Also if I may elaborate on the stepping stone thing by making a fairly good comparison. High Elves were the stepping stones to Blood Elves like Dark Trolls were the stepping stone to Night Elves. We have the final products. And that’s why I don’t think the High Elves will be added as a playable race they were the foundation for the implemented Blood Elves. And while I would love for everyone to be whatever they want and to just be given the race they can live their best Fantasy in, the game itself has already established whats what and whats most likely not happening. But hey it’s Blizz if things ever go plunging deep financially maybe they are saving High Elves as a last ditch effort not to fade into obscurity? A little hope for the end of the tunnel.
Actually what separated them was the practice of drawing magic from living beings, and then it was Quel’Thalas joining the Horde, which has been the main reason the two groups remain separated.
So then why did we get the Mag’har? They’re clearly the, ‘Stepping Stones,’ to the modern Azerothian Orcs.
I imagine their point was that Blizzard wouldn’t add a race that wasn’t a, ‘final product,’ from an existing race acting as a, ‘stepping stone.’ This Lightforged being the final product of Draenei, or Highmountain Tauren being the final product of Tauren.
Naturally Mag’har are the ones to ruin that philosophy.
That’s still not good enough representation, if the High Elves were now just represented by mere in game text in a faction war foughton azeroth (that they should at least take part of considering their “story”) then it just proves my theory that Blizz will slowly start phasing them out in favor of Void Elves, all that’s left is one class.
I don’t play too much but I did the Alliance war campaign, and I don’t even recall seeing high elves being represented in the dialogue for either factions mission tables
Yes, but look at the two races story, look at their heroes, look at the races personality, Void Elves were intentionally made to be less evil and loyal to their faction in the story than what people expected. Because Blizz is trying to make them as close to High Elves as possible meaning they are slowly trying to replace them.
Void Elves have already taken the High Elves spotlight in the story, if they made High Elves more relevant then the two races would have very similar identities, and conflicting representation and story development.
Or it could mean that there are too many different groups to use them all in one area of the world and have it make sense.
The sunwalkers have not been used in BFA yet but I don’t think they are fading away. We still see high elves with the 7th legion. We just haven’t had the silver covenant yet which is their core military.
Furthermore why are you so obsessed with void elves taking the place of high elves? they do not fill each others role. They serve different functions with no overlap barring that of the common foot soldier.
Yeah because High Elves would totally throw people screaming into the Void. Or… use the Void to animate the corpses of dead dinosaurs. Or… use the void to… corrupt the unhatched eggs of wild gods…
I couldn’t even finish typing that sarcastically.
The fact of the matter is, High Elves haven’t been phased out of the story. They have a surprising (to me at least) presence in BFA as is, considering how desperately the Void Elves need development and time to shine. I mean, Archmage Yvera could’ve been a Void Elf using Void Rifts. The 7th Legion Shield Mages could’ve been Void Elves. High Elven NPCs like Elsharin in the Mage Tower could’ve been removed when a new portal room was made. Instead she now has apprentices (one of which is a Void Elf, go figure).
High Elf presence has been established and is increasing in BFA, all things considered, and against all expectations. If Blizzard wanted to phase High Elves out and replace them with Void Elves, you’d think they’d just stop adding High Elves all over the Alliance’s content.
Sunwalkers aren’t a race, and I don’t remember seeing any 7th legion High Elves in Dazar’alor they didn’t even bother putting down a named one for the story this expac.
Because they are the Compromise that Alliance
have been asking for and i’m amazed that it seems none of you can see that, it would be a waste to try and make another.
Give me one named high elf outside of Island Expeditions, and the Portal Mage doing anything significant for the Alliance in BFA
I kind of did above? Elsharin. She’s training Mages for the Alliance. Could’ve easily been removed or even replaced, but instead, seems she’s working hard to provide the Alliance with more mages.
I suppose that won’t count because she doesn’t meet some unspoken metric of, “significant.”
Regardless, the High Elves haven’t been phased out. We’re seeing them contributing to the Alliance’s efforts. There’s no reason to add more if they were going to be phased out, but we’re seeing more.
Between that and the fact that Void Elves were created from Blood Elves, I feel fairly confident in my belief that Blizzard has something planned for the High Elves in the future, and I won’t be shocked if it’s becoming an Allied Race once BFA is over. Who knows? Perhaps even during BFA. The lack of news on Allied Races when they seemed to have everything planned for the expansion suggests they’ve been changing their mind on a few. Not that I’d expect them before Worgen and Gnomes got a race using their models first.
How much for you is a “good enough representation”? They aren’t even a playable race and they were more present into Alliance campaigns than playable ones. On BfA, if you think that they aren’t that much present, can you say that Draenei are really strongly present? Can you say that Gnomes are? Pandaren?
I’ve been into pretty much all of the Alliance content on the expansion aside from the post dazar’alor raid war campaign part, and i still see High Elves being represented with equivalence to playable Alliance races, and this is a “low” expansion for them in those terms.
The only thing i can understand from this is “I think that Void Elves where made to substitute High Elves, and i think that Blizzard intended to do so because i think that Blizzard is removing the High Elves in favor of the Void Elves, so it proves my point that Blizzard want Void Elves to take the role of the High Elves”
This is almost a perfect example of circular reasoning, good job.
Yes Because at least the Gnomes, Draenei, even Lightforged have named commanders leading alliance troops and directly fighting Against the horde in Dazar’alor play the raid lol
Worgen? they have armies in both Dazar’alor, and Darkshore
Even Pandaren, are represented en masse in the 7th Legion in Vol’dun, Racial Leader was even present on the Alliance ship. Vereesa couldn’t even bothered to do anything this expansion aside from crying in a comic.
Bonus a single named wildhammer dwarf helps the Alliance with operations against the horde during the war campaign.
Even then there will still be 8.2.5, 8.3, and 8.3.5. We might not have seen all of 8.2 either. Keep in mind if the old data mining is true and there is indeed a Silvermoon Warfront, I’d give pretty good odds that the Silver Covenant will be present for that, supporting the Alliance.