The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

It used to though. Also, I guess we should clarify… CRZ doesn’t affect old world content. They’re on our shard and will be around in Boralus. etc.

If you want some good Warcraft 3 feels, look at JoseBV’s machinima mini-sodes recreating many cutscenes from RoC:

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I find leaving most chat channels improves my experiences considerably.


You shouldnt if you want a ton of gold from desperate people

I’m impressed.

The animation was superb. And from a fellow brazilian! Wow!

(plus high elf sighting at 16:06, lol)


Yeah, it’s good stuff. The lip movements match the original Spanish language, which is why the timings look off in English.

yeah. Moonguard is the only NA server that has goldshire like that. It is practically empty on wrymrest except for leveling players and on other servers it is just a hub for people to duel/show off.

idk why it has practically no population on wrymrest though. It is still a good spot for RP.

this is why alliance might never get fair skinned elves. theyre a core horde race

It’s portuguese, actually, but the two languages are easily mistaken.

I’m really impresses. He really nailed the details. The moment Jaina hugged Arthas felt really natural and made me smile. Or the small addition of the orc saving the downed human soldier, instead of allowing her to be killed by his companion. It’s small things like those that show true talent.


We already have them, now we just need to make them playable.


I feel like I knew this. Apologies, my mistake. He definitely adds lots of nice cinematic touches like you mentioned.

alright. break time over. Got a pathology exam tomorrow, in depth study sheets on five pathologies, a presentation on ulcerative colitis and then the next day a book report on mortality and an assignment on geriatrics due…

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No need for apologies, there was no offense. I only corrected you because I think exchanging knowledge is always good.

How can you be so unpleasant. She only notice a detail and you are already trying to taunt her, geez.

You guys surely are the most moral people around that you guys claim to be, never doing anything toxic and always being polite, pleasant and gentle… ofc :roll_eyes:

This is gold. We can cleary see what are your true intentions. It’s not about Blood elves, not about lore, not even about their models. You only want to keep the monopoly of fair skinned elves regardless if it’s a High Elves or any other iteration, you’ll be against it.

Really interesting stuff :face_with_monocle:


We can call out people misbehaving, but let’s not at all pretend everyone on either side has been universally pleasent. I’ve been less than pleasent.

That said, I’m not going to generalize an entire side based off one person’s behavior, unless you’d all like to be grouped and filed as Wanobis?

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All I see is just a Non Purely White Elf race with Red Skin with Gold and Green Eyes.

If your preferring to the Quel’dorei. No they are not a Core Horde Race nor should be. Besides the Sunwell is not Purely Arcane anymore. If it wasn’t Light infused then it’ll be Purely Arcane but its not. Why do you think Sunwell acted negative when the Void Touched it with Alleria.

You think see Arcane acting Negative with the Void.


While I agree with you. I’m really tired of people who keep coming here only to play the victim. So now I’ll be going to do the same.

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That’s all very cool! Good luck, Nyshant. :slight_smile:

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We can absolutely do that. And we should, on both sides.

Unfortunately, it’s worth pointing out that only one side seems to actually do this. I mean I’m not going to start naming names, but there are at least four people I can think of off the top of my head on your side of things that constantly berate, belittle, harass and troll, and their behaviour is never called out by you or anyone else on your side.

Yet our side gets accused of being an echo chamber, of shouting down all opposition, of insulting members until they leave. (Never mind the fact that when we ask for references to such instances, suddenly the complainant stops posting until the subject changes)

Note that this is not having a go at you directly, Lydon, I just want to point out an inconsistency. It’s all well and good to say we can and should point out bad behaviour, but it’d be nice if we actually saw more people calling out trolls on their own side. Giving someone’s behaviour a free pass just because they happen to agree with you is poor form regardless of who does it.