The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The Kul’tirans at least have a story and are already seeded, they are a step ahead of Void Elves in this sense.


Yup. Also gotta love how they’re the second use of the Night Elf model for a Horde Allied Race.

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Way ahead. But personally there’s some aspects of them that feel very forced. The thornspeakers were barely explored, for instance. And the tidesages in the story do not feel like shamans, but their own thing. It feels kul tirans were given druids and shamans for the sake of having more class combinations. But both of these are minor details, overall kul tirans are cool.


In my opinion the lack of the Thin boi’s in the customization options killed my interest in the Kul’Tirans, i would also like to play a Kul’tiran with the regular Human Model with different features but we didn’t get that either.



We should’ve had a Thornspeaker join the inquisition gang, at the very least.

As for the Tidesages, they are like a mix of Shaman, Shadow Priest and a little bit of Frost Mage - any of those classes could fit the bill, really. It’s kind of a case like Paladin, Blood Knight, Sunwalker and Prelate.

They are cool, Kul’Tiras is way more interesting than Stormwind, but the limitations on the customization are a big problem.

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I feel that. Blizzard could have allowed them to use standard human model as an option. I have no idea why that was not allowed.


The least they could have done is make the majority of Kul Tirans chonky

I do kind of agree with this tbh. I mean, if they themselves couldn’t brign themselves to use the Kul Tiran models for the various heroes in the story, why did they think players would want them?

I mean, I like the Kul Tiran models in theory. I think adding new physiques and statures and whatnot is cool, and diversifying Humans injects a ton of flavour into Kul Tiras, so it’s cool seeing all that variety.

But the new Kul Tiran model just doesn’t have that eroic Alliance, 90’s style knights and castles feel about it. As NPCs, they work, but as a playable race? I’m not convinced they’ll be very popular.


Yea I am expecting Zandalari to eclipse Void Elves in popularity, if only because they can be Paladins.

Kul Tirans… I doubt they will be that successful. I imagine the bulk of their number will be druids just because of the unique forms, with Shamans and Mages probably being the next most numerous class for the whole Tidesage vibe and Rogues for the whole Pirate vibe (fat man can stealth, eat it tauren!) being the next most numerous.

Paladins, Shamans, Druids… Really the only in-demand class they can’t be is Demon Hunter, and even that could fly with the Demoniac lore if Allied Races were allowed to have access to Hero Classes.

Yea I totally blanked on the fact Zandalari can be Druids with unique forms. All the more reason to think they will eclipse Void Elves in popularity.


I for one would adore having high elves finally be a playable race on the alliance side. I would definitely make a few faction and race changes to high elves! It honestly boggles my mind that despite they have been involved in Alliance lore for so long, pretty much since the beginning, that they have not been their own race. Having them as an allied race is a perfect way to finally bring them into the fold!


They’re never going to allow people to make non fat Kul’tirans because of Shamans and Druids.

About their popularity… it’s laughable, I don’t expect to see anything close to 80k KT’s with NA and UE populations combined, because Dark Irons are much better and have only 80k @120, Kul’tirans is just a waste of development time, but tbh which AR Alliance have who wasnt?

Let’s look the overall reactions;

Void Elves : worst idea ever.
Lighforged Draenei : why not a customization option for Draenei?
Kul’tirans Humans : REALLY!?!? I MEAN, SERIOUSLY?!?!
Dark Iron Dwarf : Ok at least somethig cool, I guess…
Mechagn… Those abominations? YOU MUST BE KIDDING!!!

Now Horde…
Nightborne : Okay, not the NPC’s we wanted, but not that bad either.
Highmountain Tauren : why not a customization option for Tauren?
Mag’har Orcs plus every clan skin : Hell yeah! Finally!
Zandalari Trolls : Everyone think they’re badass, even people who dislike trolls in general, like me.
Vulpera : Oh My GOD! They’re so cute!


Highmountain Tauren have been split from mainland Tauren for 10k years, and have developed a different culture/history. Plus they lacked the revival in sun-worship, so no reason for them to have Priests or Paladins.

But, I think if their classes is the problem in this case Lightforged Draenei wouldn’t fit on core Draenei either, since they lack Shamans and Monks.

The lack of Shamans is a problem, yep, but it’s not like Lightforged Mages make much sense either. Could just go with “Lightforged Shamans are brand-new Draenei from Azeroth that joined in”.

Why would they not have access to Monk when T’paartos is our partner for the intro is beyond my comprehension capacity.

I don’t find the classes a big constraint. I mean, tauren became paladins and priests quite suddenly, and highmountain learned to be monks after Legion. You could just handwave that they were learning to be paladins or priests from regular tauren. (I also need to point out that there was no HM druid NPCs in Legion.)


Blizzard logic: They have a /joke about Pandaren and Kung Fu, no Monks then!

Yeah, I also think that Monk can be done. But Shamans, Druids, Paladins and sometimes Warlocks are always a problem to fit in some races.