The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

If you want to get more in depth about Ogres or read some of the discussion on them there is a Megathread.

I was hoping it was a reference too.

I’m thinking something like.

----Links about the request for High Elves----
----Blue Quotes about High Elves----
----Fanart for High Elves—
----Discredits against arguments against High Elves----
----Why they are relevant.----

And just letting people fill it in.


a racial with some kind of cleave like this would be interesting to work on


50% to knock enemies within 5 yards in front of the play to the left and 50% to knock them to the right. Also deals x amount of damage and non player enemies are stunned for 2 seconds.


Considering 2019 is looking to be a lean year, I would imagine anything added to the game to increase micro transactions (like race changes, level boosts, etc…) would be something of a priority. It’s plausible we might see High Elves before the year is out, especially towards the end of the year when they’re looking to really push the numbers for the annual report.

I don’t believe it personally, but it’s possible. It’d obviously be for the money, but PR can play it off as, “We asked what you wanted to see added, and we’re happy to deliver it to you. We do listen to feedback.”


Blizzard should keep ap gear next expansion, so many people dont like them blizz doesnt want to look like they caved in to the player base and got rid of them.


2 minute CD. 10 second duration.
Your Attacks/Spells/Heals have a 50% chance to hit your target or a nearby target for X% AP/SP.


Could actually make this work by saying some nelfs who survived and believed Elune turned her back on their people and converted to the light.

Or, much more simple, having the already-established paladin Delas Moonfang start training other Priestesses of the Moon in the arts of the war. The nelf paladin order could even be called “Moonfang” something.


Yeah. That’s something too. They’re trying to prove that they listen to their players. Not really a better way to do it than add the thing their players ask for the most.


Indeed. I still don’t think they’re coming before the next expansion, but at the same time, if they did, I don’t think I would be terribly surprised. Blizzard will be making money almost purely from their WoW subscription and micro-transactions this year, since they don’t have major new titles releasing. So, the 2019 micro-transactions are going to have to be pretty impressive. Allied Races are already increasing World of Warcraft’s Micro-Transaction revenue. I can see Zandalari raking in a fair bit. The issue there is, the imbalance in population between the Horde and Alliance. The Alliance needs some Allied Races that’ll bring players back, either from having quit, or from the Horde.

Though really, that entire issue is more based on incentivizing Horde Mythic Guilds to transfer to the Alliance, something that isn’t likely to happen when we saw Limit briefly transfer for Warfront gear and then right back so that they, like Method, could roll Trolls purely for the racial, ‘Voodoo Shuffle.’

When you see major Mythic Raiding guilds doing this, it affects the playerbase.


how about if we just allow high elves to return to silvermoon and add the skin as a customization for blood elves.
we’ll even let them visit the new shiny sun well

Or, we could respect over a decade of High Elven lore within World of Warcraft, keep them in the Alliance where they belong and are happy, and instead add them as an Allied Race?


Besides Its better than Void Elf and Blood Elf Options of High Elves that is.

“Why don’t we just take the group that you want. Change everything about them, and then you could play them? Would that satisfy you?”


To put this into perspective for you, since you’re playing a Void Elf…

I’m going to presume you like Void Elves.

So a major component of Quel’dorei is their ideological divide with Blood Elves.

The principle component of Void Elves is that they’re Blood Elves affected by the Void.

Let’s pretend that Void Elves were added to the game but weren’t playable.

So if I was making this same compromise to you, I would say, “How about we just take Void Elves. Make them not Void Corrupted and have them return to the Sin’dorei. Would this satisfy you?”


Nope. Not even close. Thousands of year of exposure to the sunwell seperate high elf and night. At most 20 years are between high elf and blood elf. The only difference is high elf didn’t seek dark magics to sate their withdrawal when Arthas broke the well, hence the change in eye colors.

Which is irrelevant now since the sunwell was fixed.

Actually, the physical changes between Night Elves and High Elves was the result of being cut off from the Blessings of the World Tree and shifting to a diurnal sleep cycle. The Exiled Highborne began changing while crossing the ocean towards the Eastern Kingdoms.

The Sunwell didn’t have anything to do with the physical differences between the two groups, and the changes occurred within the span of time it takes to cross the ocean.

Magical Addiction is something that resulted from an unknown dependence upon the Sunwell, certainly, but the physical differences aren’t.


The end result remains the same. There is no clear physical distinction between high and blood and high are nowhere close to the middle of night and blood. This argument is just used to justify a physical change that would be not only incoherent with the lore but only to separate the two factions’ elves.

True, though I think it depends on what direction Blizzard goes with the introduction of the High Elves. If this introduction ties heavily with the Night Elves, by say, Tyrande being the one to help unite the High Elves by essentially having the two groups work together for mutual survival, then it could theoretically be possible that some blessing from Elune or a Wild God, or perhaps a unique Moonwell, or even a new kind of Arcan’dor, would be able to rid the High Elves of their magical addiction and at the same time change them to a physical state closer to what the Night Elves have.

Convoluted and unnecessary, certainly. I feel like one could simply beef the models up by stating modern Alliance-loyal High Elves have some degree of human blood from inter-mingling.

Not that I think beefing the models is even all that necessary. The Void Elves are here, the Horde has used the Night Elf skeleton twice, and the less work needed to make High Elves playable, the faster they’ll come out.


Hi, I just clicked on this and scrolled to the bottom, so I’m just gonna say things that have probably been said before. Oops.

Anyways, they could just… change their stance, y’know. Alter the silhouette a little bit, like making the ears droop a little lower than the blood elves’. I don’t think it’s impossible to see high elves in the future, but I feel that if Blizzard were to add them, they’d have to make these little changes to the models so they could stand on their own.