The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

People were asking for High Elves in the Alliance before Blood Elves were added to the Horde, and lying is ugly.

The people more bothered about Blood Elves in the Horde are probably WC3 purists who didn’t want a race that has absolutely nothing to do with their faction beyond being once pawns of the Legion.


Blue eyes for Blood Elves is almost as old a request as High Elves. Maybe the thread you’re referring to is the most recent instance you’re familar with, but I’ve seen this pop up many times over the years.

First time I think I saw it was just following the end of TBC, since we had cleansed the Sunwell, many Blood Elves were wondering if this would allow us customization to revert our fel green eyes back to blue.

It was only just finally reflected in game instead as gold eyes, obviously, but the blue eye request isn’t new by any means.

That said, in no way do I agree with or legitimize it when used as a trolling request, though I acknowledge that it would be a brand of compromise.


how would it be compromise when 9/10 high elves are now blood elves canonically and the other 1/10 threw away their elf heritage to live and breed with humans in their cities. with each new generation they become more human in appearance. youre trying to compromise with a generation of elves that have never even seen quelthalas; only human culture

theres no one to compromise with. we are the majority(BY FAR)

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Not sure we’re talking about the same thing.

I’m saying blue eye options for Blood Elves is a form of compromise I acknowledge, so long as it isn’t being used to purely troll High Elf fans, and the post I made above was me explaining that it isn’t some new request.

my point is blood elves finally getting their natural eye colors back isnt a compromise :woman_shrugging:

its what should happen

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They may have considered it at one point. Once Void Elves were on the table, I have a feeling they wanted to move forward with a Void powered Elf vs. Light powered Elf storyline with the Blood Elves as ripe future material, and thusly gave us gold eyes.

The conflict with Alleria in the Sunwell during the Nightborne recruitment scenario is basically starting the rolling ball.


I agree.

However I don’t view blue eyes as a compromise. I think if that was offered as a compromise to people asking for Quel’dorei you’d have like… a couple people pleased and thousands upset.

But you’re not trolling us with it. We’re talking about Fyrebusche. If Quel’dorei ever are playable he/she has really set herself up for unfortunate amounts of schadenfreude. Like, our first thought if Blizzard announces Quel’dorei should be to celebrate with our compatriots but he/she, I think, has changed a lot of peoples first thoughts into, 'I’ve gotta tell Fyrebusche."

I agree with your Light Elf, Shadow Elf conclusion.


Blue is the best color, too bad i’m not with my blue mistweaver transmog.

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I view it as a compromise because it would deliver fair-skinned blue eyed high elves as a playable option to the playerbase, but not implement them on the Alliance.

It’s almost a perfect example of what a compromise is.

That being said, I wouldn’t agree with it if it weren’t supported by some new lore, like high elves being scared away from the Alliance’s adoption and use of Void Elves (which seems just as dangerous a power as those Blood Elves scared High Elves away with), and coming home to Quel’thalas, but I find that discussion a little too polarizing to have at the immediate moment.

I merely wanted to establish that blue eyes for Blood elves is not a new request, could be a legitimate compromise, but is not something you should troll people with, in that order.

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When it happened? Because currently there are people forcing debates on inoffensive threads (like the race+class combination one) and that guy reposting his thread and using his alts to like his own post and mass flagging comments (i guess i deserved, but your comment was completely inoffensive), things are starting to get unpleasant already.

Not that I want to start a whole thing this morning (since I don’t have the time, for one): Sure, it’s a compromise from a certain point of view, but it results in Horde players again get a long-asked for request and Alliance players get told to go play Horde.

And we all know how well that’s gone down previously.

I’ve gone on record as saying many times that High Elves shouldn’t take from the Blood Elves in order to stand on their own merits. I also believe the opposite is true, and Blood Elves shouldn’t take from High Elves.

I think if Blood Elves were to get blue glowing eyes (outside of DKs), it would only be after High Elves became playable and had a new aesthetic established. Otherwise the whole situation is just pouring gasoline on the fire.


Yeah, again, I don’t feel like opening up that can. I’ve said the piece I want to say on it. There’s more interesting things to speculate and debate about that are ultimately more important.

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Off topic but… God I miss pages… I can no longer visit this thread to read the posts I missed because the entire forum freaks out and shoves me all the way back up to the top just because I had the gall to scroll upwards from post 11,205.

Clearly, this is part of the conspiracy to prevent the high elf community from discussing high elves :smirk:


The digits at the end of whatever link you’re using to get back here are actually the post number.

Change it to a more recent number and you should be fine.


“I get what I want and you get nothing” isn’t a compromise.

If they were like, “We’re going to make Quel’dorei and they’ve got not glowie green eyes” I’d still be in.

I can’t believe after the thousands of words we’ve written towards each other that you’ve got no idea what we want.


If you’re looking at it purely from a faction divide perspective, maybe.

Hypothetically, say they write a story (we can pretend it’s a really good story) where some High Elves, Quel’dorei, defect and join their brethren back home, allowing people to play actual, legit Quel’dorei.

Do you consider it a win, because now you can play a High Elf, legitimately, as a player?

Or do you consider it a loss, because to you being a High Elf must at all costs come with being Alliance, and this would ruin that?

I think this is what I mean when I ask people if they are High Elf fans or Alliance fans. If you love a race, their lore and culture, and want to play one, I don’t agree that necessitates loving one faction or the other. This is how I thought anyway, as a High/Blood Elf fan coming off WC3 and Vanilla. I had mained Alliance until that point, and rerolled when my favorite race became playable.

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I see people that doesn’t understand even the basics of lore saying this and i find it normal, because they cannot see a race besides visuals, but seeing you, someone that understand lore, suggesting this, it’s beyond ridiculous, i feel like you are just putting your opinions and views over logic.
We didn’t need to do a large revision of post-Warcraft III lore to understand how this doesn’t make any sense, putting it simple: The Horde and the Alliance made a reunion scenario between Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei impossible, they hate each other because of their allegiances, diverging cultures and ideals, they are never going to reunite while the two factions exist.


this is actually a really good story narrative. but as you will see what they really want is playable alliance fair skinned elves :smile:

Yeah, I probably would’ve thought like you say here until some Blood Elves went through story to become Void Elves and playable on the Alliance.

I don’t see how the reverse for High Elves is somehow a bonkers idea, now.

Says the one who received variety. Nightborne should have had flesh tones so the Horde didn’t receive a different color palette than they already had. That might have been fair.