The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Mutated Night Elves who are visually distinct.

And people that wanted to play Night borne on Horde side wanted to play a Night Elf and just didn’t want to do it on the Alliance.

I’m excited to see you move your goal post to the next arbitrary position.

So, Shadows, what could convince you that Quel’Dorei should be playable?


“Visually distinct” does not equate to “not having similar skin color”.

You know, skin color is not everything.


Is there something indistinct about this?

What about this model that someone created, which has a completely different posturing than Blood Elves?

Is that not “visually distinct” enough?


Ahh No. They won’t. Again your just saying that Because you don’t want a Race that is original skin and Unique to the Alliance Theme.


As the lore currently stands? Nothing. If that changes then we can revisit the issue.

And what part of the lore prevents High Elves from becoming an Allied Race?


Look at why Blood Elves were given to the Horde and then get back to us.

Their being virtually identical to Blood Elves.

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Blizzard’s Fault for messing up the RTS Lore. In fact one of the Devs say that Blood Elves don’t feel like a Actual Horde Race. This was from Chris Metzen when he was around before he left.

Again. Another Excuse rather than coming up with something else to back your Claim.


Just make them not so identical. They just made an excuse to change skin color of void elves. There’s no shortage of plot ideas to do the same to actual high elves while keeping their themes and honoring their origins (three requirements void elves failed to address).

The very first thread that spawned all the others was made by me suggesting three different scenarios.


This wouldn’t be a conflict of lore, as the lore is very clear about High Elves (especially the Silver Covenant) already being members of the Alliance.

It is, for you, a conflict of optics. Which is peculiar because you don’t seem to have a problem having red-cloaked Night Elves added to the Horde, so it’s always going to seem hypocritical for you to then turn around a cry foul about blue-cloaked Thalassians on the Alliance.

The upcoming Kul Tiran’s are also a great example of how biological divergence, from a narrative perspective, isn’t necessary.


Especially since the models themselves were already given to the alliance unchanged with void elves and the horde already got blue skinned elves with nightbourne. At this point it just comes off as hypocrisy and double standards.


Not in culture, not in history, not in relation to other factions. And lore-wise, they already are part of the Alliance, and have been since the start of the game.

Don’t claim to give a damn about the lore when you only care about looks.


Exactly. You see one of reasons why Shadows fails to mention. Is that Void Elves don’t honor their origins, They don’t their themes nor Identity. All Void Elves are is bunch of Blue Smurfs or Blueberry Elves that adds nothing new to the Alliance. Do they even have Warcraft 2 Theme? Nope. Just Blood Elf WC3 Theme.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

If anything Void Elves are taking away the Warcraft 3 Theme/Identity from Blood Elves than High Elves. You don’t see High Elf Blood Mages, Spellbreakers nor Dragonhawk riders within the Silver Covenant nor any High Elf NPC Unit within the 7th Legion at all.

That’s what Antis like Shadows and others don’t understand. Lore, Theme, Identity of Quel’dorei, and Respect of the Medieval Fantasy Theme of the Alliance.

They only look at Looks of High Elves rather than reading/seeing the lore or playing more on the Alliance side to understand why People want High Elves.

Its pretty much their mindset basically. Nothing more. Nothing Less from them than just making up poor arguments and excuses.


Meanwhile blood elves are transitioning to “light elves”.


Yup. They’re pretty much Sun Elves Basically. If Blood Elves didn’t had Golden Eyes. They wouldn’t be called Light Elves or Sun Elves. Just Blood Elves.

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Sun Elves
Sounds very fitting to them, actually


…that’s long been dead since what…Vanilla when they brought in Gnomes as being a core race for Alliance?

You guys have a long period of losing this medieval theme:

  1. Heavy technology usage between two core races.
  2. Draenai being light worshipping aliens with space tech.
  3. Worgen being more Victorian era
  4. Kultirans being more Colonial era

It’s been far too long since this identity has been pushed to the way side.

Am I included in this? I really hope not.


Absolutely not the case for me.

My void elf story is hardly even “a void elf story”, largely because my void elf was a blood elf twenty minutes ago and a high elf an hour ago.

If it’s more high elf lore that you want to see, I’d agree 100%. It’s just that high elven lore doesn’t need to be tied to a player character to be told, does it?