The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Lightforged, like Void Elves, can’t be really a race with a culture, because they are literally the Army of the Light. And, there’s like what, 60 of them.

What can be done is integrate them with the Draenei. From now on, the greatest Draenei Warriors/Paladins/Priests that wish to do so can go on and become Lightforged, turning into some sort of Living Saints that vow to dedicate themselves to protecting and fighting for their people for the rest of eternity or something like that.

For the Void Elves, well… I’d honestly just keep them as they are and try to develop them from there. Maintain their status as this small cabal, instead of trying to force them into an actual race.


And for a playable race that is terrible.

There’s no reason to be interested in them and they could go anywhere and end up being something other than what you wanted.

Plus we’ve seen plenty of Alliance races with one line story goals that only happens when that subject comes up.

Draenei - Fighting the Legion.
Worgen - Revenge against the Forsaken.
Pandaren - Panda stuff…

Now we are waiting for Void Elves to be relevant and wondering if we will even like them when they are.

A blank canvas has nothing on it to enjoy.


I can’t say I’ve seen any indication of this. I mean, during the Battle of Lordaeron, reinforcements and equipment was brought all the way from Gnomeregan. That’s not short-range, and those portals would have to be very stable in order to transport the mechs that were brought through.


That’s where things get weird. Lightforged draenei should have a culture on their own. They’ve been fighting the Legion for 15,000 years! That’s enough time and a enough different lifestyle to make their culture completely different from regular draenei. Also, an army needs supplies and replenishing its soldiers, so there should be lightforged civilians working on supply lines as well as making babies.

Lightforged draenei have a lot of potential to be fleshed out. Instead, they are portrayed just as this army that makes no sense.

Like the void elves, they are a blank canvas, and that’s not good.

It’s the Draenei Culture… But aggressive.

And no Shaman or Monks…

From what I recall of, ‘A Thousand Years of War,’ it was stated the Light sustained those in the Army of the Light, which not only made Turalyon immortal, but likely removed their need for sustenance. As for increasing their numbers, while that’s a fair concern, the Army of the Light was described as having dwindling numbers precisely because they weren’t having children.

Yeah, but it shouldn’t be.


Makes you wonder how they were able to fight for 15,000 (or was it 25,000?) years against a much larger army that CAN replenish its numbers.

But even if they completely lack civilians, children or food, they should be explored on how they are coping with the end of the Legion, the death of Xe’ra and other stuff. There’s nothing on that.

All this discussion does is make me see how idiotic were the races Blizzard gave to the Alliance… They are storytelling at its worst.


The thing is that fighting the Legion is all they’ve been doing.

They don’t need food or water, the Light keeps them up. They don’t need fancy dresses and suits, bedazzling jewelry or make-up to look better, only equipment for battle. You’ll never find a Lightforged painter or a Lightforged farmer. You can’t have Lightforged children, I mean we saw how the Lightforged become so. They are the Army of the Light, and that’s it. That’s how Turalyon introduces them to Anduin.

Just like the Void Elves are a cabal, not race, so are the Lightforged. They are an army, an elite group dedicated to war.

And yes, it’s pretty idiotic that Blizzard gave the Alliance not one but two allied races who are races in name only.


I agree. We’ve seen them choose to rejoin their kin on Azeroth, but what entirely does this entail? Do the Lightforged see Velen as their leader? Or since they weren’t led by him for so long, is he more a relic of a tragic era? The Lightforged haven’t shared the same events as the rest of the Draenei, or been led through those events by Velen. What does the average Lightforged Draenei think of Velen?

Or their kin, for that matter?

I could see a narrative where the Lightforged believe their friends and family must be protected, for their own good, after learning of all that happened to them. Certainly the Army of the Light would make for the military of the Draenei race, but to what extent is their influence? Would we see them believe they need to lead to protect their people because the current leader is weak and ineffective?

If there is a Warfront on the Draenei Isles, would the Lightforged install Martial Law and essentially throw a coup if Velen tries to stop them? All for the good of their friends and family who have demonstrated they’re too weak to defend themselves, of course.


When I remember Suramar and Highmountain, it becomes clear how much love was given to the Horde races…

But don’t worry, junker gnomes are coming.


Just turn the Vindicaar intro Draenei Halls of Valor, where the greatest combatants are sent to pass a trial, become Stor- err, Lightforged, and be conscripted into the Army of the Light as immortal warriors sworn to an eternal duty or something like that.

In times of peace have them train their non-Lightforged kin, and inspire them to one day ascend to such heights, do research on the light or or whatever.

They should probably just fully submit to Velen and swear allegiance as his greatest soldiers, to be used as his infinite wisdom tells him.

Just make them part of the normal Draenei ok, I’m sick of SPAAAACE.


This discussion is making me feel depressed…

Alliance Allied Races in a nutshell.


Do what I do and goof off. Been playing around with a Legion Communication Orb, in the Telogrus Rift. Looking at the islands way, waaaay out there we can’t go to. One of them had fel lava on it.

I can do that with Hunter skills. The fel lava there is because Telogrus is just a reworked Legion world tileset. They probably copied Niskara or somewhere else and made Telogrus from it. In the WoW allied race panel in Blizzcon 2017, the background image of the void elves was a generic Legion world.


I look like someone who stole the clothing from a Demon Hunter and a Rogue, i mean i actually did that, not that i had a option after getting my grandmaster regalia burnt in the Firelands. The Hood at least hide my identity, but it’s easy to recognize a Void Elf when there’s only 10 in Azeroth.

Who needs culture or history when you can have your race be defined by the color of their magic


Interestingly enough you can see the same Void tainted planet from Telogrus rift that is shown in the Star Augur boss fight in the Nighthold

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But the Void Elves are so much interesting than the booring High Elves, they are blue and purple!” A random anti. ( i didn’t mean to use the word anti in a negative way, it’s just pratical)
The most flashy and cool in surface Allied “Races” are the most shallow and uninteresting ones.