The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Aaaaand it seems I was the one mistaken. I assumed he had a “native language” version since he’s brazilian, but he really did videos in spanish. He used the original sound files, but Warcraft 3 was never localized in Brazil. So, you were right. :slight_smile:

(I’m also beginning to think, by the author’s surname and the way the description was worded, that he’s portuguese, not brazilian)

I avoid saying things like this because there’s jerks everywhere. We often do not see them in “our” side because we are not their victims nor we go out of our way to look for them. But I’m sure they exist.


Hm. Fair point. I’m mostly fed up with a couple of specific individuals.


It’s especially unfair for someone to come here and trollpost just because they went into the High Elf discord and were mistreated there.

I’ve never been to the High Elf discord nor do I ever plan to join it but I’m lumped in with them even though this forum is NOT the discord server.


your side calls people who disagree with you trolls and abuse the flag system. srs? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You ARE a troll though. And you deserve to be called such for your behavior. And I could have sworn it turned out that the business with both our topics getting locked was not flag abuse but rather a forum bug.


FYI you’re one of the aforementioned specific individuals.


Your behavior is very trollish tbh, it seems your whole objective here is to remind that we aren’t going to get High Elves, it’s your whole point, you cannot argue outside of that little box. Then you pretend to call others kids and cause drama in inoffensive threads like the class+race combination one and make spam Blue Eyes for Blood Elves threads after losing debates.
You are polluting the forums, people are kinda justified in flagging you.


stating my beliefs for why alliance shouldnt get fair skinned elves is not trolling in a thread with the word discussion in it

a discussion implies hearing both sides not being an echo chamber abusing flag system and calling people u disagree with trolls

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Before I posted, I read a good chunk of the thread, to see what it was like and your name kept coming up again and again. You’ve posted your opinion again and again. You’ve done little else to contribute but to state your displeasure.

I think we all have long gotten the point.

And yet, you persist.


We’re discussing High Elves, but you expand it to any possible fair skinned Elf, and you pointed it for a person who only notice a High Elf lurking around in a fan made video.

Using your line of thought Horde should never be able to get Vulpera, because it’s furry race like the Worgen, so Vulpera are stealing from Worgen race, that’s intolerable.


first 9/10 living high elves are now blood elves. youre advocating for the faction thats in the minority to have them playable. how does that make sense to all of a sudden have 1000s of player alliance high elves running around. there would be an equal number of the high elf population on both sides just because of the player high elves which makes no sense canonically as there are so few of them

and worgens and vulpera arent even related let alone visually identical :smile:

But that’s not all you do. A fair number of your posts are stuff like several posts of you calling all High Elves Blood Elves when all High Elves are NOT Blood Elves. You did this purposefully numerous times just to aggravate the pro-side and don’t even try to deny it.

Then there’s you coming into this thread talking about giving Blood Elves blue eyes as if that would somehow stem the call for playable Alliance High Elves and most certainly made in this topic just to poke the hornets nest.

I stand by my previous post. You ARE a troll. Your post history speaks for itself. I can respect anti-'s like Lydon. I have no respect for you. Not that you give one whit about what I think about you.


I didn’t actually follow up on how this turned out, but I know my thread got locked a comically large number of times while this one dealt with it, what, once?

Regardless, I can’t be responsible for every random that pops in on “my side”. Just report what’s inappropriate, call out when appropriate, on both sides, and everyone can continue to have discourse, and voice their greivances and fail to convince the other side until the end of time.

Fyrebusche, if you’re passionate about Blood Elves as I am, you can be Anti-High Elf in a way that doesn’t look like a kid knocking down someone else’s sandcastle. I don’t agree with most of the people here on High Elves, but to have discourse on the forums it has to be kept somewhat civil. I’ve been banned enough times for failing this, so consider that fair warning.

Over one third of the Horde playerbase is Blood Elves. Do you think that accurately represent canon Horde population proportions?


I think its called “Circular Reasoning.”


Guys, remember the old wisdom: “don’t feed the troll”.

Do not waste time discussing or accusing. You’ll notice she didn’t reply to my answer, because I essentially ignored her point and stood my ground. Make a short witty reply, that’s all that is needed. Once people stop caring about what she says, she will have no reason to return.


source on this? The only place this is even remotely suggested is now old lore than takes things out of context. The place it is from isn’t necessarily retconned but it can be said that line is retconned. It is known that the in regards to the 90% of high elves dying and the remaining 90% becoming blood elves is only limited to those that lived in the kingdom of quel’thelas.

The vast majority of alliance high elves had been living outside the kingdom for at least a decade at that point many for centuries alot not even ever being there as they would have been born and raised in human nations.


I think he’s fearing that High Elves became too popular, too many people happy would make him mad.


Oh no, this thread has had more than just one lock. I’ve made many tickets.

Plus, you should of seen how much our threads were locked months back. No detailed High Elf Thread lasted long, only the “Gwib me Hi Elbes” made by obvious trolls. One of the reasons why people label the topic as “Spam”, because of those troll posts.