The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Explain Kul Tirans and “Stormwindians”. What makes it more sad is that they didnt update Jaina, shes a human. They should make her, and her mom thick.

Careful with this one… human paladin with a jack’o’lantern head… Peak Troll Potential

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I didn’t realize there was a battle going on in that thread until you said something.

There are so many posters who want to play a High Elf in that thread.


Remember when Blue Eye trolling got so bad that we got a Blue Post that said it would not longer be tolerated?

That’s how bad it’s gotten.


It is a fantasy game, elves are SHOCKER a larger part of the fantasy universe, just as much as orcs, goblins and so on and so forth. :slight_smile:


My position for high elves is this…

We have a lot of ppl wanting high elves but others enjoy the void theme…if we keep the name void elve but give the customization option with light tone skin with purple tattoos. So Everyone wins.

Just my two cents🙂

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the queldorei left the alliance and joined the horde becoming the sindorei. the few elves that stayed with the alliance were very very few. so few that to make them playable and have thousands of pale skinned alliance elves running doesnt make any sense

The only thing that does not make any sense is the preposterous claim you just made, lady.

There’s more than enough quel’dorei to make a playable race.


tbf arent they more half elves now\

i would support half elves becoming playable with short ears and such

Mag’har Orcs.
Darkspear Trolls.


take a look.

Also Draenei and Lightforged Draenei.

The number in the hundreds.



Plus Allerian Holds Ranger corps. They’re actually fairly numerous now.

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The game disagrees with you on that. If it were as you said, there would be far less High Elves in game.


The Quel’dorei of Silvermoon had 90% of their population wiped out. 90% of the survivors of Silvermoon changed their name to Sin’dorei, before joining the Horde, mind you. The High Elves who lived elsewhere (Stormwind, Dalaran, Outland, etc.) remained Quel’dorei, and remained part of the Alliance. Get your lore right.

There are even fewer Ren’dorei, Lightforged Draenei and AU Mag’har than Quel’dorei - in the few hundreds if we’re generous. All Nightborne fit into a single city. The Darkspear Trolls and Tauren were nearly extinct when they joined the Horde.

Population has never been a problem to add any other race, why would it be for High Elves?


We circle back to the numbers issue frequently.

Obviously there’s “enough” High Elves by merit of strictly smaller groups becoming Allied Races.

The only fact about numbers that matters is in regard to them being more scarce when comparing their numbers to Blood Elves.

Any side speculation or theories about how many left with Kael, stayed in Dalaran (imprisonment and Dalaran’s razing aside), escaped to Theramore with Jaina (to get manabombed later), etc, is largely irrelevant and ultimately unverifiable. The takeaway is that there are far more Blood Elves than High Elves; establishing Blood Elves, the majority party of thalassian elves, that still holds Silvermoon and Quel’thalas is the only important fact about numbers.

There were already scarely few high elves that survived the events of Warcraft 3/TFT. The vast majority went on to become Blood Elves, and were then written in TBC to join the Horde, advertised to us as the high elves.

Therefore, it largely doesn’t matter what NPC headcounts are, how many could be speculated to be here or there. The lore and game present High Elves as scarce, increasingly so as you look away from WotLK days to present day, and despite appearing frequently, only ever do so in a supporting or reactionary role.

I do wish we could just get away from the numbers topic and just agree to the same two easy facts:

Are there enough, numbers wise, to be an Allied Race?
Are there more High Elves than Blood Elves?

Neither fact above ultimately supports or denies them a chance at an Allied Race slot.

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It is funny that the “blue eyes for blood elves” request didn’t start until months into the high elf debate and that thread quickly devolved from its’ own creators into talking about so that way the high elf requests can stop and not because they actually cared about it.


Honestly, after the addition of Void Elves, numbers absolutely can’t be used against a potential Allied Race, unless they’re explicitly in the Hall of Extinct Tribes or whatever it’s called in Zandalar. And even then, you could make up stuff about a small group of exiles who survived that no one ever heard about before and it’d be the same thing.

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its funny because for years it was “horde never should have gotten elves” and now its shifted to this push for making 10 alliance elf NPCs a playable race

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that sentiment came more from the horde players than the alliance.