The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Actually they didn’t make her model thicker or anything, it’s just that her model is significantly larger than a regular Thalassian and she got modeled armor, so it’s more like a graphical illusion, if you consider only her body it’s just different texture and shading, and it worked wonders and could be very acceptable if this is what you mean with thicker and bulked.
Still i prefer to not make the model itself larger or more muscular because it wouldn’t be fitting for casters anymore, especially the male one :confused: We kinda have a lack of fitting male models for spellcasters and having male human modeled steroid junkies 2.0 would represent a lack of variety.

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they wouldn’t be humans 2.0.

They still wouldn’t come close to humans.

Texture changes aren’t visible under armor, but model changes are. Anyway, the best case scenario is Blizzard giving us 2 model variations, a normal and a bulkier one that you can choose from in the character creation screen like the Orc postures, but i think this is hoping too much.

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Well the orc postures are just different standing animations, which is a fraction of the work two models would be. And I don’t think that’s practical to ask for.


This. Just changing the idle/stand stances is enough.


Hear, hear!


Exactly, even a single model modification is a lot of work.

Nathrezim in the Alliance pls D:


High Elves
Wildhammer Dwarves


Forest Trolls


I feel like giving the Horde Saberon kind of helps them out with that not having Worgen thing.

Have to think about Horde Goldshire.

Edit: and cat people.

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I’m also not sure how Shen’dralar aren’t just Nightborne and don’t particularly like Nathrezim on either faction.

But you know, war of the ancients, I might be biased.

I think Red Eredar are a better chance than Nathrezim, since at least that’d just be a modified Draenei.

That being said I don’t really like either’s chance of ever being a thing tbh. Sargeras is 100% going to return at some point, so it’d be weird to have a Legion race as playable.

Why should the Horde have the Worgen?

I’ll continue to hope for Saberon in the Alliance. Glory to King Leorajh and his Royal Guard Paladins, trained by the Draenei. Long may he reign.

Yes, his title is King. He was very impressed when he heard Varian called that.

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The Horde shouldn’t have the Worgen… I feel like the Saberon are a different, but equal sort of group.

I think they fit the normal Horde aesthetic. Also the Alliance having both Worgen and Saberon may lead to some kind of Moonguard critical mass, real life world ending event. (That’s how you slippery slope.)

Horde’s getting Vulpera, so the Alliance should get Saberon. I could care less about Moon Guard Goldshire.

Besides, I think the Saberon could fit the Alliance aesthetic. The building blocks are there for them to evolve not only as a people but a culture as well. 30 years will have passed in AU Draenor, after all. I’d like to think Leorajh built a society of enlightened Saberon, trying to emulate the Alliance.

I’m just saying. It’s gonna get weird. (With potentially lethal consequences for the real world.)

I like Saberon though. I wouldn’t mind seeing them on either faction.

I hope the Horde doesn’t get Vulpera. Obviously it’s inevitable, but I don’t have the heart to fight those little guys.

I just hope Alliance doesn’t get Junker Gnomes as an Allied Race, they didn’t look appealing at all.


So I drew another design, basically trying to elf-ify the Aldor Regalia that the Silver Covenant Guardians wear.

I love it! :smiley:

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