The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Highmountain and Lightforged class pools are very discouraging, 5 classes really? Is this Vanilla?
I would add monks to the Lightforged and Priests to the Highmountain honestly.

Theyā€™ve got good racials.

I know a few people that are interested in playing plus sized characters because they can relate to them. Obviously that will be a fetish for some players as well.

But I think youā€™ll see more people with body dysmorphia resisting that change. Itā€™s a fantasy MMO. Most people fantasize about having 9% bodyfat.

Imagine if we got Farondis Ghost Elves instead of Void Elves.

The fact that he is the best poster on their side nowadays says a lot.
I donā€™t see a reason to argue with people that donā€™t intent to change their opinion, itā€™s a lost fight.

Something important for all of us to remember is that weā€™re not necessarily trying to change the mind of rusted-on community members who will never agree with the idea; weā€™re trying to appeal to the Blizzard devs who actually have a say in the matter of these things, and people who havenā€™t made up their minds yet one way or another.

Itā€™s why Iā€™m not too concerned with the latest attack angle of ā€˜High Elf threads are an echochamberā€™ or ā€˜thereā€™s only 10 motivated posters responsible for the whole thread.ā€™

If they want to start discussing the pros and cons of the idea itself again, sure, thatā€™s a topic worth debating. But the current line of attack is pretty transparent.


For me itā€™s always about persuading the persuadable.

Lydon provides a stage. I do try to convince him. But at the end of the day heā€™s not my audience.

This is my mindset lately, i just stopped arguing with the others because itā€™s pointless, we donā€™t have anything more to prove about the High Elves viability, all we need to do is to appeal to the developers and show our interest on them, create productive feedback and suggestions.


I wouldnā€™t call any of them ā€œpersuadableā€. The best we can do to bring more support is to appeal to those who havenā€™t made up their minds on the High Elves yet as Nindraine said, and best way to do it is promoting them on this thread, because itā€™s here where the good ideas and suggestions are :slightly_smiling_face:.


I meant lurkers and the undecided.

Posters like Lydon are too emotionally invested to be convinced and if you can convince it tends to lead to latent resentment. Hence the reason why I view it as a platform.

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Well. I also really like to debate.

I just have different objectives than most. I guess technically I could probably actually persuade someone and not have met my objectives.

I agree with you too, you do better work here conversing about it than arguing. But if you leave the other thread idle they come here. (like I said, different objectives.)


I see more outsiders showing up more on our thread than in the other, and if you look at the number of views recently, our thread is growing faster than the other, 3 days ago there was 500 more views on their thread, and now we are 600 or 700 ahead, i guess our thread is more appealing to the lurkers and undecided.


That and no Kulā€™Tiran Paladins too.

I guess so much for Reinhardt in WoW thenā€¦

Picking Shamans over Mages or Paladins was a pretty terrible move.

They did get Mages.


We did get Mages through.

But sadly not the Iconic Paladin class.

Hereā€™s to hoping they finally add Nelf Paladins

Specially now with the Night Warrior and all that jazz


This. And I would say that Lightforged Draenei already have a lot of more legwork given what we have seen of the AU LFD.

VEā€™s have to be more than their plot relevance, they need growth of their own, much like a character would. We know so little about who they are as as people, who they hope to become as a people -are they even okay with Voiding QT if it means bringing it back to the alliance?-

There is so much potential for the political place Void Elves occupy in the world, they are quite literally turn coats, and itā€™s just such a wasted opportunity that they are being relegated to their gimmick.

I see, I donā€™t know if it was in the same post, but in that case I see as any High Elves turned VEā€™s being the playable ones, and those who didnā€™t, are quite simply not.

This could lead to many storylines, like the rest of the VEā€™s trying to find a way to remove the void from them, helping them to cope, or others trying to convince them to use it.

Thatā€™s the thing, even if HEā€™s that refused to use the Void, that could lead to a good story. Can we remove the Void from them? If we can, can we do it from every Void Elf? How could VEā€™s deal with the possibility of being ā€œcuredā€? What does that mean from them as a race?

All of this not even counting all the possibilities of the praradigm shift of a sudden influx of population and the reorganization that would cause on the first place, and how that could make the VEā€™s see they have to become a people of their own rather than just a group of scholars.

Honestly I feel like VEā€™s have potential, but they are so underbaked that right now pretty much every addition would be a good thing because they desperately need more substance.

They can either become something more, or just remain a group of blue blood elf exiles living in tents.


Why would Blizzard go through the trouble of making another group of Elves part of the Void Elves if they didnā€™t have them use the Void afterward?

With Blizzards style of writing they are extremely black and white.

Itā€™s like the Forsaken. Once you get made into one you act like one and share their ideals with few exceptions.

The only course that somewhat makes sense is Blood Elves either getting converted by an accident or willingly. Because thatā€™s what the Void Elves already are and thatā€™s what they need to build on.

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