The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

10/08/2018 08:20 PMPosted by Nindraine
10/08/2018 08:14 PMPosted by Tyrandia
In Warcraft 3 Tyrande and Malfurion landed in lordaeron and crossed paths with Kael’thas and they were all very friendly with each other. Plus now that the Highborne are part of Kaldorei culture the Highelves would fit right in with them. Idk just something Positive id like to see, it’s a win-win for the Nightelves and High elves.

Yeah, look, I'm not saying there isn't valid lore that could plausibly pave the way for it, I'm just saying, y'know, don't get your hopes up, either. ;)

I am not, just saying the nightelf and High elf situation is an interesting story. The two races of this game that catch my interest the most, because of wc2 and wc3. Tyrande would appreciate the loyalty of the high elves and that they never dumped their convictions for greater power like azshara.
In Warcraft 3 Tyrande and Malfurion landed in lordaeron and crossed paths with Kael’thas and they were all very friendly with each other. Plus now that the Highborne are part of Kaldorei culture the Highelves would fit right in with them. Idk just something Positive id like to see, it’s a win-win for the Nightelves and High elves.

This is a good point. Maybe, like how the Blood Elves eased the Nightborne into full Horde membership, the Shen'dralar Highborne could ease the High Elves into full Alliance membership!

I'd be down for more lore involving the Highborne. That is a pretty good reason to say that High Elven druids could maybe one day be a thing. If Night Elves can be re accepting of mages then perhaps the High Elves could (down the line) see the merits that come from druidism
10/08/2018 07:38 PMPosted by Drede
Stop responding to the bait. It's going nowhere.
I think it's giving the anti-high-elf people too little credit to just say "They're baiting".

Granted, there's always someone who just wants to stir the pot, especially when it's easy to do so.

I think some legitimately believe high elves would be a detriment to the current state of World of Warcraft, otherwise they wouldn't be posting here. The issue arises in that none of us are bronze dragons and we can't look into possible futures where High Elves are added or were added and see how it impacted the game.

I believe most of it is unintentionally fallacious. The "it would unbalance the game" argument doesn't fit because Allied Races are a minority and always will be, because they require some level of time investment to unlock them. Additionally, at max level, Horde currently outnumbers Alliance 7 to 5 (or a 1.4:1 ratio). If anything, it would help to realign faction balance if high elves were added.

The "they look the same" argument has done to death, raised by one of Sylvanas' val'kyr, and then done to death a second time. They don't have to look the same, and the distinction that Velves/Nightborne have their counterparts on the opposite faction doesn't hold water, to me. This isn't some set-in-stone parameter of Allied Race viability.

The "it would be too much work" argument, assuming they did some sort of heavily custom model is a valid grievance, but can be easily sidestepped by giving high-elf-like appearance options to Void Elves, which also addresses the "there's too many elves" complaint (which I don't disagree with the notion of), as this would not involve adding an additional elven Allied Race, just add customization options to an existing one.

I could rattle on about lore and the differences between helves and belves, yadda yadda, blither blither, but I'd sooner just direct your attention to
which addresses that quite nicely.
10/08/2018 08:36 PMPosted by Arisran

This is a good point. Maybe, like how the Blood Elves eased the Nightborne into full Horde membership, the Shen'dralar Highborne could ease the High Elves into full Alliance membership!

I'd be down for more lore involving the Highborne. That is a pretty good reason to say that High Elven druids could maybe one day be a thing. If Night Elves can be re accepting of mages then perhaps the High Elves could (down the line) see the merits that come from druidism

I think it will be pretty cool if High Elves were given druids. However i personally would rather like to see Shaman added instead - we can flesh out the relationship the High Elves have with the Wildhammer plus it would also give the High Elves a new thematic compared to the other elven races and helps differentiate them to the other Thalassian variants.
Hey yall, hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday Evening! I wanted to post a real quick but relevant aside to this thread.

While differing opinions are great and the best part of GD, please be mindful of your conduct guys. I am in no way saying not to have a differing opinion or disagreement but please try to keep civil and constructive as well as on topic. I see a lot of posts taking it personally and going WAY too far that I want to touch on. Mind you, these are only a few out of a rather extensive laundry list of examples I could have pulled from the 46 pages of this thread.

Note: I will be snipping out the names in these quotes because my intention is not to draw attention to specific users but instead to the content of the posts in question. Please do not try to point out who posted what, lets keep this civil.

@-snip- could you please post more of these logs? I'm finding them quite fascinating.

If I run into anymore I'll definitely post them. Most of them have really tried to clean up their act on what they post that everyone can see. After posting these little gems no doubt they're going to keep more of their obscenities private. They can still be hypocrites but at least less people will know.

To give a little context to this one, one user was actively posting logs from the High Elf community Discord that included user names and such. The posts containing the logs themselves have been deleted, either by user or mod thankfully, but this posts remains.

This series of posts has literally NOTHING to do with the discussion itself at all and its entire purpose is for creating drama and unrest. Specifically, this conduct falls under both "Harassing & Defamatory" as well as "Spamming or Trolling" in the CoC. These kinds of posts are going out of their way to create issues, defame members in an attempt to invalidate, and are a blunt attack on members of the community especially when names are linked which also falls under 'Naming and Shaming'. I really shouldn't have to say why that's a problem and yet it exists in abundance in the High Elf Threads.

What happens on another platform, website, ect. such as a community Discord is their own business. If you don't like it, then don't go there. If you can't create any relevant, civilized, or constructive discussion without going out of your way to sling mud and attack others then you honestly have nothing to say. Its their Discord Community and they can say whatever they like there. Its their Discord and its neither governed or does it have any relevance here if outside the context of actual, on topic, discussion.

Thread reported for spam.

The other thing I have noticed is a mass are comments like this one. This is not an opinion, this provides no discussion, its blatant low effort trolling and spam with the sole purpose of creating drama. If you guys don't like High Elves then that's one thing, just because Ion made a statement on High Elves does not mean that any further discussion is now spam. If that were the case then we would be seeing a whole lot less 'Flying', 'Pathfinder', 'Azerite Gear', ect type threads.

You have every right to disagree and say why you disagree, this is a Discussion thread on High Elves, it does not need to be an echo chamber of support or lack there of. If you dislike High Elves then you have every right to say so, but please keep it constructive and civilized.

You were not promised a damn thing. The lore went a different direction, as did many things. WC3/TFT have the high elves leaving the Alliance and becoming blood elves.

Speaking of civilized discussion, please guys be mindful of profanity. That includes masked/censored such as a combination of shift-number symbols, First letter then series of dashes/underscores/asterisks, ect. Its not that hard to say "darn" or "dang". Outside of that, there is nothing seriously wrong with this post. Personally, I would suggest expanding a bit more but they have a right to post his opinion as long as its done in a civilized fashion.

Finally (no specific quote for this one), and this goes ESPECIALLY for both sides on this, just because some one does not agree with you or has a differing opinion does not mean they are trolling! This is a discussion thread and the primary purpose is for discussion and in discussion there will always be differing opinions. While there are certainly trolls here in this thread, in fact there are far, far, FAR more trolls than other Allied Race fan threads, I see a lot of people posting genuine discussion being labeled trolls here from both sides. Please try to be civil and constructive guys. If you can't discuss something without taking it personally and being nasty then its better to not say anything at all.

I am saying all of this for everyone's benefit here because out of all the Allied Race threads on GD, there is a lot of pretty poor conduct going on in this one. If you are unclear with the CoC then I highly suggest giving it a serious read, you can find it at the bottom right corner below the text box whenever you go to post. I will also post it down below, along with the community guidelines.

If you feel a post or poster needs to be reported, please pause and consider the Code of Conduct before making your report to avoid false reporting based on personal feelings. Disagreeing with someone is not a valid reason for reporting. When making a report please also be clear and concise in the report and what rules you feel it violates. Also, please do not try to start witch hunts, you don't need to tell the world about your report of someone.

So again, please, everyone lets be mindful of our conduct in this thread. I am seriously begging you guys here, please try to keep it civil on both fronts because I honestly know you are all better than this.

With that said I am not a moderator nor am I attempting to be one. I am just another post on this forum like you guys, but as an MVP (and as Ornyx and then Ythisens refreshed) it is my position to do the following.

MVPs promote constructive posting wherever they can. They contribute to the community and encourage polite discussion throughout the forums. When you see an MVP post, listen to what they have to say—they were also chosen for their knowledge of the game.

As directly quoted from post 4 of the "Welcome - Please Read!" thread. So again, I am making this post for the benefit of everyone here in a desperate attempt to prevent any poster from having an unfortunate time because of their own conduct.

Lets try to have some good and civil discussion guys and try to keep our passion from getting the better of us.

I agree 100%

I admit I've had to hold my tongue a couple of times throughout this thread, but this topic has been so emotionally charged that no one could make posts about it due to all the drama it caused.

So I caution the pro High Elf people, we've only recently got our ability to post about the topic and megathread back, so it's important not to let the trolls get to us, and for us to conduct ourselves with decency, even when some of our opposition does not.

If you're not getting anywhere in an actual debate, merely agree to disagree, and if someone is trolling and purposely derailing, report them if they are blatantly breaking CoC and ignore them otherwise.

We have a new Megathread which means and central and more direct line of communication to Blizzard is once again open to us, we need to keep it that way. The trolls can only influence that so much, the rest is up to us and the way we conduct ourselves, it truly is a sword that cuts both ways.

And not everyone who disagrees with the idea is a troll, people have the right to disagree with us. If someone wants to express their disagreement and move on, then let them. Otherwise debate people in a constructive manner and if this is not possible, just ignore them and use tools meant for maintaining civilized discussion only when absolutely necessary.
10/09/2018 12:10 AMPosted by Xyaa
I think it will be pretty cool if High Elves were given druids. However i personally would rather like to see Shaman added instead - we can flesh out the relationship the High Elves have with the Wildhammer plus it would also give the High Elves a new thematic compared to the other elven races and helps differentiate them to the other Thalassian variants.

Even if shamanism hasn't really been an elf thing previously, I think it could take them in an interesting direction that clearly sets them aside from the city-dweller Blood Elves and druidic Night Elves.

10/09/2018 12:46 AMPosted by Byucknah
Hey yall, hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday Evening! I wanted to post a real quick but relevant aside to this thread.

Great post! I will be keeping this in mind for sure.

Seriously thank you for that post.

I was reading the High Elf wiki earlier today and I stumbled upon a fascinating bit of trivia with their culture and thought it could make a neat racial;

"High elven children would play a game called Captive - each turn a child would be tied up by the others. The one who would release himself in the least amount of time won."

Maybe we could have a racial called "Captive Champion" or something that reduces the duration of all CC effects on the player by 10% (dunno if anyone else has a similar racial or if there is a better percentage someone else had in mind)
I'd like to make something painfully clear. Despite vehemently disagreeing with the lot of you i'd like to say i wish none of you ill will and hope you have a great day. This thread made me take a step back and realize that while things get heated this type of behavior is unacceptable. So yeah If you guys got High Elves i'd accept it and move on. No amount of anger or complaining will have them reverse such a decision. instead i'd try to help shape them into the most distinct race they could be. I think in order to make them distinct having them be druids is a must and they must be a counter to Blood Elves in every sense of the word. So lets remember we are all people here.
10/09/2018 02:34 AMPosted by Tunkaningan
I'd like to make something painfully clear. Despite vehmently disagreeing with the lot of you i'd like to say i wish none of you ill will and hope you have a great day. This thread made me take a step back and realize that while things get heated this type of behavior is unacceptable. So yeah If you guys got High Elves i'd accept it and move on. No amount of anger or complaining will have them reverse such a decision. instead i'd try to help shape them into the most distinct race they could be. I think in order to make them distinct having them be druids is a must and they must be a counter to Blood Elves in every sense of the word. So lets remember we are all people here.

Definitely a positive post, I appreciate it.
10/09/2018 12:46 AMPosted by Byucknah
Hey yall, hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday Evening! I wanted to post a real quick but relevant aside to this thread.

Seriesly thank you for the time you put into this.

Hopefully there will be less vertol and spite going around.
You're awesome my dude. Hoping for the same.
Improve class' before adding more dumb races, ty ty.
10/09/2018 02:10 AMPosted by Arisran

Seriously thank you for that post.

I was reading the High Elf wiki earlier today and I stumbled upon a fascinating bit of trivia with their culture and thought it could make a neat racial;

"High elven children would play a game called Captive - each turn a child would be tied up by the others. The one who would release himself in the least amount of time won."

Maybe we could have a racial called "Captive Champion" or something that reduces the duration of all CC effects on the player by 10% (dunno if anyone else has a similar racial or if there is a better percentage someone else had in mind)

Interesting, I never heard about this until now. Maybe like a racial version of Relentless (the pvp talent) that works outside warmode?
10/09/2018 02:34 AMPosted by Tunkaningan
I'd like to make something painfully clear. Despite vehemently disagreeing with the lot of you i'd like to say i wish none of you ill will and hope you have a great day. This thread made me take a step back and realize that while things get heated this type of behavior is unacceptable. So yeah If you guys got High Elves i'd accept it and move on. No amount of anger or complaining will have them reverse such a decision. instead i'd try to help shape them into the most distinct race they could be. I think in order to make them distinct having them be druids is a must and they must be a counter to Blood Elves in every sense of the word. So lets remember we are all people here.

Yeah, that thread is awful.

I appreciate your post and I agree with your point on High Elves getting Druids. As a Blood Elf fan myself I would also want High Elves to be as different to Blood Elves as possible right down to the model. Now I don't really care about the model as much either way, but to reshape High Elves with a new model and Druids, this would help reinforce Sin'dorei identity as well as giving the High Elves something of a new one as well which is why my support and opinion is much more multifaceted than merely a copy and paste of Blood Elves.

That being said I do respect the fact that you and others don't agree with High Elves being added and you have as much a right to your opinion as anyone else, and again I really do appreciate the sincere gesture.
10/09/2018 02:54 AMPosted by Gulrum

Interesting, I never heard about this until now. Maybe like a racial version of Relentless (the pvp talent) that works outside warmode?

Yeah! Exactly. I know humans had it for a while with a pvp trinket racial before it was changed, but I don't think it would be too OP to offer helfs something along those lines, even if you'd have to trigger a longer cool down period like it only happens once every 5 or 10 minutes.
On the topic of forms, there are two potentially competing pressures: the lodge push for a more wild look, and the Dalaran tug toward something more dignified.

A conventional cat, dignified, yet still an adroit hunting predator, with silver mana-infusion, does this; but we already have NE -- so a cat would need meaningful differentiation, probably beyond an arcane sheen. Especially since manasaber are associated with the Nightborne.

My initial thought for the flight form was a silver hawk, yet HMT already have a conventional one. A dragonhawk risks calling up unwanted BE associations. A silver hippogryph seems too large.

Someone asked me about forms, like, 20 pages ago. It's a great question, and I'm not sure if it's been covered (I don't think it has in this thread, sorry if I missed it). I'd love it if you guys, being mostly more acquainted with this than me, could help me spitball this.

Perhaps a silver covenant hippogryph could serve as the cat, or bear form. That'd be unique, flavorful, (completely detached from blood elves -- part of unique, but bears special mention).

Note edited in: perhaps a fox could operate travel or cat form. Intelligent, curious, apt predator, dignified, yet deceptively delicate.

Note two: a hippogryph has no association whatsoever with the Horde or the BE. It is a CLASSIC Alliance animal. The biggest problem is that it'd have a completely different skeleton.
10/09/2018 03:55 AMPosted by Tomlyn
On the topic of forms, there are two potentially competing pressures: the lodge push for a more wild look, and the Dalaran tug toward something more dignified.

A conventional cat, dignified, yet still an adroit hunting predator, with silver mana-infusion, does this; but we already have NE -- so a cat would need meaningful differentiation, probably beyond an arcane sheen. Especially since manasaber are associated with the Nightborne.

My initial thought for the flight form was a silver hawk, yet HMT already have a conventional one. A dragonhawk risks calling up unwanted BE associations. A silver hippogryph seems too large.

Someone asked me about forms, like, 20 pages ago. It's a great question, and I'm not sure if it's been covered (I don't think it has in this thread, sorry if I missed it). I'd love it if you guys, being mostly more acquainted with this than me, could help me spitball this.

Perhaps a silver covenant hippogryph could serve as the cat, or bear form. That'd be unique, flavorful, (completely detached from blood elves -- part of unique, but bears special mention).

I suggested modeling them on Tolkien's Rivendell elves, who live in lodges in the wilds but are also wise loremasters at the same time. And those lodges are quite the ornate structures in their own right, nothing to scoff at for any elf.

Plus Elrond had control over the river's waters with his ring, giving credence to the idea of a High Elf shaman that uses artifacts of great power to control the elements.
10/09/2018 03:55 AMPosted by Tomlyn
On the topic of forms, there are two potentially competing pressures: the lodge push for a more wild look, and the Dalaran tug toward something more dignified.

A conventional cat, dignified, yet still an adroit hunting predator, with silver mana-infusion, does this; but we already have NE -- so a cat would need meaningful differentiation, probably beyond an arcane sheen. Especially since manasaber are associated with the Nightborne.

My initial thought for the flight form was a silver hawk, yet HMT already have a conventional one. A dragonhawk risks calling up unwanted BE associations. A silver hippogryph seems too large.

Someone asked me about forms, like, 20 pages ago. It's a great question, and I'm not sure if it's been covered (I don't think it has in this thread, sorry if I missed it). I'd love it if you guys, being mostly more acquainted with this than me, could help me spitball this.

Perhaps a silver covenant hippogryph could serve as the cat, or bear form. That'd be unique, flavorful, (completely detached from blood elves -- part of unique, but bears special mention).

Note edited in: perhaps a fox could operate travel or cat form. Intelligent, curious, apt predator, dignified, yet deceptively delicate.

Why not room for both the mage and ranger type cultures? The Draenei do it well with their arcanists and Rangari. As for their AR mount, we don’t need any more horses that’s for sure. Maybe bears from the hinterlands as their mount?
So glad to continue to see this thread blooming after I took a break today and some of the less mature posters have moved on.
Love you all