The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No judgement here. Whenever anybody offers me a couple of silver to murder a group of people for some ugly boots I’ll never wear I jump at the chance. Murderhobos for life.

I was in my right, Demon Hunters and Rogues are the biggest bullies of Monks, they had it coming.

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I feel so bad about the treatment Blizzard gave the Alliance in regards of Allied Races that i prefer to talk off topic stuff than discuss how badly we were treated.

Edit: But, we can make the situation better with good ideas right? So, i will put myself into that.


I’m starting to get the feeling that the majority of pushback comes from really sensory people and that’s why there is so much strife over a color palette. Then you’ve got hordies who hate the Alliance no matter what anyways.

Lydon seems to be the only active anti-high-elf poster that has a firm grasp of the lore, even if he does his best to diminish Quel’dorei, the others we spend most of our time actively having to educate about the lore, typically they’re not particularly interested either.


So, High Elves.

Perhaps if they went with the “Curing Magical Addiction” route for a recruitment questline/scenario, the Quel’danil elves would become less strict about the arcane?

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If we’re honest, Highmountain Tauren are only a few steps above Lightforged Draenei. They were fleshed out much better, but their relevance is about as much as the Lightforged. They’re an extension of an existing race more than their own. This is an intended part of the Allied Race system.

Right now the bigger argument over disparity is that the Horde’s Allied Races all either featured heavily as part of an expansion, or were sufficiently fleshed out within an expansion to have their own strong identity, even if it overlaps with another race.

Nightborne were the stars of Legion.
Mag’har were the stars of Warlords of Draenor.
Zandalari are the stars of Battle for Azeroth.


I feel like it’s gonna get worse before it gets better though.

Vulpera are likable. But they’re gonna be like, “Hey Alliance, you know that fish guy on the docks? You like fish guys right?”

I honestly might unsubscribe if it’s egregious enough.

“We’re giving the Horde Undead Elves and San’layn! Alliance gets crab guys…”

Which is pretty crazy. I’ve got a main on both Horde and Alliance. Like, when they add in the Horse and Wolf mounts I just get them. I didn’t have to do anything.


Well, we did find out Lasan Skyhorn is very eager to spill the blood of people he has no reason to hate.


His problem is to believe that the Sin’dorei are the only succession group of the pre-scourge High Elves, so he just believes that only the Sin’dorei should get a good treatment and spotlight as High Elf successors, and he is proven wrong by what was already presented in the game: we have Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Ren’dorei and San’layn, all of them had and have a spot in the story as successors of the High Elven (as a whole) story.


Highmountain tauren are not that different from regular tauren, true, but at least they were really well-fleshed out. They are three interesting tauren tribes merged into one.

Also, Lasan, the Skyhorn tribe leader, has been a constant presence in BfA so far. And he’s a cool character to boot.

I can also see the highmountain tauren getting some moment to shine by helping Baine.

Highmountain also got something neither void elves nor lightforged draenei got: they have one of the advanced outposts in Kul Tiras all for themselves.


The Highmountain also have the best flying mounts in the game it seems, as their eagles are apparently able to fly across the entire damn ocean, from Orgrimmar to Stormwind, without fatigue


Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei would need their own architecture to have their own outposts.


The Lightforged do a pretty nice job whenever there’s an invasion in Drustvar, I’ll admit

Too bad 15000 years fighting the Legion don’t prepare you for da Voodoo


To be fair, knowing your enemy is important in warfare, and the Lightforged are too new to Azeroth to know any of the enemies they’ll be facing.

I think he knows better. The thing about Lydon is he’s pretty well versed in the lore. It’s rare I have to correct him.

But he made the argument earlier that the visual aspects are 90% of a races identity. Which might have just been an attempt at one upmanship at debate since it contradicted the thing he said before that.

But he’s ideological in that he thinks he’s protecting The Blood Elves from some fate.

Still it’s a visual thing for him too. so maybe he’s just like the other anti-posters but just happens to also be really invested in the lore. It’s hard to say.

and I’m obviously not talking about posters like Imdum, or anyone else with a more balanced or nuanced viewpoints.

At least when he’s not being petty he’s alright to talk to.

Lol, true.

I also think Blizzard made a good job in highmountain specializations and ties that makes them thematic different from regular tauren. They have their eagles and water magic, their advanced smith techniques from the Iron Horn tribe, as well as drogbar allies (that should appear more often, IMO). The Skyhorn and Blood Totem tribes are also way more warlike than regular tauren.

I both love and hate that quest.

Love because the lightforged are presented as really scary there. They come and take over everything, as an elite fighting force should do. They feel terrifying to behold.

But there are two problems with that: it’s a Horde-only quest, so Alliance don’t see that display of power, and then the trolls make some voodoo and the elite fighting force is smashed as a bunch of noobs.

Back to allied races, how successful do you expect the kul tirans to be?


Not even close to be successful, some people will like the males, making good warriors and druids, but the females are so uninteresting that we might found a more underplayed race+gender combination than Dwarf Females.

Lord knows I wish we got to pilot a Warframe again, like the quest in Antorus where you blast the spaceship. But noooo, just get into the airship on foot and click on the blight bombs while the orcs aboard mumble about honor, likely because the blight got to their brains already.

I’d expect the druids forms to at least attract some playerbase to them. And they should make for pretty cool warriors.

Marginal to be honest. The racials are not bad. That said I’d expect a lot of Druids at first, who will then change to another race once they get tired of wicker Druid Forms.

The Zandalari are going to be super successful. We might see more trolls than elves on the Horde by the end of the year.

I’d be amazed if it took longer than a few months to have them surpass the Velves as the most player Allied Race.