The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I was against the Blood Elves being beefed up from their original pre-TBC reveal, but I’ve grown to like it over the years, or stockholmed it into favor, who knows.

I’ve never cared for the tree trunk human males, and still think they look ridiculous. Many of the races like Orcs and Tauren never even had wrists, it was just forearm to hand, which still bothers me.

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I mean, I know it’s not the most popular idea around these parts, even in the pro-High Elf camp, but a properly thin bodytype would be one very obvious way to differentiate High Elves from Blood Elves. It’d be a considerable point of difference if High Elves were built like the beta TBC Blood Elves.


The forearms bother me so much man…

They should have good forearms, they’re swinging weapons all the time. But like… Their forearms are bigger than their upper arms. They can stabilize the weapons in their hands better than they can lift them…

My Ren’dorei rogues just got the best arms though. sleeveless, dark skin to show definition. Just perfect.

They are mostly battle mages/Priests/spellcasters… but they’ve got Paladins and it would depress me.

They can’t actually really be thinner though or less developed. Like, maybe the arms, but I don’t know. I have to mildly believe these people are capable of carrying weapons and using them.

Also, the current model has no real definition on the torso. they’ve just got really nice arms.

I’d want them to be bigger. Just bigger legs. More defined abs, more defined obliques.

All the Silver Covenant Quel’dorei are soldiers. Their mages are battle mages.
The Highvale Quel’dorei are like… mountaineers and hunters.
The Allerian Hold Quel’dorei are from the Alliance Ranger corp…

bring on the glutes, hamstrings and quads.


With the females, yeah, thinner would be…too much, I agree.

The males have qbsurd shoulders and chest, though - thats where the bulk of the difference lies between beta and launch.

If you narrowed the shoulders and made the chest less deep - essentially lower the V shape proportions - you could feasibly get a very different body silhouette.

Add on a different default standing/running animation to boot and job done, really.

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Though for clarity’s sake, I’m just pointing out that this is one option, and not necessarily the one I’d pick, but it’s an option nonetheless.


I think the void lords are a way to make mysterious enemies now that both Sargeras and the Old Gods got too well-detailed.

I say keep the arms man. Just put it on a body that can support it.

Sin’dorei/Ren’dorei be skipping leg day.

Too bad from what we’ve seen they’re literally just giant versions of the Warlock void pets.

The sprinkling of Old Gods was all fine and dandy, until Cata brought them to the forefront. That’s not how you use Lovecraftian horrors older than the mind can comprehend.


All my Nightborne are female because:
a) The Night Elf Male animation set is one of the worst, and overused, in the game (with Nelf females having the overall best weapon animations IMO, casting still dogcrap) and

b) Male legs look like a smaller, frailer race was grafted onto them from the waist down.


Shal’dorei need some improvements, but I think they’re alright.

As I wrote in other threads:

Plus, I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard revised some night elf animations, and ported those to nightborne as well.


Shameless self plug of my dedicated thread on this issue:

Edit: Just realized Alamara’s also put her points in my thread, cool


I believe both the male and female model should be thicker and more bulked up than the blood elven counterpart.

A good example constantly brought up is the alleria model for female high elves. It is just a blood elf model with a little more meat on them.


Even if the 10% of survivors accounts for all High Elves it’s a rough estimate that they are currently 15-20% the size of the current Blood Elf population.

And that’s assuming they didn’t lose too many to becoming Wretched.

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"a neurohormonal hypothesis has replaced the hemodynamic model focusing on the neuroendocrine activation of a progressive disorder of left ventricular remodeling. "

This is the most Gnomish thing I’ve read in the pathology book. So funny.

Anyways. It’s bit tough because that one lodge found a scary artifact and got themselved withered. Also Theramore got manabombed.

Even then, there are still several High Elven population centers, most notably the Silver Covenant. I feel like the survivors from the other debacles probably wander there.

Kal’thaes taking a large percentage of Sin’dorei your bois to Outland and subsequently having to kill them wasn’t helping matters any.

So I might get some flack for this but what if the farstriders get tired of the Blood Knights and Halduron takes a few to go the alliance to get the ball rolling? Probably not just a thought.

After the Void Elves, it’s not impossible to imagine some Blood Elves deciding to just up and leave. That said, Halduron is not one of them. He’s been a very vocal supporter of Lor’themar.

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I must be confusing myself, I thought there was someone who wasnt feeling the blood elves anymore / upset with them. Time to go back and research…

We also really try to keep a focus on it being the actual Alliance Quel’dorei…

If you put Blood Elves on the Alliance then a lot of people that really care about it might still be stuck here wanting playable Quel’dorei and it’s really important that it’s avoided.