The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Suspension of disbelief only goes so far. Any story where High Elves join the Horde after all the Horde has done to them is automatically going to be a bad story.

No, because you can’t play a High Elf, you can only play a Blue-Eyed Blood Elf. A major part of the identity of these two groups is political affiliation. High Elves in the Horde are Blood Elves. They may hold similar philosophies and beliefs as Alliance High Elves but I doubt that’d be allowed to persist in Quel’Thalas for overlong. How long until they get brainwashed like Lyria Skystrider and Priest Ennas?

Being in the Alliance is one of the major defining thematics of what it means to be a High Elf. Being a High Elf is being loyal to the Alliance. I have a hard time imagining you not understanding this.

In this case, the faction is part of the culture. A major part of it.

A true compromise isn’t adding Blue Eyes to Blood Elves.

A True compromise would be the addition of High Elves without glowing eyes, in multiple colors, and also adding Blue Glowing Eyes to the Blood Elves. Both groups get something. That is compromise.


Three (3) skin tones counts as variety?

As a faction, yes.

Because the Void Elf story is just bad, assuming that they got a story of course, do we need to continuing doing bad storytelling because you want to drive the Quel’dorei away from the Alliance?


We’re all: “Can we have this please?”

Lydon: Compromise!

No dude. That’s a blood elf. haha.


Plus if they just shoehorned blue eyes in on Blood Elves, that would be essentially telling the High Elf fans to screw off.

In such a case, I guess the fair thing to do would be to give Void Elves the option of having red eyes. No High Elves? Then no San’layn.

Hypothesis aside, let me be clear I don’t actually want High Elves to be added, for anyone. To me this was already done in TBC, and leftovers as NPCs fill the support role adequately.

I don’t feel enough new stuff is being brought to the table wasting design time on a race that is almost completely already available in a much more defined and fleshed out manner, and to be frank, considering they prefered to invent an entire new elf with little precedent tells me the designers agreed.

What do you consider a defining trait of Blood Elves?

Like. Think of something, where if you changed it, they’d be a completely separate faction.

That’s your compromise.

What if Blood Elves weren’t playable and we were like, “Yeah, you can have them, as long as they’re Void Elves. We’ll add a green eyed option to Void Elves.”

Void Elves aren’t Blood Elves.

Quel’dorei are not Sin’dorei.

You keep recommending that they butcher the lore to serve your vanity.

You keep insisting half the playerbase not be able to enjoy the Warcraft Universe, the way it is, so… what… you can feel unique?

This isn’t a request for a new race to be built that doesn’t exist.


That and many other things, is the reason why I keep advocating for people to leave the Alliance. I barely play Alliance these days, but yet I will never stop fighting for it, because it really infuriates me to see such blatant bias for so long.

I really have high hope for this year Blizzcon, I wanna see atleast one of these things:

  • Alliance racials improved.
  • Racial overhaul for all races of the game.
  • Something to adress the faction imbalance that’s going on.
  • Alliance getting the Races they’re asking for.

These are not demands, I’m only expecting them to solve the problems they should’ve tried to solve in the first place. But, if they still act like nothing should be done about it, well, then I think we shouldn’t be wasting our time in playing this game anymore.


Dude, the Quel’thalas Elves were already Blood, that wasn’t a case of High Elves leaving the Alliance and going to the Horde, it was quite different, they weren’t part of the Alliance when they joined the Horde, i just know that, the thing you tried to push never happened.


Honestly, if I had omnipotent powers, I’d gladly take those Void Elves and give you High Elves. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don’t.

If it would make you happy to take my 14 year old car, put in blue headlights and call it a new present, to the extent you’d trade me your new 2018 purple Void car, I would in a heartbeat.

As an aside, I don’t think half the playerbase is invested in this issue. That’s an absurd overstatement of this fan debate of few, counting both sides here.

High Elves are not blue-eyed Blood Elves.


that isn’t what we are asking for. Most of us are not in this for the appearance. We want the story.

It has been pointed out that the appearance could be radically changed so long as the backstory is that they were the high elves of the alliance. This is why void elves were not accepted. They are former blood elves.


If we have to call something absurd it would be your comparison because we already have a 23 year old car with blue headlights and a different interior.
They actually made a different model from this car with green headlights and gave it to the Horde.


I think it’s time you supported us Lydon.

If you’ve got a problem with Warcraft Lore you should find a different game to play where the Lore fits what you want.

Warcraft isn’t a setting where light skinned elves exist on only one faction.

Think about the reality of the situation:

One group is asking for a faction that exists in Warcraft to be playable.

The other group is asking for them to CHANGE Warcraft so that they don’t exist.

There are games where Elves exist on a single faction. If it’s so important for you to have some unique visual over another group of players that’s supported by the game, go find one.

and obviously I don’t want you to actually leave. I just want you to realize the absurdity of your viewpoint.


I agree it isn’t a bonkers idea, after all if the Night Elf’s would allow the Highborne to return, why Would Blood Elves be against Quel’dorei returning. I could see them being firmly against Vereesa and her Silver Covanent returning. Yet others returning could be a possibility. I feel if some Highborn can return the the Night Elves. It’s not far fetched to think some High Elves could join the Blood Elves. However I find this a lot more likely, if BLood Elves were neutral. I’m not saying it should, happen. I’m just saying with the way Blizzard retcons and pulls stuff out of nowhere, nothing is impossible. Such as winged, red eyed, light forged, void touched, high sun elfs.

Back in the old forums when the blues first started extending the threads. It was a while ago.

Why does anybody think it’s ok to ask them to literally change Warcrafts Lore so that one side can pretend like they’re the only Elves on Azeroth?


The Quel’dorei don’t want to return.


Why would High Elves want to return to Quel’thalas though.

The Highvale Elves have rejected magic.
The Silver Covenant hates Blood Elves with every fiber of their being.
The Allerian Stronghold was built as a symbol of the Alliance of elves, dwarves and humans.