The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I even did Horde exclusive zones that didn’t count for it on the Alliance side because i didn’t want to leave all those places uncovered, like all of the Zandalar, Frostfire Ridge, 10-20 zones like the Barrens, Azshara, Silverpine and of course the Ghostlands.

Last I checked, High Elves didn’t dip themselves in Void/Old God, so it’s not exactly a fair comparision.

I guess I should say “High Elves spending 20 years apart from Blood Elves doing nothing transformative and little else other than simply existing, isn’t much separation”.

I really thought that was implied, though.

To be fair, it could be quite a bit more than 20 years. It could be closer to 3,000. High Elves have been in Dalaran since it was founded. We’ve seen them there with lives, careers, and families.

20 years is the divide between Blood Elves and High Elves, but 3,000 is the potential divide between the modern High Elves, and the Blood Elves.


Even in the most unexpectable places a Horde player eventually have to kill High Elves, like Stonetalon Mountains, random, kill a High Elf Huntress that lead a group of Night Elf Sentinels, kill a bunch of High Elf spies in the Dustwallow Marsh, kill Silver Covenant agents in the Isle of Thunder, the fact remains that Horde players also enter in contact with them continually.


Being the most played race =/= being the majority.
And yes, you need more than just that. When were the Blood Elves ever key to the Horde and it’s identity?

And how much happened in those 10,000 years compared to the lasy 20 years?
Blood Elves and High Elves went through a lot of things, different things, in 20 years. Meanwhile Nightborne remained the same, and all that changed with the Night Elves is that they lost their Noble caste. Numbers alone don’t matter.


Nightborne remained the sa-…were you even conscious during Legion?


They remained the same as they were 10,000 years ago. Perhaps they got skinnier, but their culture didn’t change. The big change came when the Legion took over the city.


Yeah, it’s for sure something we don’t know yet.

I think Blizz is really annoyed by the backlash about High Elves. I think they expected to see it ceased with Void Elves introduction, but was the complete opposite that happened :joy:,

I’ve never seen before so many people talking about High Elves like in this past year. I’ve been following this topic since Blizzcon 2017, and if you take all number into account since this demand began, man there’s a ton of people who only said “support for High Elves” or “I want High Elves”.

I haven’t seen any other race that received so many supporters.


You are demonstrabley, completely, and irresponsibly ill-informed and wrong about everything in this post.

Nightborne were not only physically affected by their isloation and exposure to the Nightwell, but abandoned worship of Elune, druidism, formed a completely new society with its own social structures and class nobility. An extreme example of how High Elf society was founded.

Only someone actually asleep during Legion could have played it and missed any of this.

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Do demonstrate, then, how many important and key changes happened to Suramar and Shal’dorei in the 10,000 years between bubbling up and submitting to the Legion.


“High Elves and Blood Elves (Separation: 20 years), are about as kin as Night Elf and Nightborne (Separation: 10,000 years).”

I really don’t know what to say so someone with such a flawed outlook.

Factoring in lifespans and events that happened in those timeframes, it’s not as outlandish a statement as you’d think. Nightborne were effectively in stasis for those 10,000 years - sure, they were awake and aware, but nothing changed. They’re a time capsule.

Meanwhile, on the other hand Blood Elves went through a fundamental and dramatic cultural shift away from High Elven values in that time.

This goes back to a point I made a while back about long-lived races suddenly following ‘mortal’ pace of events, but yeah, the tl;dr is that Nightborne haven’t changed since they sealed themselves up 10,000 years (then suddenly everything happened within a year, due to the events of Legion and ‘mortal races’ defining the plot again.), but Blood Elves have multiple cultural shifts over 20 years.

The timeframe is irrelevant.


Read my edit above. Notably, they weren’t even “Shal’dorei” when they bubbled up.

Don’t @ me until you finish some homework.

The ones that survived the Legion’s assault where Highborne. They weren’t know for being adepts of Druidism or fervent worshippers of Elune.

Suramar was literally a bubble of Highborne, who remained practically the same from the moment they bubbled up until the moment they bubbled down for Gul’dan.


Void elves are not high elves, and they should have made them look more like the mangled corrupted elves we saw in the quests. I’m not a fan of void elves. I think there is a very good argument for high elves in the alliance. Pretty much all other race choices that could be added to the alliance are less worthy of the position.


This is also wrong. Highborne who didn’t change at all would be someone like the Shen’dralar, literally Highborne Night elves that are the reason Night Elves can be mages.

nope. Those highborne were still forced to adapt from their original state.

Still playing a Night Elf mage doesn’t fulfill a fantasy of being a Highborne Night Elf, the closest thing you have of this is Nightborne and they are a Horde Race, one day i hope Blizzard make Shen’dralar Highborne playable, they have a lot of potential and have lore reasons to be Warlocks.


I think the way forward with this idea is for the narthelas highborne to be redeemed.

That is very well possible seeing as we are going to fight azshara.

The big change is that they became skinnier and darker - purely physical.

Even in-game we’re told the Nightborne have preserved their original culture across thousands of years.


Someone needs to watch cinematics instead of smashing the ESC key.

I can’t believe I have to spoonfeed people this soon after Legion:

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