The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Hey i’m right here /wave

yes. its one of their natural eye colors. which will return in time now that we have a new sunwell. srs? :smile:

Call me when that happens, then. But I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

I mean, I felt the devs made it pretty clear that the New and Improved Sunnier-Well gave you Golden Eyes, not Blue.


Since you like that quote from Ion, i’m going to adapt it to the current circumstances:
“If you want to play a tall, majestic, pale skinned blue eyed elf, the Alliance is waiting for you”


the golden eyes were merely a gesture to reflect the purifying effect of the new sunwell. as i said in time their eyes will return to their natural colors(blue for one).

personally idc about it as the golden eyes are a reflection of the holy energies i channel and suit me quite well i think :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Oh, you working on the development team, then?

Because that’s now what was sais in the stream. What was said was being purified by the Sunwell = Golden Eyes.


On behalf of the Alliance, you’re welcome. We’re glad to know you’re enjoying those Golden Eyes that could only come from the Sunwell which the Alliance canonically secured, purified, and restored for you.


Umm… no. We have zero evidence to prove their eyes will go blue again now that their eyes have started to go gold besides old CDEV quotes before they decided to give them the gold eyes.


Is good to see people happy with the new customization options for the Blood Elves (which by the way are fine in those terms), too bad they didn’t treat other races that actually need more variety on customization with the same love and dedication


Speak for yourself. :slight_smile: I am glad they are light-mutating them away from being high elves. Maybe they could give them light runes or halos as customization options.


Me too, the golden eyes pretty much indicated that they will never get the blue eyes again. I think it wasn’t simply new customization for them, it was way more than that.

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Most of the beast races were probably created by the Titan Keepers using flesh-bending, and came to worship the wild gods after gaining intellect and language. Even trolls (and thus, elves) were likely created this way, the implication being that the Zandalari, who gave rise to all other troll clans, were forcibly evolved from sabertusks to act as guardians of G’huun’s prison.

The information given in MoP suggests the Yaungol evolved from shipwrecked Tauren explorers who were forced to take on burlier forms to survive constant war with the Mantid, so the reverse being true in Chronicle is actually a retcon. Even so, the other permutations were altered by Titanic energies, and it’s likely the original race was also created in the same manner.

You know I find it kind of funny that a bunch of you will call the Blood Elf players. petty and selfish for not wanting to share their fair skin aesthetic with Alliance Elves. Yet I find many Alliance High Elf supporter just as petty and selfish for not wanting to share their blue eyes with the Blood Elves. This just in up until Rommath returned from outlands and started teaching the Blood elves to suck mana from arcane creature, and before Silvermoon was rebuilt using demonic crystals, Blood Elf eyes were just as blue as High Elf eyes. They didn’t just magically turn green when Kael’thas changed their name from Quel’dorei to Sin’dorei.

I for one would love to see Blood Elves get their blue eyes, they have been asking for them since the race was introduced to the horde. You don’t want them getting blue eyes because you are afraid if they do, the alliance will be less likely to get High Elves. I believe the opposite is true, I think there would be less of a opposition against High Elves, if the Blood Elf players where giving a few of the customization’s they have been asking for, for 12 years. Not many players likes seeing something they have been desiring given to the opposite faction.


I just think that Blizzard should give attention to more urgent aspects of customization than attending to a very specific demand that isn’t canon in lore and clashes against a visual aspect of a Alliance Thalassian Elf group.

It’s not that we are negating it, it’s just that some people asking for that are doing it in a way to provoke us.


Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that for awhile. I mentioned awhile back that if there is no evolution then what is up with Nightsaber adaptation,

They are colored to have an advantage in their environment…

I assumed this might have just been a design oversight. Artists draw cool stuff and get the thumbs up.

With Trolls it’s less questionable honestly because they aren’t living in a cosmology vacuum, they worship Loa, the Loa they worship tend to be magical creatures that fit an environment. So it’s not strange to think that they would change the trolls…

Like, the High Mountain Tauren got their horns from Cenarius…

And so it’s possible too those same Loa and gods changed the animals in the area to suit them…

Or that the World Soul is affecting them.

Edit: The Loa are listed as eternals like Cenarius, so that is the likely etiology of the different troll subraces.

Yeah, obviously if you want blue eyes for Blood Elves then you don’t need to bring it up in the Quel’Dore thread…

And while it’s not explicitly stated, I’m sure the thought process behind it is: “If they give Blood Elves Blue Eyes they won’t need to add High Elves.”

So at its worst it’s disingenuous trolling and at its best it’s spam…

But considering it’s the trolls that are saying it then former is more likely than the latter.


I never saw a Blood Elf blue eye supporter that isn’t against High Elves.


yes I agree that Blizzard should focus more on the more urgent customization’s Such as Worgen, and nearly every male class there is in the game.

I also agree that there are those that ask for things just to provoke ,and troll, the High Elf supporters. I’ve seen them doing this in a few threads. Such as the what class and race would you play thread.

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Notice how it’s always supplied as a, “The developers said this…” way. That’s a direct response to how we have been trolled.

I think if you ask Quel’Dorei players directly in a non-derogatory fashion you would be getting different responses.

For me personally, I think it’s important that the Quel’Dorei eye style needs to be maintained to distinguish them from Blood Elves.

That doesn’t mean color however.

At the same time though, Fel corruption is the cause of the green eyes and they’ve said that lasts a long time. The gold eyes show they have been purified by the Sunwell… so has it been long enough for that Fel Corruption to wear off for Blood Elves that don’t directly use Light magic - Priests and Paladins…

And so that’s a fair question. But at the end of the day I wouldn’t be so quick to judge the character of someone who is being attacked on their behavior towards their aggressor.


Imagine how Alliance players felt when Horde got the Belves and they still didn’t have their High Elves, but instead got space goats straight outta retcon.

High Elf pros refuse attempts to give Blood Elves blue eyes because the people asking for it more often than not just wanna claim that High Elves = Blood Elves and therefore shouldn’t be added.