The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No need to list names (even if they already did that with me), but i know what you are talking about, people were just happy talking about what they want and then “But High Elfs ar teh sane to Blood Elvs, make Blu eyes happen blissard”


Yeah. Super annoying when people claim High Elves are a Horde thing when we had them the whole time.
Blizzard basically robbed us and then now people are like, “But we’ve bad this race for so long now.”

Obviously the Sin’dorei were more neutral but the people who make that argument aren’t oblivious to what they are doing.


Never seen a thread with 10,000+ replies before and 0 Blue presence.

The faction bias is real.


Doesn’t help that the Sin’dorei were ready to jump ship in Pandaria and go straight to being enemies of the Horde

Makes it only harder to believe in them being an essential part of the faction

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I have seened exactly how you are trolled, I reported the ones doing it in the what race and class would you play thread. Because to me it was trolling and trying to derail the thread.

As for blue eyes I would be happy myself with different shades of green, or maybe a blue-green colors, I firmly believe that soft blue colors should remain with the Alliance and with the High Elves. I also think Void Elves should be given access to purple eyes and darker blue such as indigo.

It’s sad when people do that for no better reason that to attack and provoke others. Because of them those that are seriously wanting somethings are taken as being trolling.


Your avatar is missing right now. I miss that punk haircut. Void Elves are so glam rock. Its sick.

I miss my avatar as well she was soooo awesome.

It doesn’t help that they come out of nowhere to talk about how Blood Elves are totally definitely getting blue eyes in the High Elf request thread


There were comments from CMs on these threads on the old forums, and likely little new stuff to add to the discussion from them today, so all that needed to be said has been said. I wouldn’t interpret silence form the CMs in this topic as any indication of faction favoritism. Quite the contrary, they’ve been supportive in the past.


they are always live this developer said that we would get them. I’m thinking, we haven’t gotten them yet, so don’t hold your breath.

Yeah I notice they pop up in the High Elf Request thread whenever everyone there starts talking about customization’s. I actually find it to be rather annoying. That and the it’s just the same 10 players using it as an echo chamber, I’ve seen at least 40 different players just in the short time i’ve been reading the thread.

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If you want to play a blue eyed Blood Elf, the Alliance is waiting for you. We even have blue skin and blue hair. The perfect fix for your blue fantasy, so step right up.


Can we stop getting Elves? We got a blue elf thats a reskin of blood elf, now you want a blood elf whose only difference is blue eyes?

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Fellow Blue mog!


Well, help us get Quel’dorei and you’ll only have to deal with me supporting people that want to be San’layn.


I declare us the two best dressed elves in this thread.


I want my fish people from pandaria, or the monkeys. I mean they are technically allied races

They actually aren’t. Allied race is a misnomer. It means races that share a skeleton and resources with established races.

Anyways, at least your asking for wow races. Some posters are like, “I wish they would make up brand new races!”

Thats not a strong argument for a Warcraft MMO.


No, we want the race that has been an active part of the Alliance since the start of the game, not blue-eyed Blood Elves.


I thought, the blood elves are just high elves, who just been corrupted by the sunwell.

Believed it or not, races are more than their physical appearance. Blood Elves and High Elves differ greatly in history and culture. Like Mag’har and Greenskins, or Draenei and Lightforged, or Bronzebeard, Wildhammer and Dark Iron, Stormwindian and Kul Tiran…