The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yes to High Elves!

Take my money!
The recruitment quest could be us traveling with Vereesa Windrunner to gather up the remaining scattered High Elves in Eastern Kingdoms (Highvale) and Outland (Allerian Stronghold) to join together under one banner.

I'm not really sure what else it could be though. Maybe some other clan of high elves we don't know about? Hmmm.

Edit: There could even be conflict between the 3 groups. The Highvale could be disappointed in the Dalaran elves for not helping them with their Forsaken conflict and not helping them cope with their addiction. The Allerian Stronghold elves could be upset with both groups for not keeping friendly relations with Silvermoon etc...
10/09/2018 10:44 AMPosted by Heliwyr
10/09/2018 10:32 AMPosted by Shadows

Void Elves were the compromise.

There shouldn't have been a compromise. That's the issue.

What’s done is done.
10/09/2018 08:18 AMPosted by Nindraine
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Well they could go in a way to convince the silver covenant to fully commit its resources and troops into this war. If the Horde win this thing then the silver covenant is in danger too. Right now they are hanging out in Dalaran, but even that’s not safe, at some point Vareesa will see this.

Yeah, honestly the recruitment scenario is the thing that intrigues me the most. Like I know due to writing constraints they would just omit most of the weirder parts of officially askign the High Elves to join the Alliance, but I just can't help imagine Vereesa Windrunner or Auric Sunchaser just standing there awkwardly while Anduin fumbles his way through a speech about how despite being a part of the Alliance for many years, he'd like to extend a formal invitation for them to join the Alliance. >.>

Honestly it'd make more sense than the Dark Irons when you consider the recruitment Scenario for High Elves could simply entail uniting the various scattered communities under a single banner. In this respect, it's not so much welcoming the High Elves into the Alliance, as it'd be welcoming the Order/Nation of High Elves into the Alliance.

I mean, if we want to make it easier have Khadgar step down/be removed from the position of Head of the Council of Six by the other members and elect a new Head who happens to be a High Elf. New Archmage then pledges Dalaran to the Alliance, and as part of this, we get High Elves as an Allied Race.
10/09/2018 10:52 AMPosted by Shadows
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There shouldn't have been a compromise. That's the issue.

What’s done is done.

There's still nothing that says they can't add Quel'dorei to the alliance regardless. If you want something else youre welcome to make a thread.
10/09/2018 10:32 AMPosted by Shadows
10/09/2018 07:16 AMPosted by Lorithyn

This isn't about the player model. This is about whether or not the Quel'dorei High Elves, a race of thalassian elves allied to the Alliance, should be a new allied race

Void Elves were the compromise.

If Void elves were the compromise then why are there two variations of orcs and Tauren on the horde? And two variations of of dwarves and Draenei on the Alliance, it wouldn’t be unprecedented to have two thalassian elves on the same faction.
I get it, you have stated before that you would love to see Void elves expanded upon, I totally agree, but this game is big enough for both without taking from the other. Void elves are cool, they add an edginess to the alliance that other races don’t provide. People are asking for High elves for various reasons, but taking away from Void elves or other races is not one of them.
10/09/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Tyrandia
10/09/2018 10:32 AMPosted by Shadows

Void Elves were the compromise.

If Void elves were the compromise then why are there two variations of orcs and Tauren on the horde? And two variations of of dwarves and Draenei on the Alliance, it wouldn’t be unprecedented to have two thalassian elves on the same faction.
I get it, you have stated before that you would love to see Void elves expanded upon, I totally agree, but this game is big enough for both without taking from the other. Void elves are cool, they add an edginess to the alliance that other races don’t provide. People are asking for High elves for various reasons, but taking away from Void elves or other races is not one of them.

Both Orc and Tauren variants are on the Horde. Both Dwarf and Draenei variants are on the Alliance. Alliance doesn’t need a 2nd Thalassian elf. Void Elves were the cross faction compromise.
10/09/2018 10:52 AMPosted by Shadows
10/09/2018 10:44 AMPosted by Heliwyr

There shouldn't have been a compromise. That's the issue.

What’s done is done.

Doesn't stop blizz from still giving us high elves you can keep goth elves the rest of us prefer to not be double traitors.
10/09/2018 11:20 AMPosted by Shadows
10/09/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Tyrandia
If Void elves were the compromise then why are there two variations of orcs and Tauren on the horde? And two variations of of dwarves and Draenei on the Alliance, it wouldn’t be unprecedented to have two thalassian elves on the same faction.
I get it, you have stated before that you would love to see Void elves expanded upon, I totally agree, but this game is big enough for both without taking from the other. Void elves are cool, they add an edginess to the alliance that other races don’t provide. People are asking for High elves for various reasons, but taking away from Void elves or other races is not one of them.

Both Orc and Tauren variants are on the Horde. Both Dwarf and Draenei variants are on the Alliance. Alliance doesn’t need a 2nd Thalassian elf. Void Elves were the cross faction compromise.

Which is why horde got uncolorshifted night elves ....
10/08/2018 07:09 PMPosted by Gulrum
I read that as: if they can create Void Elves from nowhere then there is literally nothing stopping them from creating High Elves, who have so much more already written for them.

There IS something stopping them from creating High Elves.....the fact that there's now 4 types of the damned things in the game.

And If they felt as if, like you said, there was already sooooo much more written for them requiring next to no work apart from character models, why didn't they add them as the Alliance side allied elf race then, as opposed to Void elves? I have yet to see a decent answer to that.
10/09/2018 12:46 AMPosted by Byucknah


The other thing I have noticed is a mass are comments like this one. This is not an opinion, this provides no discussion, its blatant low effort trolling and spam with the sole purpose of creating drama. If you guys don't like High Elves then that's one thing, just because Ion made a statement on High Elves does not mean that any further discussion is now spam. If that were the case then we would be seeing a whole lot less 'Flying', 'Pathfinder', 'Azerite Gear', ect type threads.

You have every right to disagree and say why you disagree, this is a Discussion thread on High Elves, it does not need to be an echo chamber of support or lack there of. If you dislike High Elves then you have every right to say so, but please keep it constructive and civilized.

I’m going to have to disagree with you. Repeatedly asking for an allied race the devs have already said no to on two separate occasions is the very definition of spam and should be treated as such. These threads have been clogging up the forums for months, and it’s getting to be ridiculous. I feel the same way about all the Pathfinder and Azerite threads.

The devs never said no, and in fact told us to voice our opinions as to what allied race we'd like to see next. As such this thread is dedicated to High Elves, and helps stop the actual spam of multiple High Elf threads
10/09/2018 11:20 AMPosted by Shadows
10/09/2018 11:07 AMPosted by Tyrandia
If Void elves were the compromise then why are there two variations of orcs and Tauren on the horde? And two variations of of dwarves and Draenei on the Alliance, it wouldn’t be unprecedented to have two thalassian elves on the same faction.
I get it, you have stated before that you would love to see Void elves expanded upon, I totally agree, but this game is big enough for both without taking from the other. Void elves are cool, they add an edginess to the alliance that other races don’t provide. People are asking for High elves for various reasons, but taking away from Void elves or other races is not one of them.

Both Orc and Tauren variants are on the Horde. Both Dwarf and Draenei variants are on the Alliance. Alliance doesn’t need a 2nd Thalassian elf. Void Elves were the cross faction compromise.

Any official statement saying “hey guys, you asked for High elves for a while, so we have Void elves packaged up ready to go and waiting for you to open it up as a compromise.” The way it was done was not satisfying or rewarding, and some people felt trolled by it. Whether that is the correct way to view them is totally up to the individual. I’d rather hold out to play HE pally personally. Nothing wrong with asking Blizzard for something you want to see in game.
10/09/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Capncavebass
10/08/2018 07:09 PMPosted by Gulrum
I read that as: if they can create Void Elves from nowhere then there is literally nothing stopping them from creating High Elves, who have so much more already written for them.

There IS something stopping them from creating High Elves.....the fact that there's now 4 types of the damned things in the game.

And If they felt as if, like you said, there was already sooooo much more written for them requiring next to no work apart from character models, why didn't they add them as the Alliance side allied elf race then, as opposed to Void elves? I have yet to see a decent answer to that.

If I had to guess I'd say they wanted the thalassian allied race to be different, but didn't have the time to give them the Nightborne treatment. A simple coat of purple paint was probably all they had time for

This is especially believable when the recruitment scenarios for every allied race feel unfinished. Its clear that BFA was rushed out the door, allied races are no exception

Edit: Also look at how pitiful the Nightborne hair/face options are coupled with their idle stance bug. Clearly an unpolished product
10/09/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Xathra
10/09/2018 11:20 AMPosted by Shadows

Both Orc and Tauren variants are on the Horde. Both Dwarf and Draenei variants are on the Alliance. Alliance doesn’t need a 2nd Thalassian elf. Void Elves were the cross faction compromise.

Which is why horde got uncolorshifted night elves ....

Last I checked Horde players weren’t asking for a 2nd Night Elf allied race...
10/09/2018 11:38 AMPosted by Shadows
10/09/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Xathra

Which is why horde got uncolorshifted night elves ....

Last I checked Horde players weren’t asking for a 2nd Night Elf allied race...

They didn't ask for Nightborne at all. They did ask for brown orcs as well as straight back orcs/trolls, which they got

We just want Blizz to know that High Elves are still requested despite Void Elves being a thing
I’d really like to see some RTS themed racial abilities, like maybe an Owl Scout who gives you a small racial eye of kilrogg, or as Trueshot Aura that adds a 1% damage to all ranged weapon attacks for yourself and allies within 10m.
I'm pro reasonable allied races, high elves, ogres, etc. They're already in the alliance and have been represented in current content. If blood elf are just high elves to the devs then why keep adding them to the alliance? +1 alliance high elves.
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10/09/2018 12:11 PMPosted by Joyeuse
I’d really like to see some RTS themed racial abilities, like maybe an Owl Scout who gives you a small racial eye of kilrogg, or as Trueshot Aura that adds a 1% damage to all ranged weapon attacks for yourself and allies within 10m.

I'd love to see something like this as well. Blizz seems to be referencing a lot of material from their RTS days with BFA, so who knows?
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Bring back the downvote button just for topics like these!
10/08/2018 08:00 PMPosted by Drede
Warlocks are iffy. There is a "Warlock" High Elf NPC who was the Warlock Trainer in Wrath but his title was listed as "Summoner" which could mean being a Lock trainer is just game mechanics.

I would think that at least a few High Elf warlocks would be out there perhaps former Magi who took to using the fel to fight the fel, much as the few High Elves are studying the void as a means to help fight all the big bads out there.