The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

This need to be stated thousands of times and be put on highlight, we are not asking for something we don’t already have, we are not asking to steal away something, the Thalassians are not exclusive of the Horde.


Oh I doubt the Blood Elves are against High Elves becoming Blood Elves. The leader of the Reliquary even hopes for reunification. I’m sure the Blood Elves would be happy to increase their numbers.

It’s the High Elves that have no interest in returning. They have lives, families, and careers, all within the Alliance, which the Horde has continually assaulted over the years. They have no reason to leave the Alliance, let alone to join the Horde.


Didn’t we kill him in the War Campaign?

And in what world is it ok to demand that the developers annihilate one of their factions so a group of players on one side can ignore the fact that they aren’t the only fair skinned elves on Azeroth?

How can anybody say that and think it sounds reasonable?


inb4 “indeed, you got Void Elves, shut up and be glad you even got our exclusive beautiful model”.


I don’t recall seeing Reverse-Rommath as I nicknamed him, being out there.

IIRC that was some brand-new nobody. Born to die, quite literally.

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I’d also like to add that the player interactions/RP scene between blood elves and high elves would explode, and it would be so much fun to see.

aye. From what I can tell he has literally just been standing in grommash hold as the archeology trainer since cata.

I don’t agree at all with the sentiment that being a High Elf has to come part and parcel with being Alliance.

The High Elves were traditionally isolationist, lukewarm allies at best, and left the Alliance as a whole.

It’s really strange to me how latched on people are to the idea of being a High Elf among the Alliance, and profess it as some core upstanding tenet to the High Elf people, when the reality is they have been some of the Alliance’s historically most flighty, spotty allies.

I’m obviously not going to change minds here, nor am I advocating for changes of any kind to be made to High Elves, but I would like people to realize that High Elves could easily be written away from the Alliance as it’s been done plenty of times before and it would not at all be out of character in Warcraft’s universe. You’re looking at too narrow a viewpoint if you believe they’re some hardcore allies.

The stories of the Blood Elves, High Elves, and Void Elves truly at their core only support the notion that Thalassian elves really only care about themselves.

Darling it’s pants on heads insane. You think the Silver Covenant wants everything they’ve ever stood for to be meaningless? You think the Highvale elves want to kill their Wildhammer Dwarf neighbors? You think the ranger corps that went on a presumably one way trip through the Dark Portal with their Alliance brothers and sisters wants to betray them?

The Quel’dorei can’t go home to Silvermoon.

They could leave home to Silvermoon.

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That’s Belloc, he’s not the leader.

wrong high elves. I think a major issue between the 2 sides of this debate is that we are looking at 2 different groups of high elves when we talk about them.


Both the Silver Covenant and Allerian Stronghold elves are very pro-Alliance. Specially the Allerian Stronghold.


There’s so many fragments of high elves smattered around, you really should be more specific. Most of you seem to agree on Silver Covenant as a source, yet that force isn’t even purely High Elven.

Allerian stronghold is stuff that hasn’t been touched on or addressed in over a decade. Arator seems to the only thing that they’ve moved forward with from Outland’s stationed high elves.

This debate can be described as this

Pro: We want these high elves points at dalaran

Anti: No you can’t have our high elves points at silvermoon

Pro: We don’t want your blood elves we want these high elves points at dalaran

Anti: Stop trying to steal our high elves!!! points at silvermoon


They live in the Alliance. They fought for the Alliance through the Dark Portal. They fought side by side with the Wildhammer against the Trolls, They slaughtered their enemies, the Sin’dorei, to scour them from Dalaran. They were a Vanguard for the Alliance in Northrend. They followed Jaina to the Isle of Thunder. They represented the Alliance in Suramar.

They got Mana Bombed by the Horde.

The Horde killed the Leader of the Alliance High Elves husband.

The spotty Alliance allies were those who became the Sin’dorei.

The Quel’dorei live in the Alliance. If you stab them they practically bleed blue lions.

Here is a Lore appropriate Compromise with two options:

They can allow players to play Quel’dorei adventurers based on the populance in the Alliance…


Vereesa and Alleria can convince the Sin’dorei to rejoin the Alliance and they can reconcile.

Both of those make sense based on the Lore. Either are acceptable.


The only places we see High Elves in high numbers are, IIRC, Stormwind, Dalaran, Quel’danil Lodge, Theramore and the Allerian Stronghold. Y’know, Alliance settlements, where they work for the Alliance, scream “for the Alliance”, and all those Alliance things High Elves do.


I would say that all elves think this way, Nightborne and Night Elves as well, it’s something from the Elven culture in general, you can it see in other games and universes as well. That’s why so many people hate the elves.

In fact, in-story High Elves have shown far more loyalty and appreciation to the Alliance than Blood Elves ever did towards the Horde.