The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

My biggest question is, if blizz basically said "no, at least not right now. Possibly later."

Then why are people continuing to beat this horse that's been dead and rotting longer than Sylvanas herself nearly?
It doesn't feel productive to cry out about it every single day. It only adds to the salt of every party with an opinion, whether it's for or against.
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Soon TM
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I'm not calling you out for upvotes, but simply stating, "forums crying and Blizz said no" isn't something we can debate or discuss as to the potential future of playable Alliance High Elves

I didn't simply say that you guys cry and Blizzard said no although I did say it as part of my larger point.

My larger point is that void elves were added instead of high elves. I don't think Blizzard will add another elf race that shares the same model. You could argue that Blizzard can create a new model for them but then what happens to the older models? Do they get updated with new models too or just stay the same? Then you create a new argument of older elf players who want updates like the high elves got. I do not see Blizzard going down this rabbit hole just to add another elf race when they probably have bigger development priorities.

Another point I made was that there is no data supporting that the larger player base wants high elves. The forums and subreddit are vocal minorities and I always see this argument made in these threads, "Everyone want them Blizz just make them." When actually none of us know what the people who don't read the forums or subreddit actually want.

I'm not trying to rain on the elf parade and if the larger player base wants them then I'm all for it but right now it's just comes off as "give me my fan service."

I see where you're coming from and I get it to a certain extent. While Void Elves were the compromise it gives me hope that the door is still open. That being said, I'd understand if High Elves weren't added at all this expansion while other potential allied races were explored, many people are suffering from "elf fatigue" after all, but I'd be willing to wait an expansion or two if that's what it took

But I think Blizz is well aware about the demand for High Elves, they said so in several videos (may take me a while to track them down, they were just minor offhand comments on larger q&a videos and such). The fact that they made a compromise that turned out to be the most popular allied race supports this

Lastly I don't think that a newer model would be an issue. After all the point of a new model or animations would be to make them different, not necessarily better. I feel as though Blood Elf players are happy with their models and animations. Pair that with the fact that they've received several model updates, golden eyes and are one of the first non allied races to get heritage armor and Blood Elf players should be happy campers. I'd want new High Elf models to make Blood Elves happy, not to step on their toes
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10/04/2018 04:26 AMPosted by Tyierin
10/04/2018 04:21 AMPosted by Fliktarg

That isn't how the sunwell works. If that was so they wouldn't have needed to even build the sunwell as a new well of eternity was made at mount hyjal by illidan. Also what about those in outland if your theory was even true? Does the power transcend dimensions?

Except that is how it works. When the sunwell was restored by Velen, Lor'themar goes to visit High Elves at some lodge. They tell him that they thought something had happened because the pain of magic withdrawl had decreased sharply.

And yes, elves in outland can use the sunwell. If someone goes to visit the sunwell, it's just to marvel at how pretty it is.

You made that all up. Lor'themar didn't go visit a high elf lodge.
10/04/2018 04:30 AMPosted by Evania
10/04/2018 04:26 AMPosted by Shadina

Uh. Hate to be the one to point out a contradiction but uh...


This guy just disproves your entire thing.

You chose one person out everyone here?? You can’t be serious.

Apparently, because there is one person like me, it now destroys everything
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Cause these threads were so productive and weren't just people spamming "bump!!" or endless back and forth arguments.
10/04/2018 03:12 AMPosted by Xyaa
This is the Official High Elves Allied race mega thread,

In order for it to be official, then it would need a blue header, which it does not. It is spam, and, has been reported as such. Also, Blizzard has already stated that Blood Elves ARE High Elves, but what does that matter, since they created this game, and you want what you want.
n o
10/04/2018 04:42 AMPosted by Lydinie
Cause these threads were so productive and weren't just people spamming "bump!!" or endless back and forth arguments.

Blizz likes these discussions, at least a blue claims so. They enjoy the fact that allied races can cap threads so quickly, even if it isn't all productive discussion it still shows that many people are interested in the subject
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10/04/2018 04:16 AMPosted by Gulrum
10/04/2018 04:11 AMPosted by Starlagosa

Lucky for the Helfers that blizz doesn't read the Helf discord which is filled with name calling, personal attacks, hatred, etc. All the things that are against the tos here are expressed there instead. Must be nice to have a place to be your true selves with no consequence.

You mean the people who "said" they were pro-High Elf but were in fact anti and only went on there to stir up trouble and make them look bad? Yea, great argument there.

No true elfsman?
10/04/2018 04:30 AMPosted by Evania
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Uh. Hate to be the one to point out a contradiction but uh...

<span class="truncated">...</span>

This guy just disproves your entire thing.

You chose one person out everyone here?? You can’t be serious.

You spoke for everyone. That guy makes you factually incorrect. Say "mostly everyone" if you mean mostly everyone instead of actually everyone. Most people. Etc.
I love the outcry for High Elves still when Ion more or less hard core shut that !@#$ down.

Like HardCore shut yall down.

But remember, the Horde welcomes you to play OUR High Elves
10/04/2018 04:28 AMPosted by Tomlyn

Veleera is a neutral figure who works for the uncrowned. Man you want high elves and you can't even get Vareesa's name right.

You know I know her name, because I used it correctly in my first post. You got me though, I had a senior moment and got two letters wrong in a name I'd already used correctly. Please tell me more about how adding an NPC to a room would destroy the fabric of reality.

My error was a small typo. Yours is a fundamental failure of logic. You're proving the content of that very comment to be true, as you desperately scrounge for points in the wording.

Edited: technically I used it in the second post. Since we're apparently five, and very desperate, I'll just head off the um-actually on that one.

As for you, I did that on purpose to prove a point. You found my response immature, yes? When I gave you an actual response, you gave me an immature one as well.

10/04/2018 04:07 AMPosted by Tomlyn
10/04/2018 04:05 AMPosted by Shadina

Vareesa isn't in the flipping room. Every leader that's giving quests has been in the room since the Embassy was first made. They're not just gonna rando-stick Vareesa in there willy nilly. It makes zero sense that they would.

You're right. She wasn't in the room. It's impossible! Race literally impossib- ha-ha-ha- I can't. You're not- I just can't.

Treat others as you would like to be treated, otherwise I will treat you just the same. With immaturity.

You chose one person out everyone here?? You can’t be serious.

You spoke for everyone. That guy makes you factually incorrect. Say "mostly everyone" if you mean mostly everyone instead of actually everyone. Most people. Etc.
I apologize for my grammatical error I can’t soeakcror exe time because I don’t know everyone’s opinions
I love those people who takes things literally just to argue with people.

Soon they'll be asking for numbers 'you said most? Give me the exact percentage and proof or you lying!! Your argument is null!!!!'
- The first page alone has the majority of comments from the same 3 people.

- Pages afterwards have -the same- argument and nitpicking brought up in the countless other threads.

- Comments die down and Helf fans seem to be patting one another on the back in simple posts to try and keep it lively.

Precisely how isnt this spam?
10/04/2018 04:38 AMPosted by Fliktarg
10/04/2018 04:26 AMPosted by Tyierin

Except that is how it works. When the sunwell was restored by Velen, Lor'themar goes to visit High Elves at some lodge. They tell him that they thought something had happened because the pain of magic withdrawl had decreased sharply.

And yes, elves in outland can use the sunwell. If someone goes to visit the sunwell, it's just to marvel at how pretty it is.

You made that all up. Lor'themar didn't go visit a high elf lodge.

and honestly if all you can say is "nuh uh lor'themar didn't visit any lodge" then you know you've lost the argument. have a nice day!
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10/04/2018 04:23 AMPosted by Lorithyn

People in both sides have proven that they can be nasty

Nah its purely from the High Elf supporter, they trashtalk the devs, Void Elves, and Blood Elves player, they're pretty much public enemy #1 and i often laughed myself when they asked "Why do people hate us?", they're legit the Flat Earther of WOW universe.

I mean 99% of them are lustful ERPer that want nothing more than Blood Elves in their Goldshire, which is why they're tryharding to create these fanfiction/ headcanon Amazon High Elf, Druidic High Elf, Black High Elf, Tribal High Elf, muscular High Elf, they dont care about lore at all.

Go look at their fanfic and try not to laugh yourself.
Heck most of the comments filling this thread are from Evania and Tomlyn alone, with Shadina countering.

And you wonder why Helf threads are mocked...
How many times do they have to say no? There are only two potential paths for High Elves.

1. Fire current team and replaced by a sympathetic team.
2. End of the faction war at the end of BfA.

No allied races beyond Nightborne and Void elves cross factions from their 'parent' race. And both are distinctively unique. How are High Elves different from Blood Elves? The ranger culture which remains vibrant within Quel'thalas? Simply put, Void Elves are the closest you'll get.

To give the Alliance High Elves would be like giving Horde a faction of humans. Maybe high elves would be possible if a 'traitor' feature is added later.