The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah. The Void Elves are like… the start of a culture. They may be interesting some day…

but despite people talking about how different they are, they’ve got Void Problems… but that’s all they’ve got.

I’d like to see them build up the rift to something other than floating rocks and tents.

They’ll get good when their class orders all start to become their own thing with their own culture. But they kind of struggle because they don’t really have civilians right now.


Perhaps… making a race based entirely around the worst cosmic force and only truly fitting two classes (Warlock and Shadow Priest) wasn’t the smartest idea.

It should’ve been the Nerubians instead, really.


It really feels like the sort of thing that should be addressed sometime.

honestly I really want stormwind and orgrimmar updated fully before BFA ends.

They both need updated textures and building models. Stormwind would get a new elven district that combines all 3 elven races with the void elves only having a small portion of it but it containing a portal to the rift.

The stormwind docks should be expanded to have more ships going to different places, some warships docked meant to be part of a defense fleet, the drydocks updated to properly show ships under repair/being built, and perhaps a structure built to be an airship dock however that would work.

orgrimmar gets a harbor as a main thing. remove the mountains along the east and make a proper port. the entire city needs to be overhauled as well. All of it replaced with the new orcish style of buildings.

Perhaps even a “hall of the clans” to showcase all of the various orcish clans. Similar to how the zandalari have an area built for the speakers of the various troll tribes.


Wachassa is out of the Sauna and has become a ninja… :open_mouth:

I don’t get why adding HE’s to the VE’s ranks would destroy their identity. Like yeah, it’s a possibility, but you are kinda seeing it as the worst case scenario.

Cause this could be implemented as a whole spectrum, where new HE and BE recruits are simply that without bringing much change save for a pop pool for VE’s, to the worst case scenario you describe.

Why wouldn’t High Elves that join the VE’s use the Void? That would be the reason they joined, that they would be okay with using it. Adding HE’s to the mix could really just meant a wider origin and connections, but it really doesn’t have to even displace as the cornerstone of VE identity, even when it’s very limited that’s the only thing they got and could use more depth.

Even if we go with the accidental conversion, you can’t say is unfathomable for High Elves to find usefulness into it; Alleria was the first to use the void in such a manner, and she was a Void Elf. Her existence alone could convince many of her race.

And even having some VE’s reluctant to their power creates an interesting layer instead of having everyone just fine and dandy with the Void.

But overall, we would be playing as those HE’s that are willing to use the Void, that became Void Elves.

Cause make no mistake, this whole thing wouldn’t be about playable High Elves really, just about giving Void Elves the possibility of a High Elf origin, in a way that allows usage of High Elf Lore.

IMO they need a wider identity than just being focused on the cosmic energy they wield. They need leeway and breathing room to be more than just mutated elves and become a well rounded culture/people.


The premise of discussion was a massive conversion involving some kind of accident. That’s why I could see High Elves transformed into Void Elves as refusing to use the Void. They’d reject their new state and condition about as forcefully as the Rotbrains or Lilian Voss rejected being undead.

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while initially this would have been widely accepted it is far too late for that to happen and for it to go well.

Blizzard doing this would look like they are slapping us across the face and telling us to deal with it or gtfo.


But that is the only thing that defines them, and the only thing separating them from Blood Elves. It’s literally their name, and who they are: scholars who were kicked out of Silvermoon for researching the Void, continued to dedicate themselves to mastering the Void, and became fully corrupted by the Void in an accident.

Giving them more now would feel like an excuse coming out of nowhere.

Also, about the Elven district in Stormwind, it’d be very weird to see Night Elves being all fine and dandy living next door to literally Void-corrupted Blood Elves.

Maybe if something had happened or happens to instill some trust towards them in the Night Elves, like, I dunno…

Those Void-portals that were constantly spewing out troops during the Siege of Lordaeron sure look like they could’ve saved quite a few Kal’dorei lives.


they couldn’t actually. Void portals are defined as being unstable and/or short range.

Also they would likely still being actually trained at that point. Those at the battle of lordaeron just being advanced students. Considering that they brought gnomish battle tanks with them it can be assumed that they created those portals near the alliance staging area at brill.

How far away is the Telogrus rock?


different case. It is in a pocket dimension.

I think Void Elves have, ironically like their Void powers, multiple future truths.

While you may call them one dimensional now, I still see them as a much more blank canvas creatively for story content than High Elves at the moment. I think they’ll come into their own. There was a large pushback against pretty Blood Elves in the Horde ranks back when they were added, a choice that still has people upset, but I think they’ve been great for the Horde.

I’m most excited for what happens when the Void/Old God stuff becomes center stage later in the expac and the Void Elves + Alleria use their expertise in this area to do something really interesting, or dangerous.

If 9.0 ends up being K’aresh, the Void sundered world of the Ethereals, as some have speculated it may be, Void Elves will have lots of relevance and interesting moments there also.

I agree they need to do something more with Telgorus, if only so I can hear that soundtrack more often. They’ve got some of the coolest music playing in there.

Where is that said? Cause it looks to be literally in space, and hinted to be that one planet Sargeras destroyed.

he destroyed a lot of planets.

That’s like 100 of them. You can only paint so many pictures with that.

We had a perfect opportunity for them to show their “Void expertise” in Stormsong, where the Void and Old Gods were literally everywhere, and all we got is one Pet Trainer NPC.

The one he destroyed specifically because the Titan Soul was becoming corrupted

Durzaan talks about it being full of Void and great ones or whatever the sword that destroyed it

If Void Portals can reach interplanetary distance, no reason they can’t cross the sea.


To me, this is exactly what is so wrong about the void elves: people expect them to have “relevance” in some plot or another. It’s a sign that they are a plot device, not a race. They can’t stand up by themselves.

When the void becomes a threat, they’ll be super-relevant? So what happens when the Void is no longer a main threat, do they fade out in the background and get generic roles again?

Blood elves, trolls, dwarves, night elves, none of them need a specific threat to become relevant. They serve multiple functions and fit multiple roles.

Void elves shouldn’t need to wait for a void story in order to get spotlight. They should be explored and fleshed out way before that. We should know them and care about them first. If they can’t stand up on their own, they don’t deserve to be a main race.

And the same can be said about lightforged draenei.


I believe lightforged already have their place but blizzard massively underutilizes it.

They should be quick response space marines. An urgent battle going on somewhere?
Say no more ring up the vindicaar and drop in a battalion of lightforged via drop pods and bunkers.

You are thinking of them as a military unit. I’m thinking of them as a race. As a culture.

Both void elves and lightforged draenei are being painted as specialized super-soldier squadrons, but they’ve been marketed as races. I want to see them portrayed as races.