The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Lol, your “Lore appropriate” compromises are:
“We get our Allliance High Elves, everything we want”


“We get your Blood Elves, and effectively get our high elves and everything we want.”

It’s clear none of you knows what a true compromise means, and its looking like it usually does when I should exit the thread and let you guys go back to spinning pure fantasy.

You’re the one that’s ignoring the Lore Lydon…

and you know the Lore well enough to know it.



Why should we have to compromise to play an Alliance faction that exists?

Horde Players are adults… I want to say they can share. But it’s not sharing… but they can live with the Alliance playing a faction they have already.


It’s clear you don’t know your Lore if you think High Elves joining the Horde would make more sense than Blood Elves leaving the Horde.


I will apologize as I wrote it wrong I meant it more along the lines of I couldn’t see Vereesa or the Silver Covanent Returning. As they stand firmly against Blood Elf Ideology and beliefs. I also believe that if Blood Elf got Blue eyes, although I would like to see more shades of green myself. that the Alliance should get playable High Elves.

Some Blood Elves might be, all Fair skin Elves belong to the horde. Yet the opposition is just as vocal with their, all fair skinned blue eyes elves belong to the Alliance. No one was expecting void elves, no one had expect Highborne to return to the night elf’s impossible things happen.

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Except for the ones that disobeyed Silvermoon and stayed with the Alliance.

Silvermoon =/= High Elves as a whole.

We don’t want Silvermoon. It doesn’t matter in this discussion.


We can see some at Wintergarde Keep, Isle of Thunder, Crystalsong Forest and Argent Tournament Grounds as well.

Without mentioning their lesser presence in many other places, where we can find from only one NPC, to four of them usually.

This is something that only people who do Loremaster as Alliance, or level many alts will notice.


I’d include those under Dalaran since those were all Silver Covenant initiatives, IIRC. I meant more as cities where they inhabit.


You’re failing to distinguish modern High Elves (who are loyal to the Alliance, having chosen to live among the Alliance prior to Blood Elves even being a thing), with the race prior to the division into Blood Elves.

This is like saying the Orcs in the Dark Horde back in Vanilla should’ve been part of the Horde, because the Orcs were a Horde race.


So with the first suggestion why is a compromise even necessary? We don’t take away anything from the horde. The anti side is literally asking for there to be a compromise for something that doesn’t affect them just to deny the alliance from getting something they want.


The lore I know tells me Blizzard is writing High Elves out. Void Elves are rapidly taking their places. One of the two most notable High Elves in Alleria cannot truly be called a High Elf, nor does she represent them.

Steve Danuser, Lead Narrative Designer, clearly stating the Void Elves start as a small group and implying their ranks will grow by “like-minded elves”, not unlike the Blood and High Elves we see “curious” in Telgorus.

The lore I know tells me High Elves are in a problematic limbo-space that does not work in a two-faction game where their main kin are a defining member of one faction.

Whether that means they’ll ignore High Elves and leave them as supporting NPCs as they have, or remove the factions going forward opening up more opportunity for storytelling in this area, we shall see.

You’re an adult man. Grow up.

Since you brought up the Car references here is what’s happening…

You own your favorite muscle car, (Mustang, Challenger, whatever… and we all know Elves are JDM anyways so this is obviously a rough comparison.)

Your Neighbor owns the same brand of muscle car, from two decades ago it’s even the same color…

You’re standing on the hood of his car with a pitchfork because you don’t want your neighbor to be as… cool? …. as you… on the street?

The issue is… Your neighbor owns the car.

You’re willing to compromise though. You’re like, 'Hey. You can ride shotgun."

But you know… you could also be a grown man and let your neighbor drive the car he owns.


Yeah, good point, but in Wintergarde we see more 7th Legion High Elves, and I think we must show how relevant they’re. I’m really sick of people saying they can’t be playable because of their low population numbers or importance in lore.


Loremaster was the first achievement i ever targeted in wow, and it was worth thousands of times, being a late player in the game meant that i had a larger world to explore than most people when they started, it felt huge and i miss that time, every new High Elf i met made me smile. By the way don’t miss Trueshot Lodge, the Hunter Campaign and Argus!


If my neighbor owned the car, I’d tell him to drive it.

Clearly he doesn’t yet own the car. He just notices his co-workers driving in them a lot, or perhaps he lets his fandom of the car blind him to how few of his co-workers actually drive them.

As fun as the car analogy is, you, the player, cannot make a High Elf.

You the player, don’t represent the entire Alliance, or Horde, or even your entire race. You represent the subset of your faction that is deemed playable, which High Elves have yet to be.

Why this is and remains so I guess is the core of our spat.

P.S. - You’re all free to come drive our cars. They go fast and now come in gold headlights.

Please do tell how defining they are beyond being the most played race, and how a defining part of a faction was ready to abandon it for it’s sworn enemy in-story.

High Elves and Blood elves are about as kin as Night Elves and Nightborne.
Not only that, but High Elves are already part of the Alliance. The only difference Horde players would feel is that they’d see High Elves in Battlegrounds, because they already fight against them in the World.


I really like to do all the quests, it’s a shame that many people never try to learn more about the rich lore this game has.


Nah dude. It’s in the driveway. Our father with dementia (blizzard) just lost our keys.

Not sure why you’re so against us finding them.

You’re still on our hood shouting with a pitchfork.

Back us up dude.

If you really care about the Lore, or Elves, like you say you do, you’re on the wrong side of this debate.


“Please tell me how a player race is defining of the factiom beyond most players in that faction playing them.”

Do I…really even need to answer this?

“High Elves and Blood Elves (Separation: 20 years), are about as kin as Night Elf and Nightborne (Separation: 10,000 years).”

I really don’t know what to say so someone with such a flawed outlook.

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Ren’dorei and Sin’dorei separation - couple of months.