The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’d be interested to see any such descriptions which came about post-WotLK.


Yes, NOW, because that is what the lore states. You expect us to believe the Silver Covenant were more numerous then the humans, orcs, ect? :roll_eyes:

Source that they took heavy losses outside of your hopes and dreams.


And I’d like to point out, we WON that battle of Suramar and liberated it; isn’t it safe to say there were not a “crippling” number of losses?


Are you insinuating that they’ve been quietly retconned?

I’m just following your logic to its natural conclusion…

If a force in content suffers debilitating losses, then obviously the forces in the most content should be suffering from the most attrition.

Thus, the PC orcs and humans are likely the last of their kind.

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I don’t understand what you’re asking. That they’ve been quietly retconned from what? :confused:

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Not sure how you can compare a medieval ocean vessel to an interdimensional space ship, but whatever. :roll_eyes:

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Your asking for sources of statements about their dwindling numbers post-Wrath.

I’m asking if you think that old lore was chopped or if you think that High Elves got extremely busy in the last couple decades?

I know I’m not part of this conversation, but I think, ‘unreliable narrator,’ plays a role in things. As an example, from WC3 it was strongly believed for the longest time that Thalassian Elves would die from magical addiction if they did not drain mana. When World of Warcraft launched, we learned this isn’t true, that it was only the very young and very old, or the very sick, who were at risk of death from Withdrawal.

While the population of the High Elves was described as small, it’s quite possible the reality is that no one ever conducted a thorough count of High Elves living outside of Quel’Thalas. For all we know the High Elves could be equal in population to half of the Blood Elves who survived the Third War.



We are talking about an Allied Race here and High Elves are already an Alliance Race with a completely separate story from the Blood Elves.

And the Alliance got Literal Blood Elves with only a Void Twist that “Horde Race for 12 Years” sure as heck didn’t cross their mind. Even when the forums exploded when they learned the where just recolored Blood Elves.


Because everything in Warcraft is compared against humans (who’re depicted as an amalgamate of medieval cultures) and Orcs (who’re inspired at least in part by medieval Mongols, and various Steppe cultures). If those two groups have that level of technology, and they’re the predominating forces for their factions, then everything else must be presumed to be inferior.

Otherwise, the world might just end tomorrow when a Goblin builds a nuclear bomb.

Oh I don’t know, maybe the whole “Kingdoms will burn!” line Blizzard gave us regarding Legion. Maybe the fact that Elisande single handedly froze their entire army, which would have made a convenient shooting gallery for interdimensional beings like demons immune to such things. But sure, every one of them made it back home safe and sound. :roll_eyes:

source that they were? All I see was no more than a company’s worth of soldier. No where near the several battalions worth they have to have.

I can agree with that. I’m not trying to argue against the thought of unreliable narration, and in fact I’m pretty staunchly certain that the emergence of the Silver Covenant could solve the whole population issue.

I’ve just realized I think Fyorsing misunderstood me somewhere. I think High Elves as a playable race wouldn’t need to have lore retconned. It would just mean that - and this is conjecture - they’d be changing their original plan for High Elves.

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Ah, I see now.

I’m not sure I’d call it chopping lore. They simply made a decision early on to allow the High Elves to fade away into the background, but later (around WotLK) seem to have concluded that this would be a mistake – and have, since then, been consolidating the High Elves into a singular group for years now.

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Yes. I agree with this.

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But the Alliance and Horde ARE the two super powers on Azeroth. Azerite DOES have the destructive capability of nuclear bombs. Why do you think Sylvanas was so worried about the Alliance getting Azerite?


Your arguments are always really desperate. It’s obvious you’ll use any and all justifications that occur to you to try and argue your point…

But did you just try to use the marketing statement for Legion to defend your argument?


So basically just assumptions and wishful thinking.

So why didn’t the Blood Elves take just as much if not more losses? They actually have a Kingdom and it’s still not in a position to defend itself.

I would say BC when they just decided that Allerias group was Alive. No one would have been able to count them.