The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Looks good.

Going to attempt the helmet?

I agree! I mean, literally almost anything is better than those aberrations:

Sethrak, Saberon, Jinyu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Junker Gnomes

These are the Mechagnomes people were requesting:

Not those aberrations they showed us at Blizzcon. Seems like Blizzard is amused in never giving alliance what they’re really asking for :triumph:.

People asked for literally a robot race in the past, not hideous half mixed mech/flesh stuff.


Vrykul, don’t leave these guys out… Vikings!

Nah, since it’s based on the Aldor Armor the SC guardians wear, it has that collar thingy

Vrykul, Mechagnomes, Earthen…

I mean, the Horde just got like what, 20 deities on their side.

Only fair the Keepers finally assume their cursed children and side with the Alliance.

This is happening because there’s a huge difference when you do something with passion and love, and when you wanna to finish something as quickly as possible because you don’t like it.

This is how Blizz develops Horde and Alliance right now, and I dont need to say who is who in this situation, you probably already get it.

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A belf with their eyes turned back to their original color after not using fel for so long*

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Nozdormu model is not even close to a Blood Elf. I don’t know where you get this from, but if Nozdormu = Blood Elf, then every elf in the game are the same.


It’s a redone Night Elf model.


Who would be the racial leader? or would it be a group of leaders?

Vereesa Windrunner would be the obvious candidate, though Auric Sunchaser would be a suitable fit as well. Though I could see Blizzard re-using some other small-time NPCs as well or making some new ones depending on what fit the narrative.


Hey, I missed this post, sorry.

So doing some quick research before replying to this, I found out that Trolls weren’t the only race that were on Azeroth before the Titans came, but also the Tauren -

So I was like, “Hey, here is an avenue for evolution. The High Mountain Tauren have different antlers than regular Tauren, how did this happen?”

Answer - Blessing from Cenarius

Though I started my research by peeking at the leper gnomes, because if DNA exists then radiation should shred it so there is your first real topic that could shed some light on it… and so radiation, obviously, even considering the toxins, doesn’t operate like it should.

Under titans it says, “Unlike most creatures the Titans are made of primordial matter.”

This is apparently from World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 1…

and so just peeking at the table of contents the ideology behind races becomes apparent immediately and that’s not biology but Cosmology.

The cosmic forces are: Light and shadow, life and death, Order and Disorder, The elements (Fire, wind, water, air and spirit) and elemental duality (who knows. Who’s got this book?)

Dwarves were made out of living stone before the curse of flesh turned them into flesh and sinew.

and so without knowing the pathology of the Curse of the Flesh we can’t really draw any conclusions.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d like it if deoxyribonucleic acid was calling the shots.

But at the end of the day we’re just extrapolating presumptions on Azeroth based on what we know to be true.

Do the races of Azeroth just have amazing telomeres that protect their chromosomes from any fraying? Probably not. Like, you could make that argument, “Nozdormu just froze the Night Elves telomeres in place so they’re immortal!”

But it’s just unlikely and the reason for that is that the creatives behind the lore probably aren’t biology majors.

So instead of extrapolating biology on the races of Azeroth all we can really do is observe the rules of cosmology they drop on us.

But the writers are going to be affected by real world stuff, so you’ll see things like Vereesa’s half elves being born.

But, what if that’s the result of mixing cosmology? Hey. We’ve got these Trolls that have been affected by Arcane magic… what alchemy happens when you mix that with something that was formerly a mineral but then was cursed?

I’m willing to talk about it though: I recommend - Debate Topic 1 - How does the curse of the flesh turn a magically animated mineral into organic matter compounds? (Are there organic matter compounds?!?!)


Debate Topic 2 - Lipid storage and insulin resistance in formerly magically animated mineral Kul’Tiran’s.

If cosmology is the biology of wow I wonder if humans became less earth aligned and became fire-water-earth aligned. (Hydrogen (water), Oxygen (Air), Carbon (Fire) Sulfur (Fire), Nitrogen (Air?) - Organic Compounds

Earth - Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium.

Not sure where to drop Chlorine - Air?

The Titans represent the cosmology of Order and so they build things like Dwarves that are supposed to be unchangeable…

The Old Gods seem to represent disorder, look at them, which is probably why their offspring do evolve. (Oh yeah, first thing it says about them in the wiki.)

Edit: undead and metaphysics from wiki

The Undead are beings who have died and become trapped between life and death. One of the consequences of the involvement of Void in the undead’s metaphysics is that they only feel faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli. This is also why the Light is so painful to their existence. The dark energy serves as a buffer that prevents the souls of the undead from properly joining their bodies. As a result, their souls are imperfectly attached to them.

When a spirit is consumed by the Void, an echo of the Soul is all that is left behind. These echoes are not truly “alive” in either the physical or spiritual sense, and are merely twisted reverberations of the anguish of the soul left behind when it was consumed


This is really interesting because the involvement of the Void means that undead only feel faint sensations of pain or discomfort from most physical stimuli.

Void Elves don’t get interrupted by attacks while casting spells, so… related.

didn’t the tauren come from yuangol who in turn came from the yak celestial in pandaria just like nearly all beast races are decended from a wild god?


I didn’t know that. But yeah. They run into flesh shapers who use anima to change animals…

Then they headed back to Cenarius, where being affected by the Well of Eternity changed them into Tauren…

So the Tauren hit by that arcane magic.

Also still no evolution other than being affected by disorder(chaos) magic.


Also the forums are in a good place right now so I don’t want to start a fight… But what this means is that Quel’dorei are metaphysically different from Blood Elves currently.

Blood Elves - Affected by Fel (Disorder) magic… just a bit. You get more of it, then you end up with Felblood Elves who look like Demon Hunters who are also being hit more by that Fel power (And are coming apart at the seems in some cases.)

Quel’dorei are mostly affected by arcane energy (The opposite of Fel, it’s Order magic) and so that kind of makes sense with how chill they always are.

But then you’ve got those Sin’dorei that let the lightwell purify them, Lady Laidrin for instance, and so theoretically they’re even more ordered. Since Light magic is also an order magic.

So that will be interesting from a metaphysics point of view.


Zandalari Trolls naturally ‘evolved’ into Forest/Jungle/Ice/Sand/whatever Trolls, didn’t they

“Everything that have pointy ears and long eyebrows is a Blood Elf”, Drougen and co.


Have you ever seen a Blue-eyed Blood Elf?

No? Well, too bad.