Vereesa is literally standing right next to the war table…
Still heavy doubts, that datamine didn’t say anything about a Darkshore Warfront neither, I remember that much.
Alleria my dude
Alleria, actually, though most people consider her a Void Elf. She’s still a High Elf, though she commands Void Elves.
For a race that isn’t playable, that was hold back because of personal views from some people of Blizzard, and that wasn’t meant to be playable in BfA, the High Elves have a quite solid spot on this expansion, it’s just that BfA wasn’t meant for them to shine like Legion was.
If High Elves were chosen instead of Void Elves, their would be in a special spot reserved for brand new playable races in the game, with a lot of highlights, and Vareesa would be there as their leader. But, that wasn’t the case, unfortunately.
Very true. We’ll have to wait and see. Depends on who wins what Warfronts as well. If the Alliance wins Arathi, they’d be marching northwards to secure the Eastern Kingdoms, and that’d put Quel’Thalas as the next Warfront.
Last time i recall Alleria was a High Elf
Yeah. I’m struggling today. Onto Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy…
My condolences. That cannot be easy to live with.
Oh no. I’m fine. Thank you though.
Eight week pathology course. Gotta write an overview of CRPS, Alzheimers, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Disease, ALS, Guillain Barre, Post Polio, Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, copd/bronchitis/emphysema/cystic fibrosis/ hydrocephalus, tuberculosis, sickle cell anemia, chronic kidney disease/renal failure, hep c, down syndrome, asthma, CHF, cancer of the breast, colon, lung and prostate, autism and Spina Bifida…
and understand them well enough to test on them in a week.
I peek over here to argue once I get through one or two of the sheets.
She’s the prime Void Elf lol, there are also high elves in the void elves ranks (those coming to the rift) sooo… I guess that means void elves are high elves then?
“Personal Views” that are still the same since BC might I add
As said above, I’ve seen wildhammer dwarves be better represented this expac rather than High Elves so no.
I get what you are saying however,
and unless I see any named high elves, or see them doing anything significant specifically for the benefit of their faction in the next coming patches and during the next expac, I feel like Legion will be the last time they did anything of significant importance before being phased out.
Alleria never became a Void Elf. She was never transformed as they were. She is a High Elf who has mastered the ability to wield the Void.
I mean, I’ll still take the Condolences though.
I was doing pretty good earlier. But right now my debate skills are like… random exclamations… I’m just like… hoping they’re about Quel’dorei.
“Glenn Graymane!”
“He’s a Worgen.”
“King of the Elves!”
Did I miss an expansion? Alleria can transform it’s just that her change to being a void elf is different from Umbrics elves the only difference is quite literally the skin color, and I doubt she has long to live too.
“Void Elf”
Nah dude. She’s a High Elf that ate a Dark N’aaru.
and according to the last interview the Void Elves are trying to figure out how to make more Void Elves. So the High Elven and Blood Elven Wayfarers are just intellectually curious.
Until we hear more.
Where? Falstad?
What makes a Void Elf, a Void Elf, is their transformation. Icy blue skin, tentacles in the hair, etc… Alleria never underwent that. She is a High Elf who has mastered the Void.
No, that’s not just it void elves also have an ethereal like form, and mastery over the void Much like Alleria. That’s like saying Sylvannas isn’t undead/forsaken.
Except even Shadow Priests have a Void Form, so that’s not a requirement for being a Void Elf, otherwise any Blood Elf Shadow Priest is a Void Elf and on the wrong faction.
I’m quite sure with the Addition of Void Elves Blood Elven Shadow Priests, are as of Now the Equivalent of Void Elven Holy Priests, meaning they are just there for the gameplay not lore. I’m not seeing any new Blood Elven Void Priests popping around since Legion.
2/3 of the expansion? I highly doubt that. BFA has so much story to tell. It cant fit into 3 major patches unless blizzard does BFA part 2 next expansion.
I feel that the story will already start to change its focus mid-patch, less about the faction war and more about old gods etc, and this will be continued for the next expansion.
No doubt that the High Elves will have no place there neither however.