And there’s a problem there. The void elves are a tool, not a race. They have their magic juice that does things no one can do, but outside of that gimmick, they lack anything that makes a race interesting. A place to call home? Nope. A people? Nope. Interesting dynamics? Nope. Void elves are as one-dimensional as it can get. That’s never a virtue.
Why the mag’har are more interesting than the regular orcs? Because they have different clans, with different skill sets, different leaders, different philosophies.
Why are (were) the AU draenei more interesting than the regular draenei? Because they had the five Exarchs, each leading a different subgroup with its own skill sets and ways to deal with problems.
Why are the blood elves interesting? Again, their society is made of different groups. You have magisters, farstriders, blood knights, sunreavers, each with their own outlook on things.
Variety makes things interesting. Inner conflict, different outlooks having to cohexist. Humans are the blandest race, too generic. But add gilneans, kul tirans and other nations and they start to feel way more interesting. Dwarves are kinda like that: they are bland until you mix wildhammer and dark iron clans with them.
Storytelling in the Alliance has been flawed because all the uniqueness of the races is lost under the human leadership. It becomes way better when the other races gets the spotlight, making the Alliance more diverse. Patch 8.1 wasn’t among the better, but it was a moment where the Alliance felt way more interesting just because the night elves took center stage for a change.
The void elves lack even the slightest hint of complexity. And I don’t see them growing beyond that on their own. They’ll pull numbers and characters from blood elves and/or high elves, and they’ll absorb these races’ themes because they lack their own themes. Since everything they got is “the Void”, they’ll end up as blood elves that use the Void, or high elves that use the Void. I think it was the plan all along.
Addendum: I think the void elves would work way better as a group within high elf society than as their own society. They don’t even qualify as a society, after all.