The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Spell Breaker: Elven warrior trained to disrupt and contort magical energies. These Blood Elven warriors, fresh from the destruction of their homeland, have turned a new eye towards the dying land of Lordaeron. Can it possibly remain their home? Has Spell Immunity. Attacks land units.

Hmm, that sounds like an apt description for the Veiled Riftblades we see on Telogrus Rift. Warriors who enhance their abilities with the power of the void. Besides, just look at this fan art.

No, they canā€™t be paladins, but perhaps we might eventually get a void knight class. They would function as the opposite of paladins. It would also work thematically for other races such as Forsaken who have been asking for paladins forever.


That sounds like a very, very distant dream


Not really? The Spellbreakers disrupt and contort magical energies. The Riftblades use the power of the Void to enhance their offensive skills. Riftblades sound closer to Spellblades, which is a unit the High Elves also have.

Pretty sure thatā€™s what Death Knights are supposed to be; our Dark Knight to provide a darker version of a Paladin. I wouldnā€™t hold my breath for a Void Knight. If anything Iā€™d expect Dark Ranger with a Void Spec would be more likely as a new Mail-Class option, but thatā€™d be something for the Void Elven Rangers.

Glad you can agree there are some things that Void Elves cannot provide the Alliance which the High Elves do.


To be fair, how many High Elf paladins do we even see in the lore? Not many.

We have a few named ones around as well as generic NPCs within the Paladin Order Class Hall. If there are enough to be generic NPCs, then there are enough to be a class with some representation.

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Rulen Lightsreap. (Trains Paladins)
Champion Isimode. (Triumphant Armor Vendor)

They need to add the Silver Covenant.

So only a handful. Even if Blizzard were to make High Elves playable, they arenā€™t going to let them be every class Blood Elves can. No death knights, demon hunters, paladins, or warlocks. Gotta leave something unique to Blood Elves being the Hordeā€™s most popular race. Besides, Alliance has enough paladin options already.

If even stuff that exists like Dark Rangers, Blademasters and Necromancers couldnā€™t be made as future classes for many reasons, imagine Void Knights, that doesnā€™t even exist in WoW universe.
The only way i can see Void Elves being able to be Paladins is if Blizzard decides to add new specializations to existing class with Shadow Paladin being one, but Paladins unlike Priests didnā€™t have connection to the Void, in the end that would be completely silly in a game developing perspective.
Paladins have this image of the Holy Warrior, the Deus Vult class of wow, letā€™s not taint it with Void, even though i secretly actually would like to have a Shadow Paladin and make a Rift Knight, the Light lie to us!


No Death Knights, Demon Hunters, or Warlocks, but Paladins will be a High Elven class for certain. A major complaint players had with Void Elves was how they excluded the Paladin option. Thereā€™s no way High Elves would be added without Paladins when weā€™ve seen quite so many.

Thankfully High Elven Paladins do not infringe upon Blood Elven Blood Knights. After all, High Elven Paladins have a traditional relationship with the Light, whereas the Blood Knights gain their powers from the Sunwell.

[Edit]: As an afterthought, you said the Alliance has too many Paladin options as is? Isnā€™t it just five?

Dwarves (and Dark Iron)
Draenei (and Lightforged)


Compare that to Horde:
Blood Elf
Soon to be Zandalari

Youā€™re asking for one of the Hordeā€™s most popular race/class combos, Blood Elf paladin, to be given to the Alliance with essentially just an eye color change. Not gonna happen.

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Iā€™m sorry that High Elven Paladins have been a thing and you think that needs to be only available to Blood Elves? I donā€™t know what to tell you. High Elves have Paladins, and excluding them as a class option is not going to happen, especially after one of the main complaints with Void Elves was the lack of a Paladin Class option.

You can take comfort in knowing that while itā€™ll be a Class Option, youā€™re not likely to see a prominent High Elven Paladin. Their class thematics strongly pull towards Mages and Rangers, and if the suggestions for Shamans/Druids are added, I imagine those would get some fair prominence as well.

But Paladin would be a High Elven class option, just probably about as relevant as Blood Elf Warlocks are to their story.


Fixed it, this is what you wanted to say wasnā€™t it? You came here to advocate for the Horde or to discuss? I already read stuff like this many times.

Well it is a good thing a majority of us dont want them to have death knights, demon hunters, nor warlocks.


Why do you think we were given Void Elves over High Elves to begin with?

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What I wanted to say is exactly what I posted.


Because Blizzard wanted to make ā€œsomething coolā€ and confused ā€œcoolā€ with the color blue.


Make High Elves playable and I guarantee people will be begging for those 3 classes non stop.

I believe Ion answered that one. As BFA is a faction war expansion, he felt that there needed to be distinction between races on opposite factions, and he believed that Alleriaā€™s work with the Void laid the groundwork for a specific Allied Race. He also stated at the same time that anything was possible in the future.

Reading between the lines and taking the facts into consideration, it seems clear we got Void Elves as something new for the Developers to play with. We really havenā€™t had a race wielding the void as anything other than antagonists before, so this is certainly new territory for them.

Considering the Void Elves were drawn from Blood Elves, rather than the Allianceā€™s High Elves, Iā€™d say its clear the Developers have something planned for High Elves, and I wonā€™t be surprised to see them added as an Allied Race once BFA is over, since thatā€™ll wrap up the faction conflict. At that point, visual similarities will be less of an issue.


Good, because High Elf Paladins are not Blood Knights with blue eyes.
Your argument is pretty much saying that the Alliance cannot have High Elves because Blood Elves exist but in a condensed way, itā€™s old, move foward.


It really didnā€™t.

And theyā€™re doing barely anything with them. We still only have Umbric and the IE trio for Velves that do things.