The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

“Sorry, thiccness is now an essential part of the Alliance identity, you can’t have this race that has been part of your faction since before Kul Tirans started wearing XL gear.”


Yeah. Dwarves are Thicc too. It’s been part of our identity for 14 years now. Also if they add Ogres then all of the Alliance players might go to the Horde.

But I’ll negotiate with authority I don’t have. What if Alliance also got Ogres though?


Or maybe just Kul’tirans could get tusks?


I’ve probably got one of the spottiest sub histories, actually. The only expansion I was completely subbed all the way through aside from TBC was Legion, and I’ve already had lapses in my BFA sub.

If the game isn’t doing it for me, I cut it out.

Hypothetically, I feel 20,000 people unsubbing over a lack of High Elves sends a more direct message than 20,000 posts in an containment thread.

I understand, however, that when it really boils down to it, High Elves clearly aren’t the -only- reason one plays this game (and if anyone wants to come out contrary, know I feel extreme sadness for anyone playing a game for the wrong reason for 14 years).

My thoughts on Ogres, if they do get a model update, it would only be in line with everything else they’ve been doing in regards to updating Vanilla-era models. Elementals, Quillboar, even critters have been slowly but surely getting model updates, that to me says Classic will have an optional HD mode to have a graphically less dated experience in the old world, though that may just be my theory.

Rexxar got a model update, sure, but so did Lor’themar, and as much as I’d love to say it’s because they’re going to give Blood Elves some proper hot dad beard action, it’s more likely they’re just touching up characters of importance as they do from time to time.

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Well, wait until April when they announce that the Horde is getting a Draenei race where both the males and females are the female Draenei model and the Alliance is adding the Toxic Sludge mobs from Gnomerang to their ranks and we’ll see how it goes.

(as far as a High Elf Boycott is concerned.)


You really are overdoing it a bit with all the perceived slights.

You don’t see a 10,000 post thread on Horde losing their marbles over Ogres, despite it being a request just as old.

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The developer hasn’t made a huge gaffe aggravating people who want Ogres and they don’t deal with daily attacks from selfish trolls.

Also, my last post was obviously half in jest. But we’ll see. Players will complain that there are no differences between the male and female draenei models. they’re both female and Blizzard will be like, “coughcheckthebulgecough” and then Elwyn forest will become a Horde zone. Only male human paladins will remain in the alliance and the developer agenda will be complete.


Yes. If I played for high elves, I wouldn’t have started playing at all.

But the way Blizzard handled this was a huge disappointment amid a long list of disappointments over the years. Until 2018 I had never dropped my sub. Between Jan 2018 and April 2018 I skipped two months, and payd 2 more with tokens instead of cash.

Funny thing is, if Ion’s famous dismissal of “the Horde is waiting for you” had come one week earlier, I could have quited then. The news from BfA datamining and testing beta made me interested in the expansion and I decided to pay as usual (6 months in order to have a small discount and not worry about the sub for a time).

Less than one week later, Ion dropped that bomb that made me really pissed off.

What’s even funnier is that I had already passed the 5 stages of grief and got through denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I had accepted high elves wouldn’t come and decided to give Blizzard a chance.

Ion’s thoughtless answer made me so angry I decided to keep campaigning for it anyway. As long as I pay to play, I will be asking for high elves. The day I give up on that will be the day I won’t play WoW anymore.


…do you even want Elwynn forest? It’s pretty much a red light district now.

Blizzard didn’t give the Alliance ogres, nor later gave the Horde “lightning mok’nathal form outer space”, and then replied “well, if you want ogres, the Alliance is waiting for you”.


Are you trying to use reverse psychology on me to get those Draenei?

Elwynn Forest is a beautiful zone to be honest, and if you go there on just about any server other than Moon Guard, it’s still a wonderful place. One of my all-time favorite zones. I remember back in Vanilla WoW leveling my Mage there. Jangolode Mine irked me fiercely. So close to a Mage Tower, and the mobs inside respawned so fast I could barely move more than a few feet between drinking/eating to make progress on the scouting quest.


I don’t really find Ogres an even comparison. I’m sure people would be upset if Ogres went Alliance, but there’ll never be any true level of outrage over an “ugly” race, shallow as that may be.

I don’t know if I should continue this line of discussion.

Nah man, Goldshire is a cesspit on every RP server. Just because Moon Guard bears the brunt of the notoriety doesn’t mean it’s humble everywhere else.

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And when you’re not on a RP server…?

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Probably too CRZ’d to tell.

CRZ doesn’t affect RP servers.


I’m on Moon Guard, and I avoid Goldshire like the plague, but I love hanging out in Elwynn Forest. It reminds me of the Lordaeron Summer tileset in Warcraft 3 and the early missions of the Human Campaign. (‘Have you met my daughter?’ ‘Little Timmy’s gone missing!’ Good times.)


I’m aware…your question was if you’re not on an RP server, no?

Yeah. If you’re not on a RP server, you won’t get CRZ’d onto a RP Server’s Elwynn Forest so it should be pretty tame.

Admittedly I haven’t gone to Elwynn in Ages. Mostly because I do play on RP servers.

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Yeah. It’s actually pretty nice on Wyrmrest. At least, you can quest there without it being strange I mean.