Elves and I like to Headcanon that Drawing off of magical objects is where that comes from.

It changes depending on who is writing.


In the Shadow of the Sun implies the connection is automatic. Aurora Skycaller felt the pangs of addiction waning despite not knowing the Sunwell had been restored.

The Sunwell was not only used for personal power, but to power everything in Silvermoon.

This was the reason the blood elves used fel crystals: as a substitute power source to restore Silvermoon. The elves didn’t use the fel for feeding, they used mana tap for that instead.

So, elves in Silvermoon feel the power of the Sunwell all around themselves all the time. It’s like being immersed in power all the time. Elves living alway (like the farstriders) wouldn’t feel the power of the Sunwell so strong around them.


This is false. 9/10 of the Survivors of the Fall of Quel’Thalas are Blood Elves. The other 1% were exiled for refusing to drain magic, and the rest of the High Elves who weren’t in Quel’Thalas at all for it’s fall, aren’t accounted for in the statistic you keep citing.

“Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population.”

So, no, 9/10 High Elves did not become Blood Elves.

How does it make sense to have thousands of player Alliance Void Elves running around?


Yeah. I think that the art for Blood Elves makes it pretty obviously they wanted them to be heinous. Even the CG from Burning Crusade had a probably evil sorceress in it.

They’ve just been walking that back because people didn’t like it.

Have a good night guys.


How does it make sense to have thousands of player Lightforged running around?


To be clear: Mana Tap didn’t make our hunger grow worse. Some simply weren’t used to self regulating a sudden giant urge for mana that had been bathing us until then, and over-indulged.

I also wouldn’t say either High nor Blood Elves were “cured”. High Elves aren’t shown making pilgrimages to the newly restored Sunwell, into what under other circumstances would be enemy territory, for fun. They’re seeking to restore this connection and sate their addiction as well.

High Elves are still incredibly susceptible to magic (as the Quel’lithien Lodge Elves showed), and like all elf-kind have some incredibly volatile genetics regarding magical exposure.

As for Dalaran, I’m not sure why some High Elves have regular, non glowing blue eyes (closer to cyan IMO for the males) and some have glowing. Rachele is a High Elf sitting in the middle of the Legerdemain Lounge with glowing blue eyes akin to a Death Knight, yet has Blood Elf voice lines. She’s also a Friends reference.

I wouldn’t say it was “walked it back”. The Blood Elf storyline is one of redemption. Taking a dangerous path to power through heinous means, and the player realizing that they have to save the soul of our people by overthrowing Kael’thas and the Legion masters he now serves. We redeem our people by the end of TBC and move forward in a not as severe way with newfound power and the wisdom to do right by it.

According to chronicles it made the hunger become worse the more it was used.

Anyone have an exact quote?

I don’t think there’s any source that says you have to go to the Sunwell to be connected to it.

They are an NPC race and have limited options to select from. It’s basically up to the whims of the level designers.


That “Death Knight” thing they occasionally do I’m pretty sure is a mistake. They’ve done it a couple of times. Mona Everspring off the top of my head. (They gave her a regular model in a later patch) I’d have to look at Wowpedia for other examples.


I have Chronicle at home. I’ll rifle through it when I’m back. Don’t remember that particular musing on Mana Tap, but I’ll trust you here. I’m going off how it was presented in game through the quests.

For an NPC added in Legion, it seems like a very recent ‘mistake’ to be making.

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Indeed. People often try to explain the magic addiction effects like some special supernatural condition, but it’s just like drug addiction. The elves do not need magic to survive, but are so used to it they feel the need for that sensation of power. Wretched are just like crack addicts: elves that became to addicted to magic that they overabuse it while ignoring their real bodily needs.

I don’t like to use Quel’lithien elves as an example because so far everything points out to exceptional circunstances. Not even blood elves would turn into wretched overnight, except, for instance, the ones that were cursed by the Crystal of Zin-malor (which is why I think the crystal may be involved in the Quel’lithien incident).

High elves, like farstriders, should feel less need for magic. But they are still addicted to it. The highvale elves stopped using magic completely so they’d not expose themselves to the addiction anymore.

I think it’s the developers not caring. There are high elves with non-glowing eyes, high elves with blue eyes but green glow (because the devs forgot to turn off the glow, it’s not auto-turned off with the high elf skin. Dark rangers also had this problem before their skin was redone for BfA), and high elves using DK faces (thus with the DK glow).

I don’t think there’s anything to explain that but dev laziness. All elves pre-WoD didn’t have eye glow. After that, devs began to be creative, and most high elves get either the green or DK glow, except those whose models were copied from pre-WoD NPCs. This will probably only be fixed if/when devs change the high elf skins to auto-remove the glow like they did with the Dark Rangers.

(I think the DK eyes are also devs being lazy and not wanting to remove the green glow by hand).

As comparison, high elf story is one of self-control and restrain. The blood elves fell into desperation, sacrificed their morals and had to regain them. The high elves refused to sacrifice their morals and were punished for it. If they became playable, I think the fitting theme would be of a race that is trying to reclaim its place in the world after losing everything.


Wording might be important on this one.

It might be some combination of the two.

Don’t use it too much or you become a wretched was the jist of it.

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I think it’s because of the allusion to real world addiction. It’s like the guy that needs to snuff some drug all the time, end up losing their job, then friends, then stop eating, all because he needs to be having his fix every time.

Drugs are dangerous, a lot of people who use them end up losing control. Magic is treated like that for elves. And mana tap is treated like a very strong drug.


Actually, the mistake was made during WoTLK. She was fine in Legion. Look her up on Wowhead and look at the screenshots.

She’s in Dalaran, so there’s two different versions of her. It was the WoTLK version that had the DK skin and was fixed later. The Legion version never had an issue.

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The one is Legion Dalaran is there, right now, with glowy blue eyes. I saw it like, last night while leveling.

I’m logged on and staring at her right now. No glowing eyes. Normal high elf skin.

…Are we talking about the same NPC? Mona Everspring?

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No, Rachele. She’s sitting in the Legerdemain Lounge in Dalaran, where Karam Magespear is.

OH, I see! Miscommunication there! Yeah, I dunno whats up with that NPC.

She’s an… anomaly. The city is full of High Elves with proper eye colors and voices, and Blood Elves with proper eye colors and voices… and she’s got a DK skin with a blood elf voice. I guess since she’s a reference they wanted to make her… unique?

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