The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Haha. I can see why appeals for you to act like a grown up didn’t work.

That group got withered because of an artifact. Also, our waifu from that group made it out.


because that lodge is canonically all dead and thus a non factor?

Yes, the guy who caused all the trouble made it out. It’s simply poetic.

On that note, I’m retiring for the evening.

Food and other matters more interesting than semantics around Nightborne (in a High Elf thread) await me with open arms.

Haha. Man, such trollish behavior. I’m sorry the Shal’dorei are a perfect example of why the Quel’dorei should be an Allied Race.

Also that was one lodge. There is still Allerian Hold, Highvale, Dalaran and honestly it seems like they’ve moved into Stormwind Mage District.

Your hopes that Quel’dorei are being phased out because Void Elves exist seems forlorn since they keep multiplying.


If they look like Veressa’s kids, you have my pity. Truly am going to eat now.

Anyway, back to things that actually matter.

Maybe we can make a list of all the bigs things that happened to the Sin’dorei alone vs. things that happened to the Quel’dorei since the moment Kael’thas made a terrible choice in naming to show why those 20 years have a whole lot of value?


One single group that was brought a cursed artifact and has been cited to be from after the fall of Quel’Thalas?

It’s not like we would be playing them. They’re dead. They have no bearing on the discussion.

This is why people call you trolls and childish. You may want to improve your behavior if you want to be taken seriously.


What is this, you people are truly desperate.


Keep calm guys, lets chill a bit :slightly_smiling_face:


Girl I’ve got two weeks left in four eight week medical courses…

This is what chilling looks like. :rofl: that 60 bpm heart rate.

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I can’t believe the overton window for this discussion literally allows the other side to think that changing WoW’s Lore completely to get the situation they want is a rational choice.


“High elves and blood elves are the same because they only separated 20 years ago”.

Funny, around the same period night elf culture:

  • Lost their immortality and had to cope with it
  • Joined a faction and left their isolationist stance, integrating with mortal cultures
  • Moved to a new homeland
  • Accepted arcanists back
  • Lost their new homeland
  • Accepted a dark power from the moon goddess so they could have their revenge

In essence, they stood stagnant for thousands of years, until radical change forced them to adapt.

Meanwhile, in the same period, blood and high elves had taken two different paths after radical changes forced both to adapt. And, being in two different situations, they’d adapt differently. Neither have the exact same thalassian culture they were before the Scourge.

Blood elves:

  • Acepted dark magics and desperate measures to survive
  • Joined the Horde
  • Created an order of Paladins that manipulate rather than bow to the Light.
  • Had their Sunwell reignited as a fountain of Light
  • Were changed by contact with fel and then Light.

High elves:

  • Remained in the Alliance
  • Refused the blood elf path and many were exiled
  • Had to cope with the addiction and practiced restraint in the use of magic
  • Formed their own military group
  • Now live among allies, mixing their customs
  • Never were exposed to neither fel nor Light, and reduced their exposure to the arcane.

They are different and can be made as different as the developers wish. How long has been since they took divergent paths does not matter, what matters is how radical and sudden were the changes they had to adapt to.


Where are muh Silver Covenant “PLAYABLE” High Elves? Come on. They could easily make it happen. Make their racial leader Vereesa and boom, not only do the Silver Covenant finally get a spotlight but we also get another relevant Windrunner!


Already part of the Alliance - Check
Are a different people - Check
Have a leader a story and a suitable main hub - Check

These alone should qualify them to become playable, no need to go deeper.


An artifact planted by the Dark Rangers with the intent of destroying Lord Hawkspear and his soldiers, so that they could retrieve Nathanos’ commission and Sylvanas could… I’unno, tack it on the fridge with a magnet? Aww, who gets a gold star? /pinches Blightcaller’s cheeks

Wait,which side sucks, again?

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They’re dead, Jim. They failed at high elf’ing and are out of the gene pool. Natural selection.

But seriously, the story was never picked up. We know it was caused by “an artifact of seductive power” and that three elves survived (Hawkspear, the one that gives the quest and Kriss Goldenlight). Without a proper story, we can’t really know what was that artifact and what exactly happened to those elves.

I have a theory that the artifact was the Crystal of Zin-malor, or related to it. If that’s correct, that Crystal is terrible news, and there’s a whole storyline about how corruptive and dangerous it is in Winterspring.


I wouldn’t say the sunwell purified them as much as I would say they switched to orange flavored Kool aid.

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They want to believe it’s trolling when the majority of the times, it’s not. Their hateful name calling and false accusations are really over the top.

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When it’s in this thread it always is. Blues even called it out once in the old forums.

Also it’s already been stated that Sunwell gives Gold Eyes.

Edit; Make sure to put videos on their own line or the don’t load in the forum.


Seriously, if you have an issue with what someone says, report it. Let the Moderators deal with it. But coming here playing victim, when we both know you’ve name called us too over many, many threads and exposed people venting their fustrations out from the discord over the course of the year is just silly, stop being a hypocrite.

Posting for Blood Elves with Blue eyes in this thread, usually is trolling. Most of the time it isn’t genuine. Yes, people will have a genuine want for it, but not in here. Most of the time it’s to create a scene because they feel it would aggrivate those in favor for High Elves, somehow damaging the cause.

Your request is sort of like ours. Where the developers have said something which you know is wrong. “Sunwell = Holy”, which is why you have the Gold BUT you know also it also contains Arcane - we know there’s a mix, just depends on the ratio of light to arcane. And ours “There’s no clear indication of what the High Elves are” (or something rather along these lines) when the very game itself proves him wrong – we have the Silver Covenant right there. Why don’t we come together and make a proper compromise, you get glowy blue eyes because of the purified Sunwell whilst we get our High Elves without the glow, which, we’ve requested for years. I’ll be willing to sacrifice those glowing Blue eyes, if it meant I could play a High Elf. We would both be getting something we’ve requested.