The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I dont know why I still fall for the bait. All Fyrebusche ever does is show up, say that there are fewer High Elves than Blood Elves, and leave without responding to anyone. Just a troll, through and through.


That excuse doesn’t work, because the player population doesn’t actually represent the world population.


I feel like an idiot, a week ago i commented that i wouldn’t feed trolls and argue with stubborn people anymore and i’m doing it now.


Related to this, I remember going through the original TBC-era intro for Blood Elves when I first started TBC, and at the end, when the narrator says “As one of the few remaining Blood Elves” as it zooms in on the start area and laughing as literally hundreds of new Blood Elf players are jumping, running around, Mana Tapping, Arcane Torrenting and smacking mana wyrms, simply swarming the screen.

Interestingly, the “few” part was removed when the intro was updated in Cata-era:

So there is that.

Player characters should not be taken into account, following this thought Blood Elves don’t make sense either since they’re few in number compared to other core races but somehow have more player characters than other races, nor do the Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei or even Mag’har Orc’s, because all of them are few in number compared to the amount of characters created.

Even Lydon posted about it above:

You clearly said that you are against any Alliance fair skinned elf because it’s a core fantasy of the Horde. I only showed you that Vulpera is not following these rules, since the only furry race available is a core fantasy of the Alliance, so vulpera are stealling from Alliance. But, I think it’s possible to be fixed with Elves :slightly_smiling_face:


No one has ever said this.
Why the need to make up stories?

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So do you agree, that both groups are equal, and no one should claim otherwise?


As long as this topic is associated with the discord group that kind of separation shouldn’t be expected.

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The groups of Pro and Anti are equal in that they are opinions of players of the game.

How many are on one side or the other isn’t really what the debate is about, nor would concrete numbers do a whole lot other than expose how few of us there really are talking on either side. As forum posters we are already in the minority of the greater playerbase; most just play the damn game or don’t.

Blizzard has access to better metrics than I think you would be comfortable with regarding player interest. For purpose of fan debate, speculation, and lore discussion/theory, the two threads seem to be doing just fine.

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No. It certainly should be expected. What happens in the discord doesn’t give you carte blanche to act badly here.


Blizzard does that all the time. It’s infuriating, I gave up on taking canon seriously once they had retconned a lot of stuff I liked.

Usually Blizzard uses expressions like “almost extinct” or “few remaining” to give gravitas to whatever race’s desperate plight. Once the issue is no longer the center of the narrative, it’s quickly forgotten and all population issues are completely ignored. They did this to:

  • Orcs
  • Tauren
  • Darkspear trolls
  • Gnomes
  • Draenei
  • Blood elves

Wanna know other kinds of retcons? For instance, no one ever heard of vrykul until WotLK, despite Northrend being known to humans since before the Second War. The reasoning given was that vrykul were sleeping under the ground and were awakened by the Lich King.

Other races that were previously unknown before we landed in Kalimdor in the 3rd War: tauren, quilboars, night elves…

Why I’m saying this?

Because come Legion, and Blizzard not only completely retconned the Broken Isles into not being completely raised from the ocean floor by Gul’dan, but also populated with vrykul, night elves and tauren. And those lands were known to humans and orcs since the Second War at least.

Then, in BfA, what do you find in Kul Tiras, right next to the Eastern Kingdoms? Quilboar, of course!

The quilboar issue is not so serious (since there was never any reaction of note regarding their discovery in Kalimdor), but night elves, tauren and vrykul living in known lands completely removes the mystery and awe of Alliance and Horde exploring Kalimdor for the first time in Warcraft 3. When Grom saw night elves the first time in Ashenvale, he should’ve at least had heard tales about those strange purple elves (remember that the Horde went to the Broken Isles twice before!).

Another obvious retcon made to acomodate newer lore? Suramar! We visited it in Warcraft 3. Maiev saw its ruins first hand. And then, suddenly, there was a giant bubble of energy hiding Suramar right next to her all along!

Another obvious retcon? Arcane-practicing Moonguard still existing in Broken Isles.

I won’t even delve into what they did to Sargeras and the eredar in order to completely remake the draenei…

But I’ll point how Blizzard conjured up a bunch of blood elf exiles studying the void out of nowhere just to make a whole new “race”.

Blizzard moves and shakes things as needed to fit their newer vision of lore, so newer expansions feel “new” and “cool”.

Whenever someone says that they can’t make high elves playable because of this or that, I just look at all the glaring retcons over the game’s history.

Introducing high elves is not hard. Making some changes to them so they become more distinctive is easy as pie. And those do not even need to be retcons. New developments in the present would be more than enough.


I’ve seen enough from the discord to think nobody would want that as an attache, even indirectly.

Still doesn’t matter. Just because some people in the discord acted badly doesn’t mean it’s ok to treat everyone in this topic badly. It’s not ok.

This is not the discord.

Leave your issues with the discord in the discord.

Many of us here have no idea wtf goes on the discord and we are not responsible for any bad behavior there.


This is my favourite one tbh. Maiev standing on the shore of the Broken Isles, telling Naisha how she recognizes these ruins as Suramar, not taking a moment to realise the giant bubble shield that’s right next to the Tomb of Sargeras where Suramar used to be might be of some slight significance.


I’m sorry but I just don’t know what that even means.
It’s not like there is an official ‘group’ of people who are against playable high elves for the alliance let alone that we all have the same reasons for believing this.
I know what I’ve read by some members of the discord and this forum who support high elves on alliance who have said they believe they’re better than the ‘antis’. It doesn’t mean I believe you all are like that.

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I always felt the discord was the helfers’ “safe place”. It was a private channel away from the forums where they could share ideas and vent frustrations. I find it of poor taste to go to someones private club just to confront them.

I never participated in it, despite several invitations to join. I’m not the most social being.


I’m not here treating anyone badly.

You’re going to have to get rid of all the discord related postings if you don’t want to be associated with them, imo.

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Pretty much the same here. I like discussing this stuff on the forums because you can kind of…log off when you don’t want to be involved anymore.

Being around this discussion 24/7 would probably make me quit WoW forever >.>


Agreed. I don’t talk that much. Even just typing stuff tires me out.

And do you think there’s people in your side that believe they’re better than the High Elf supporters?

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