The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think that Blizzard should just give the players High Elves like they want, since their is plenty enough reason in the lore for them to be there. I would imagine they would get a lot more subscribers back if they did this. Add Vulpera to the Horde and this might even double.


So that would make high elves a cross between star elves and wood elves? Night elves seem like a cross between wild elves and moon elves. Void elves are a cross between moon elves and star elves or drow?

Well Kul’tirans, Gilneans, and Gnomes have been around since Warcraft 2. Only race that isn’t Medieval theme is Draenei. While other 3 Alliance Races aren’t Medieval they still unique in their own way in terms of their culture, mixes of themes and etc.

No Bourbon. Your not other side of Antis that isn’t ignorant nor continuing to make up excuses to not back up their counter arguments. Through there are some Pros who had tried to bring up Claims yet they do not back up their points.

Like saying the Blood Elves are an Alliance race but clearly they’re not.

Same can be said for High Elves are an Horde race but they’re not since they have been with the Alliance since Warcraft 2 and calls themselves Quel’dorei. The ones who are with the Horde don’t call themselves Quel’dorei nor For the Quel’dorei. They are Sin’dorei Blood Elves. Besides if Blood Elves were Quel’dorei they wouldn’t be called Sin’dorei in the First place nor follow what they were originally like in the Warcraft 3 Expansion Frozen Throne.

Well High Elves have a mix of Wood Elf theme to them thanks to the Rangers in Warcraft 2. Now Star Elves through? I think they’re more like let’s say Night Elves or maybe Void Elves. Since only Themes of High Elves have is Wood Elves in which is the Rangers from WC2, Snow Elves since Wrath with the Whole Silver Covenant High Elves with Snowy White Hair and Vereesa too, and Half Elves because there has been some lore involving Human/Elf Relationships which created their offspring within Stormwind and Dalaran. Which is reason why we saw the High Elf Priests and Sorceresses in WC3 as the Dalaran Elves not Silvermoon Elves.

Night Elves have Wild Elf, Moon Elf, and Dark Elf Theme to them while Void Elves pretty much are your Dark Elf theme race with some Star Elf mix into. But again doesn’t make Void Elves any special since they are same Dark Elf Theme race with same blue/purple color skin.

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The facts are that the High Elves in the RTS became the Blood Elves. Yes there were a few hold outs who refused to join the Horde, but they are the minority. Blood Elves have been a Horde race for twelve years. They are just as much a Horde race as orcs, trolls, goblins, ect.

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Yes those technologically advanced gnomes, those Victorian era Worgen, and the sea faring Kultirans…are medieval theme. That’s bs.

…you are moving the goal posts here. You essentially break your own argument.

I’m getting what you mean, trust me I do, but it’s not a logical argument to make in honesty.


Both sides got a race that was altered from their “parent” race on the other faction. There is nothing to cry foul about in that regards.

Alliance getting High Elves after already getting Void Elves? That would be worth crying foul over.

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The lore doesn’t support your desire to alter their looks just for the sake of making them playable.

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Ok fine. I mean only Medieval type theme races is pretty much Stormwind, Stromgarde, Alterac, Dalaran, and Lordaeron,

As for Other Medieval Fantasy races is pretty much High Elves, and Dwarves. Unless if you count Wildhammers as being Medieval since they are Celtic/Scottish like Dwarf race. Again. Just pretty much Quel’dorei High Elves, Ironforge Dwarves, Stormwind/Lordaeron/Dalaran/Alterac/Stromgarde Humans.

Yet the Blood Elves still don’t call themselves High Elves since they are Sin’dorei Blood Elf.

If Blood Elves didn’t call themselves Sin’dorei they would be Horde Quel’dorei. But they’re not.

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Those are not High Elves.

There’s no need to alter their looks to make them playable. But the lore WOULD support altering their looks, since it’s mentioned how they’ve mingled their blood with other races.


Ok now that we get each other, I hard agree with you. I’d like a return to the old Medieval style the Alliance had. I think with the additions of the Races and allied races…that glory is somewhat lost.


Except your position isn’t that “if the Alliance receives two different types of Elves, while the Horde only receives one, it isn’t fair”, but rather that “High Elves aren’t different enough from Blood Elves and therefore wouldn’t ever, and shouldn’t ever, be added to the Alliance”.

The hypocrisy is that you’re saying Nightborne, despite having the same skin and hair colors, and a largely indistinguishable anatomical setup relative to Night Elves, are an acceptable implementation – but High Elves, who in the worst case would be the same as Nightborne insofar as differences and who in the best case would have a completely unique silhouette, are the world’s end.


If you want to create a new model and call them Half Elves or something similar, fine, but they would not be true High Elves.

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You antis really want to see some visual differences between blood elves and high elves?


In the lore high elves have mostly non glowing eyes and the color is usually limited to their iris. Blood elves usually have glowing eyes and their entire eye is colored. This is a distinction that can be used to differentiate their model in game.

High elves in lore Have a lot of natural eye colors such as brown, torquoise, blue, violet, silver, green, and red. Those can be unsed to differentiate their model in game from blood elves.

In the lore high elves use various colors and markings of war paint and tattoos. Blood elves do not use these things in their society as it is considered backwards and is shunned on. That is a visual element that can be used to differentiate there model in game.

and finally in the lore the remaining alliance high elves are mostly commoners, peasants, or soldiers, with a few actually being magi. This can be justified to alter the shape of their model to be more buff and to carry a different stance about themselves compared to the casual nobility of the silvermoon that have luxuries and arcane servants to cater to their every needs. That is the type of model blood elves use in game but that isn’t what they have to use for alliance high elves.

That is all visual differences that can be applied to their in game model to differentiate them that are all backed up in lore. I didn’t even mention the various jewelry they use made of gold, silver, wood, and feathers.


Are Kul Tirans also not human, by this line of thinking?


to us that is what an alliance high elf is. They still view themselves as high elves even if they are only 7/8ths elf.

You are arguing against an entirely different topic than we are discussing here if you can’t understand that.

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Sometimes I forget some of my points but sometimes I do need to be remind to be corrected to make my points stand out a bit.

But you know. I really do want to the return of the Old Medieval Style Fantasy in not just the Alliance but also the Horde. Since the Horde still doesn’t have its iconic race. Ogres.

Whatever Blizzard might bring in like Pure Ogres and Pure High Elves or Half Races like Half Elves and Half Ogres like the Mok’nathal. Those kinds of races that would make the Alliance and Horde Faction Themes complete 100%.

Kul Tirans, at least some of them, are part Vrykul. So no, they are not 100% human.

there is no proof that they are. This is not backed up with any lore whatsoever and is just speculation

We’ve already had confirmation that the big Kul Tirans are genetically identical to humans.