The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

10/08/2018 04:58 PMPosted by Valnay
Originally from WC3, high elves and blood elves are the same thing. It was just a name change to honor those that died fighting the Scourge sacking Quel'thalas. In Legion, we began to see Blizzard try and retcon this making a distinction from high elves and blood elves.

That being said, it wouldn't surprise me AT ALL if they added them as a recycled *cough* I mean Allied Race. The whole Allied Race system is just recycled content they are passing off as new. A blood elf with blue hair is not a new race, it's a blood elf with blue hair.

I think you meant blue eyes, but anyways. I do see how you'd feel like this, but the name change wasn't exactly everything that changed about them.

As elves in general are basically sponges for magic, High Elf eyes are blue due to arcane magic and the reason Blood Elves had green eyes was because Kael'Thas taught them to use fel magic to sustain themselves after the sunwell was destroyed. And it's the same reason Blood Elves can have yellow eyes now as the sunwell was restored with holy magic.

A lot of the reasons why we would like High Elves is due to allegiance to the Alliance and to put it plainly, Non-tainted High Elves.

As said in some other posts above and with the link @Lorithyn posted, there are ways Blizzard could make them not an exact clone of BEs unlike how Highmountain Tauren are basically normal Tauren with antlets. That's something I wish Blizz put more work into too.
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10/08/2018 04:49 PMPosted by Nindraine
Folks, the last few pages have just been a fairly wasteful back and forth of no real substance. I think it's time to move on.

The other Allied Race threads do a great job of self moderating by avoiding this kind of negative discyssion via the ignore function. I strongly recommend that you use this now and block out those posters. Responding to them only drags the topic down into pointless circular arguments and bickering, and that's the kind of thing that gets these threads shut down, so lets resolve to try and do better this time.

I don't think blocking other posters is the way to go, I'd rather everyone's arguments be laid bare. We could certainly discuss be having a more constructive discussion though lol

I encourage everyone to not fight and bicker, it will get us nowhere
10/08/2018 05:01 PMPosted by Nindraine
Oh! Before I forget, does anyone have a reference to anything that explains how the High Elf customizations were moved/changed to be seperate to the Blood Elf ones? I tried finding something that explains it but Im not really getting anywhere on my own.

This what you're looking for?

Edit for explanation: Blizz changed the way in which these skins are labeled. The skins that were used for High Elf NPCs were formerly labeled as Blood Elf skins, but they changed the name to specify that they are High Elves, likely to make it easier for the devs to find which ones to used for Alliance NPCs

It may be worth noting that the blue eye color is tied to skin tone, not face type (The High Elves of the Alliance are noticeably more pale than Blood Elf players/NPCs)
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10/08/2018 05:09 PMPosted by Lorithyn
10/08/2018 04:49 PMPosted by Nindraine
Folks, the last few pages have just been a fairly wasteful back and forth of no real substance. I think it's time to move on.

The other Allied Race threads do a great job of self moderating by avoiding this kind of negative discyssion via the ignore function. I strongly recommend that you use this now and block out those posters. Responding to them only drags the topic down into pointless circular arguments and bickering, and that's the kind of thing that gets these threads shut down, so lets resolve to try and do better this time.

I don't think blocking other posters is the way to go, I'd rather everyone's arguments be laid bare. We could certainly discuss be having a more constructive discussion though lol

I encourage everyone to not fight and bicker, it will get us nowhere

Eh, depends on the individual. Some people you can engage in a constructive dialogue with. I don't think that applies to most of the naysayers from the past few pages, though.

All I'm saying is, let's try and keep the discourse above circular arguments and trolling as best we can. Sometimes that involves putting people on ignore.

10/08/2018 05:12 PMPosted by Lorithyn
10/08/2018 05:01 PMPosted by Nindraine
Oh! Before I forget, does anyone have a reference to anything that explains how the High Elf customizations were moved/changed to be seperate to the Blood Elf ones? I tried finding something that explains it but Im not really getting anywhere on my own.

This what you're looking for?

Edit for explanation: Blizz changed the way in which these skins are labeled. The skins that were used for High Elf NPCs were formerly labeled as Blood Elf skins, but they changed the name to specify that they are High Elves, likely to make it easier for the devs to find which ones to used for Alliance NPCs

It may be worth noting that the blue eye color is tied to skin tone, not face type (The High Elves of the Alliance are noticeably more pale than Blood Elf players/NPCs)

Back to the subject of racials, which I think hasn't been expanded upon thoroughly enough yet.

Some ideas I had:

Gift of Kalecgos: Empowers all attacks with the might of the Blue Dragonflight, dealing additional frost damage with a chance to freeze solid (stun). Active ability.

Keen Eyes: Special attacks (melee, ranged, and spells but not auto-attacks) gain +5 range. Passive ability.

Elven Waybread: High Elves are adept at rationing, as such all food buffs persist through death. Passive ability.

High Fashion: Stat bonuses for armor specializations (the "wear all mail and gain +5% agility" type abilities) are doubled. Passive ability.

Uncorrupted: 1% resistance to multi-school spells (like chaos, twilight, astral, radiant, etc.). Passive ability.
I think a great way to do this, and the solution to satisfy both sides is VERY VERY simple, and easy for Blizzard to integrate!

I am a roleplayer, and I've noticed most of the people asking for high elves are also from Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord. I do not think it's reasonable to expect Blizzard to add High Elves as an allied race at this point. Most of us who want them are high elves, so why not make a low cooldown toy that you can theoretically keep up 24/7 that breaks in combat? One that makes you into a high Elf, allowing you to roleplay one!
High Elves are a bandaid fix for what is truly wrong with this game and even if we do get them it wont matter because this game is circling the drain.
10/08/2018 06:08 PMPosted by Ilysandra
I think a great way to do this, and the solution to satisfy both sides is VERY VERY simple, and easy for Blizzard to integrate!

I am a roleplayer, and I've noticed most of the people asking for high elves are also from Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord. I do not think it's reasonable to expect Blizzard to add High Elves as an allied race at this point. Most of us who want them are high elves, so why not make a low cooldown toy that you can theoretically keep up 24/7 that breaks in combat? One that makes you into a high Elf, allowing you to roleplay one!

Appreciate the idea though but most of us want to actually BE a High Elf in game, and I'm not from a RP server, neither do I RP. This is an RPG after all.
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10/08/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Gulrum
Back to the subject of racials, which I think hasn't been expanded upon thoroughly enough yet.

Some ideas I had:

Gift of Kalecgos: Empowers all attacks with the might of the Blue Dragonflight, dealing additional frost damage with a chance to freeze solid (stun). Active ability.

Keen Eyes: Special attacks (melee, ranged, and spells but not auto-attacks) gain +5 range. Passive ability.

Elven Waybread: High Elves are adept at rationing, as such all food buffs persist through death. Passive ability.

High Fashion: Stat bonuses for armor specializations (the "wear all mail and gain +5% agility" type abilities) are doubled. Passive ability.

Uncorrupted: 1% resistance to multi-school spells (like chaos, twilight, astral, radiant, etc.). Passive ability.

Love the input! But those are so OP hahahaha. Some tweaks and I think you're on to something good.
10/08/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Gulrum
Gift of Kalecgos: Empowers all attacks with the might of the Blue Dragonflight, dealing additional frost damage with a chance to freeze solid (stun). Active ability.

Interesting, but probably a bit strong? Aesthetically, why would Kalecgos be imbuing the high elves when he is supposed to be a neutral agent in Dalaran as a member of the Council of Six.

Jaina would be a faaaaaar better fit for this.

Elven Waybread: High Elves are adept at rationing, as such all food buffs persist through death. Passive ability.

Broken. No.

High Fashion: Stat bonuses for armor specializations (the "wear all mail and gain +5% agility" type abilities) are doubled. Passive ability.

What the !@#$.

Uncorrupted: 1% resistance to multi-school spells (like chaos, twilight, astral, radiant, etc.). Passive ability.

Ehhhhhh. I think its trash but it might work.
10/08/2018 06:26 PMPosted by Aidre
10/08/2018 05:55 PMPosted by Gulrum
Back to the subject of racials, which I think hasn't been expanded upon thoroughly enough yet.

Some ideas I had:

Gift of Kalecgos: Empowers all attacks with the might of the Blue Dragonflight, dealing additional frost damage with a chance to freeze solid (stun). Active ability.

Keen Eyes: Special attacks (melee, ranged, and spells but not auto-attacks) gain +5 range. Passive ability.

Elven Waybread: High Elves are adept at rationing, as such all food buffs persist through death. Passive ability.

High Fashion: Stat bonuses for armor specializations (the "wear all mail and gain +5% agility" type abilities) are doubled. Passive ability.

Uncorrupted: 1% resistance to multi-school spells (like chaos, twilight, astral, radiant, etc.). Passive ability.

Love the input! But those are so OP hahahaha. Some tweaks and I think you're on to something good.

Well they will probably need to be OP to withstand the barrage of nerfs that will inevitably come :).
The fact that Blizzard created a race from nowhere (Void elfs) to not give High elfs;Give a good idea about his stance in High elfs.
And yes,Ion says "Anything is posible in the future",but that seems more like damage control than hope to the cause of the high elfs.
The fact that Blizzard created a race from nowhere (Void elfs);Give a good idea about Blizzard stance about high elfs.
And yes,Ion says "Anything is posible in the future",but that seems more like damage control than hope to the cause of the high elfs.

I read that as: if they can create Void Elves from nowhere then there is literally nothing stopping them from creating High Elves, who have so much more already written for them.
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Thread reported for spam.
10/08/2018 07:16 PMPosted by Shadows
Thread reported for spam.

The fact that it's all (designed to be) contained within this one thread is actually against spam.
10/08/2018 07:16 PMPosted by Shadows
Thread reported for spam.

At this point, that's all these threads are. Spam.
10/08/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Aidre
10/08/2018 07:16 PMPosted by Shadows
Thread reported for spam.

The fact that it's all (designed to be) contained within this one thread is actually against spam.

Blizzard said no to playable High Elves, which means there is nothing left to discuss. Therefor, this thread is spam.
10/08/2018 07:25 PMPosted by Shadows
10/08/2018 07:22 PMPosted by Aidre

The fact that it's all (designed to be) contained within this one thread is actually against spam.

Blizzard said no to playable High Elves, which means there is nothing left to discuss. Therefor, this thread is spam.

They never said no. Ion said not right now. Big difference.
I love how the anti's essentially acknowledge defeat by ignoring the models that the pro community have created as suggestions to make high elves differ from blood elves.

They have no argument to stand against them so they just pretend it doesn't exist and say high elves are not different enough and there is no way to make them different enough from blood elves.
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10/08/2018 07:09 PMPosted by Gulrum
The fact that Blizzard created a race from nowhere (Void elfs);Give a good idea about Blizzard stance about high elfs.
And yes,Ion says "Anything is posible in the future",but that seems more like damage control than hope to the cause of the high elfs.

I read that as: if they can create Void Elves from nowhere then there is literally nothing stopping them from creating High Elves, who have so much more already written for them.

I refer to the fact that Blizzard dont want High elfs playable in the alliance;And are capable of create a race from nowhere to give a "compromise".
Ion,the game director literally says "If you want a fair-skinned, light-haired, blue-eyed elf;The horde is there and waiting for you".