The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I think the old god stuff will be breadcrumbs for the next expansion and faction war will last till the end of BFA, when we kill Sylvanas in a Lich Queen raid.


I stand by my theory that I have had. either 8.2 or 8.3 sylvanas kills saurfang and crushes his small rebellion. 8.4 is 2 faction exclusive raids. Horde have the sacking of stormwind while alliance have the conquest of silvermoon.


Even if they didn’t have development for 3 expansions it’s not going to change anything.

They are still strong members of the Alliance as still part of its identity.

That’s not going to change anytime soon.

That said. They are consistently the most developed and requested non player race and that’s not changing anytime soon either.


Ironically i forgot the Druids of the Flame existed when i conceived the concept, actually had the Burning of the Tree and Dark Iron Dwarves in mind when i did it, least there story makes more then Void Elves since it would use an actual event that happens instead of a side event involving renegade Blood Elves.

Then later i remembered Druids of the Flame and figured can throw there skin colours onto them but overall the idea of a Ash Elf is ash coloured so grey, decayed white that sort of deal then they have a broken skin option that looks like a tree when the barks breaking but has red burning lines inside like a tree that was recently on fire.

I agree with you 10000% High Elves are interesting, they make expansions better cause theirs so much lore and story driving them, while they may not come this expansion, I’m more interested to see the direction WoW heads in the next expansion, literally Blizzcon this year is a make or break for me and WoW, I don’t think I can support a company making so many bad decisions anymore…

Like I’m part of the problem aswell I stay subbed in hoping next patch or expansion is better…


It seems like for now those types of troops have been traded for Voidspeakers across the different incursions. It’s not that noticeably bad to me since they still do what they do best in the areas they’re presented in but hopefully Blizzard will branch out more with what Void Elves are capable of doing.

Agreed. Almost everything High Elves can do, Void Elves can as well.

Elven magisters? Void Elves have them.

Elven Rangers? Void Elves have them.

Elven spellbreakers? Void Elves have them.

Elven healers? Void Elves have them.

High Elves are just redundant at this point. Time to retire them and let the Void Elves shine.

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By that logic, nightborne are redundant. They have not a single class that blood elves didn’t already have.

Also, void elves themselves are redundant. All their classes are available to humans.

Void elves and high elves classes would be pretty much the same, except that high elves can be paladins and void elves can’t. And void elves have no lore behind any of their classes, nor years of stories being told in-game and outside it. So, between them and high elves, the ren’dorei are the redundant ones.


The opposite is true… we keep getting fielded the question, “Why now after 13 years?”

But the Allied Race system is perfect to add Quel’dorei, and while Lightforged Draenei and Dark Iron Dwarves were given to the Alliance in good faith the developers have otherwise largely ignored requests for Quel’dorei.

Or, as argued, “Given a compromise.” but it’s not like the players were involved in that decision. Not to mention how hypocritical it is.

and Ion’s inflammatory comments.

There is more demand for Quel’dorei now than ever.


They’re not redundant. Also… the Void Elves don’t have them.

Elven Healers? The Void Elves definitely don’t have holy priests outside of player characters.

Elven Spellbreakers? That’s a Blood Elf thing. I feel like the Spellbreakers and Dragonhawk riders ought to stay a Blood Elf thing.

Elven Rangers - Void Elves have shadow variants of these.

Quel’dorei are not redundant. They’re different. The Void Elves are a different group.

Give us the Silver Covenant.


By that logic we’re fine with humans and orcs.


We’re only barely on the first warbringer. In summer we will be on the second. We still have the third to fight.

I doubt that is how it will go. I truly believe blizzard isnt going to make siege of orgrimmar 2.0 or something where we team up to kill sylvanas.

No I believe sylvanas is going to remain in power and kill saurfang and his rebellion.

next expansion is BFA part 2 and thrall returns to take back his horde.

I dunno. While I don’t believe Sylvanas will die, I have a feeling she’s not going to be warchief by the end of the xpac. In fact I think the whole musical warchiefs game is quite stale and can see Blizzard transitioning the Horde Leadership over to a War Council. I could be wrong though.

I see Sylvanas as a great character but I just don’t see her as a good warchief. She has agendas all her own and the mantle of Warchief puts saddles her with too many extraneous responsibilities and shines too much of a spotlight on her activities for her to really focus on them. Being warchief actually takes away from her character in my eyes.

I think we will fight her and she will be removed from the throne, either willing or unwilling, but it won’t be siege 2.0. If they draw out the war too long, player fatigue will set in.

Come on Blizzard, make the High Elves playable for the Alliance. We need more players in our faction.


Void Elven Magisters, like Umbric, still seem somewhat dependent on Arcane Magisters, which is interesting. Umbric can’t open and mask a portal on his own in the War Campaign. He requires Jaina’s support.

Void Elven Rangers, we don’t have much to go on. I imagine they’re pretty similar. Haven’t seen them unable to do something normal Rangers can’t.

There are no Void Elf or High Elf Spellbreakers. That’s a Blood Elf thing.

We haven’t seen any Void Elven Healers, either. The Holy/Disc specs do not seem to be canon for them.

Know what High Elves have that Void Elves don’t? Paladins. A stronger connection to nature that could make it plausible for us to see High Elven Druids and Shamans if development went in that direction. These are things the Void Elves will never have.


I’d expect High Elf Hunters to be better than the Void ones, seeing as how High Elves have been living in the woods forever now while the Void Elves live in a space rock.


Yeah. You’d think that. But just wait until your party gets stuck on a space rock.

Sure in the forest maybe you were hungry and your Void Elf Hunter brought you some tree bark or a rock and your party went hungry that night.

But in the cold, dark vastness of space your Void Elf Hunter is going to bring you all the void giant space hamster meat you could eat.

Space Rock Specialists*.

*Void Elf hunters ingredient gathering skills may leave something to be desired in all other environments. Void space meat may have side effects, including constipation, dizziness, increased sweating, lightheadedness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness, serious skin reactions, cardiovascular events, night terrors, insomnia, nervous system disorders, eye disorders, you may get out of bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing, the next morning, you may not remember that you did anything during the night. Serious neuropsychiatric events have been reported in patients eating void meat, adventurers eating void meat have reported falling asleep while engaging in activities of daily living, such as driving mounts, which sometimes results in fatal accidents, patients may experience hypersexuality or the new-onset of compulsive gambling.


Void Elf File Footage: https ://