The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I would love that, Nar’thalas and Azsuna in their full glory, and i didn’t need to mention how i love Azsuna, but the Shen’dralar controled a gigantic demon inside their city for thousands of years so we could get warlocks from them.

Literally the only change that happened to them is that they became dependent on the Nightwell and it made them thinner. They’ve still kept the Highborne culture intact for 10,000 years. We’re literally told this in-game.


This is something I want to see for High Elves, because if you think about it, why wouldn’t High Elves received Golden Eyes to reflect the current state of the Sunwell, or better why their eyes don’t even glow anymore?

Probably because High Elves kinda severed their connection with the Sunwell in some way, using another forms to handle their magic needs, we don’t know for sure.

But if you think from a lore perspective, the Blood Elves keep changing and we dont see these changes affecting the High Elves within the Alliance. That’s why I keep saying that High Elf models don’t really show their current state.


Horde can get their own version of Highborne Night Elves, but Alliance cannot.
“Get your green haired Night Elf Mage with wild markings on her face and stop complaining, it’s a Highborne, can’t you see it?”


How can you read something as is and still swap or add words to change the meaning of it completely?

This does not mean they preserved Night Elf culture, their original culture, or whatever you think it means. They clearly changed their culture from when they were Night Elves, and were separated so long they maintained their culture around the Nightwell and Arcwine, etc for thousands of years.

They absolutely could and should have glowing gold eyes, especially as plenty of High Elves, including Alleria, have returned to the Sunwell since, presumably to renew their connection to it (and why Alleria’s goes awry) I have no argument against this here.

Then please, do tell what differences there are between Highborne and Shal’dorei culture, then. What changes happened from their arcane-centered elitist culture to the current arcane-centered elitist culture.

Is that it? The Nightwell and Arcwine? That’s Shal’dorei culture?

the azsuna elves could definitely have locks as well. They didn’t want to serve the legion and destroy their world but I don’t think they are against using demons as their minions.

You’re a missing the Tyrande speak:

For me it don’t sound like the now known Nightborne have fought in the same side as Malfurion and Tyrande, seems like they choose another path way before the War of the Ancients was ended.


the nightwell also already existed. They just had to purely feed from it after they closed themselves off. We are not arguing that they didn’t physically change.

Of course they did. They got lankier and their skin changed. The argument is that yes they have highborne culture in its’ purest form.

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Highborne, the magically inclined favored of Azshara, did not rely on arcane magic. They loved it, exploited it, loved using it to even their detriment, so much so that they were exiled from Night Elven society.

That would be, the High/Blood Elves. Shen’dralar were an offshoot that didn’t go along with Dath’remar yet were exiled all the same, until Cata.

Nightborne were forced to used arcane via the Nightwell for their very sustinence. It became intrinsic to their survival.

10,000 years ago we put our city in a bubble!

As you can see it looks exactly the same now!

Also magic changed us so we look slightly different!

Like the Sin’dorei corrupted by Fel crystals!

and like Lavinya said, there is a quest that states that they literally keep their culture the same.

The 10,000 years of change is BS.

Also, why are you trying to hold High Elves to that Standard?

Ren’dorei change in an afternoon.

I went on the Lightforging ritual. Also an afternoon.

Here is the High Elf intro: "Our cousins in Quel’thalas were lamentably betrayed by the leader of Lordaeron’s forces. Then our Prince made a deal with the Naga and went to trip balls on Fel energy in Outland. Our relatives in Quel’thalas began to siphon energy from living creatures and surrounded themselves with Fel crystals! They were also so mana addicted they would become withered without this.

They also hang out with undead people and became crazy authoritarians that suppress anyone who disagrees with them joining a faction we’ve, considering the trolls, fought against for 10,000 years.

Meanwhile, we stayed in the Alliance with our families and kept up our proud and ancient traditions. Like the Nightborne, we kept our traditions alive and didn’t become crazy fel and mana addicted decadent Silvermoon elves.

Unlike the Nightborne, it was the Sin’dorei who were changed by magic, bad magic.

If the Shal’dorei can be “Culturally Different” by remaining exactly the same as they were historically, so can we!

If the Shal’dorei can be “Physically different” by getting a tan and flipping their ears we could… you know… Not have crazy glowing green eyes and reddish skin tones because we didn’t make a deal with devils."

Also lore wise we’ve existed far longer than the Shal’dorei!


This is referring to them closing Suramar off. The very “bubbling up” of Suramar “when the Legion came” was during the War of the Ancients.

Night Elves fought the Legion, Suramar basically did a 10,000 year long bubble-hearth in the middle of the raid.

So they’re Highborne with the Thalassian addiction. BIG change there. They’re still the same arcane-centered elitists they were 10000 years ago.


Yes, they preserved the night elf culture because that’s exactly how night elven society was before the sundering. Night elves only changed to druidism after they realized the dangers of irresponsible use of arcane, which was after the first invasion of the Legion, after the sundering. Before that, druidism wasn’t much practiced.

The highborne theme, which is represented in nightborne, has everything to do with night elves’ history and now Horde has it.


Yes. But you’ve got to sell it… and you do that by saying the number 10,000 while trying to make sure people don’t look at the quest that says, “We stayed exactly the same the whole time.”

and hopefully… you know… like, don’t observe the city at all in the cutscene. No construction has been done in 10,000 years.

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the shendralar were not actually exiled per say. Their city was a secret from most of the night elven empire. It was ordered that way by azshara. When the sundering happened they largely had no idea of what was going on. It is unknown if they even knew of the war of the ancients at that time. All they knew was the world was sundered and the well of eternity was gone. They had no connection to it anymore. Thus they sealed themselves off and summoned a demon to feed off the magical energy of.

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Yeah, except those High Elves who sccumbed to a dark magic and got themselves Withered. Nobody likes to bring up ‘that’ lodge anymore I see.

“Muh pure waifu elves.”

Thanks for reminding me why your side sucks.

Y’know, thinking about the Shal’dorei and Kal’dorei, how one side became super-hyper dependent on a magical well and remained magic-centered elitists while the other rejected such obsession and are more down-to-earth awfully reminds me of this other pair of elven races…


But don’t seem like they have fought against Azshara like Malfurion and other Night Elves, the fact they have the Nightwell by the right time to use it to save themselves prior to the end of the War of the Ancients, show that they were really good with Arcane magic, pretty much like any other Highborne.

Also don’t forget that Night elves havent had any Mages or Warlocks prior to Shen’dralar Highborne inclusion in their ranks.