The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

All you do is pointing fingers at High Elf supporters and starting dramas. Never add something productive to the discussion, never pose an argument, and then you are surprised on how people don’t like to take you serious.


No I don’t have to do anything.

YOU have to do something… namely stop acting badly in this topic just because people in the discord treated you badly. I can’t control other people. Neither can you. But you CAN control yourself. It’s that simple.

We are not obligated to be your posting punching bags just because someone else was mean to you. I don’t know any other way to say it. Act like an adult here, even if the people in the discord didn’t act like adults. Be the bigger person, turn the other cheek, etc.


I mean, it’s a medium that demands a fluidity and give to the story. It’s not the single player campaign experience from its RTS roots. It’s my story. And yours. And theirs. And the NPCs.

I don’t really blame Blizzard for retconning things if it allows them to deliver something interesting and cool. No writer wants to put unessecary constraints or walls on their world.

I’m not at all surprised or upset about things being retconned from WC3, either. It was a different storytelling medium. If they had stuck to Broken Isles and Suramar as being uprooted, sea stricken waterlogged ruins of 10,000 years, I’d have never gotten a true glimpse of ancient night elf architecture in Tomb of Sargeras, or Suramar, probably the most beautifully constructed city and enjoyable questing zone I’ve played in WoW’s history.

I’m also fairly certain I’ve never said High Elves couldn’t work. Blizzard obviously could do any number of things to add playable High Elves next patch and call it a day. The real issues are that they cause undue problems from a faction identity perspective.

I don’t think lore is the culprit when examining why High Elves haven’t worked within WoW. I feel it’s much more an overall issue with player’s identies, faction distinction and flavors, and perhaps even designer interest.

I’ve pointed out some comments that were made here recently that were unhelpful and the result was kind of expected. No one said they take it back or they regretted it. Dont’ like me pointing out problems here, don’t write unhelpful things.
I’ve already stated all I want to state in regard to the so-called discussion here months ago in the old forum.
I’ve never even considered this at all:

and I’ve certainly never stated anything of the kind.
Not sure what you’re talking about.


You keep saying this yet it’s not true.
I’m not ‘acting badly’ pointing out unhelpful comments made here.
Getting personal by accusing me of ‘acting badly’, ‘act like an adult’…and ‘punching bags??’.
Honestly…get a grip.

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Why are you asking this?

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Yeah… All you do here is try to and get some kind of ‘revenge’ for something most if any of us had nothing to do.

You don’t talk about the topics. You don’t discuss evidence.

You’ve done nothing but disruptive activities that have nothing to do with the topic.

You have personal issues outside of the forums? Quit bringing them here.

If you where harassed you have my condolences. But you are the same type of person as far as I’m concerned.


The thing is: if something does not work, developers can adapt it to work if they truly are interested in it.

Heck, with a little more care, void elves could have worked. The problem is that their lore is so thin and there was no actual care in trying to appease high elf fans there that there was no way we would accept them as a fair compromise.

I’ve said it before, and I stand my ground: I think high elves were going to be our allied race. There’s a lot of hints over Legion, and Steve Danuser flat out said that void elves were created after the inside success of Alleria’s story. So, the decision was taken near the end of Legion development cycle, while BfA was already conceptualized.

Why did they drop high elves in favor of void elves? I guess executive meddling. The fact that the void elves have so little substance totally points to the team not having time and/or emotional investment in developing them. The fact that they were so underused during BfA shows that not even the story teams cared about (or had time to) adapting things to welcome them.

Why you don’t point out your own unhelpful and negative comments? You are pretending to have a moral high ground to be a judge to us, you are not a forum moderator as far as i recalled.



I think we’re mostly on the same page then.

I fully believe High Elves were on the menu until _______ happened late Legion. Be it internal design conflict, executive meddling, Ion sitting atop his giant throne and proclaiming “High Elves Never!” (that was a joke), whatever it was, I don’t buy them saying they were always planned. Lightforged, Highmountain, Nightborne all came right from Legion content.

If the 4th race wasn’t originally High Elves, it would have been Argussian Broken, maybe with Void-addled dudes as an option.

Wether Void Elves will keep High Elves out, eventually absorb them, or allow Blizz to keep using them as NPCs I suppose is the next big stop in this chain of events.

The one thing I would like to point out is not everyone identifies the same way.

For some people Blood Elves are a race that have gone through struggles and had to take a darker path to survive.

For others they are ‘Hawt Elves’ and that’s all they want with them.

So they get uppity that other people are asking for something similar. Because all the want to be is “Hawt Elves”.


Honestly, if she was in the discord and she had people “attacking” her personally. All she needed to do, was bring it up with a Moderator or Admin and express she felt like that behaviour isn’t okay. Hell, she could of remained anonymous if she wanted to and it would of been sorted out accordingly.


Indeed. That is why it would make no sense for eyes of blood elves to selectively and randomly turn blue. Not unless they find an alternative to the sunwell that can provide them with pure arcane energy. But why would they even care enough to reject the sunwell?

There’s a similar demonination of people who want High Elves puely they can have blue-eyed blond, elf waifu chicks to use as human armpieces in their Stormwind Mage District RP.

I’m going to give you the benefit that you and this thread are not mostly of that line if you give me the same courtesy.

Must you really “give us the benefit of the doubt” when people here keep digging through High Elf lore and story to show why they’d make for an amazing Allied Race, and explore many ways this could happen?

Must we give this benefit in exchange when so many arguments coming from antis are about visuals and the Thalassian Model?


If we’re going to go into eye color nonsense, why are High Elves’ eyes blue and not gold?

If you want some real wtf:
Canonically, Blood Elf eyes are green due to the radiation effect of the Fel energy crystals we used to use to power Silvermoon, not due to tapping or siphoning Fel (players tapped mana, not fel).

Taking that into consideration, how did Alleria, Veressa, and Arator avoid green eye tinges when visiting and assaulting Argus, the Legion homeworld with probably the highest concentrations of Fel in the cosmos?

Reason: :man_shrugging:

Some stuff is just handwaved.

I mean, that could be explained with High Elves sustaining only passively in the Sunwell and staying far away from it vs. Blood Elves actively sucking mana out of it to empower themselves, and living directly in its vicinity.

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Well there’s the Arcandor, wonder what sort of impact it have on Blood Elves. I mean I think it would be really weird using that considering the Sunwell but like if Blizz wanted to… they could? :joy:

I know, I’m flat out against Blue Eyes for Blood Elves, I feel like it would seriously water them down. BUT, if I had to compromise in order for me to get High Elves, I would. That’s me though. And by compromise I mean getting actual alliance High Elves without the Glow… like I mentioned earlier on…

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To which I say that the Sunwell has traditionally affected the high elves irrespective of their distance from it, at least within Azeroth.

The high elves living in Dalaran were certainly not far enough away from it to ignore its effects. This is separate from the fact many high elves who made pilgrimages to the Sunwell following its restoration.

Because at the time they could’ve been actively draining magical energy from it, since it was pure. Afterwards, when they began experiencing withdrawal and found out it made them addicted, they decided to not do it again once the Sunwell was purified.

Just a hypothesis obv.

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