It’s ridiculous to focus on the replication process in any event.
Unlike their initial “lore”, Void Elfs cannot be made from thin air. The process requires someone to actually transform into a Void Elf. That means if you’re going to try and use population as an excuse why High Elves can’t be an allied race then you’re also saying there aren’t enough High Elves to turn into Void Elves to give them the numbers required to be an allied race.
Nevermind that fact that its entirely implausible to try and say every last High Elf, or even just a significant portion, would volunteer to go through a life threatening transformation that saddles them with madness inducing voices in their heads for the rest of their lives plus whatever other unforeseen baggage that comes with being saturated with void energy (like the effects upon any progeny). Especially when it’s primarily only the magically inclined that have any interest in such.
Many could volunteer, especially if Alleria can convince Vereesa it would be both safe and advantageous to do so. More Blood Elves could also defect to the Alliance out of protest over what Sylvanas is doing.
Don’t forget that a large portion of the High Elves in the Alliance and that ignored the call to return to Silvermoon were Priests.
They weren’t shadowpriests either. So the idea that they stayed in the Alliance because of the light, probably didn’t suffer from magic withdrawal because of the light and now suddenly they’re interested in hearing Void Whispers all the time.
I’m sorry I just don’t believe any significant number of sane individuals would subject themselves to such a process no matter how “safe” Alleria or Umbric assure them it is.
And how could they make such an assurance? Any such assurance would be an outright lie. Sure the process itself could be refined enough to guarantee survival, but unless you’re telling me it also removes those pesky madness inducing whispers too, you can’t in good conscience call such a thing “safe”.
And again, it would primarily be the magically inclined that would even be interested in pursuing such research into the void, and even among those, how many would be willing to risk that process and all the baggage that comes with it? You can’t seriously suggest that any significant number of sane individuals would do so.
And how many Blood Elves would have to defect to make up the shortfall that High Elves can’t provide? You’re basically talking about outright destroying one group of Thalassians and severely depleting another just to make Void Elves a viable allied race. It’s just implausible and basically shatters any and every sense of suspension of disbelief.
Firstly, if anymore Blood Elves defect to the Alliance then Lor’themar needs to step down and let someone lead who’ll return Quel’Thalas to the Alliance, because it’ll be clear the Blood Elves don’t really want to be with the Horde as is. So, let’s not talk about anymore Blood Elves defecting to the Alliance.
Secondly, there is no reason for anyone to, ‘volunteer,’ to become a Void Elf. There are no tangible benefits to it unless you count blue skin and tentacles in your hair (which I can’t imagine many Thalassians would consider a benefit at all). Alleria is living proof that you can master and wield the void just fine as a High Elf. Not only that, but becoming a Void Elf seems to be nothing but detrimental. A constant struggle with whispers that slowly erode your sanity until you eventually become a minion of the Void, is not exactly a selling point.
So since you gain nothing by becoming a Void Elf, but are burdened with plenty of detriments, what is the point of, ‘volunteering,’ to become a Void Elf?
Honestly, its a good thing more can’t be made, because I don’t think Blizzard could answer this question.
Well… the Locus walker was a little surprised Alleria didn’t explode…
so maybe not ANY High Elf can handle it.
Second, she still has crazy whispers all the time. She says thoughts of her family keep her focused… so even if you’re going to be the Void Elf overlord maybe don’t do it without a support system.
Yea I’d say even if a process to create new Void Elves without risking death is developed, you’d probably want to screen all the applicants and only accept the most stable individuals with strong moral centers and tight familial bonds. That just further limits the pool of potential Void Elves.
I’m sure the powers gained can be seen as a “benefit” but the type of individual who would risk all that comes with being a Void Elf just for the sake of power isn’t exactly the kind of person you want to give such power to.
What powers, though? Alleria is living proof you don’t need to become a Void Elf to wield the Void. Umbric and his followers had extensive Void Knowledge and ability before being transformed as well.
This is my issue with Void Elves. There is no benefit to becoming one. Any benefit the Void Elves have can be earned independently of their altered state.
Yeah. Essentially it’s really just a depot for subtlety rogues who went to far, Shadow Priests and Warlocks who were playing with it anyways and Mages that are a bit too curious.
Well there’s the power to cut your transmog costs in half! That alone is worth risking your sanity for!
Then there’s the whole not losing cast time when someone beats on you, and the nifty damage boost that happens randomly and turns you (more) blue for a little while.
I suppose the, largely useless outside of pvp, Void Rift might be seen as a benefit too
For a more serious reply I’d say the “powers” gained are largely vague story BS.
Like how Alleria is a ranger who can apparently throw void beams around and open far more impressive void rifts than the crappy ones we get as a racial. Players don’t get to enjoy most of that.
And yea I’d prefer if the VE racial was basically a Blink clone with a nifty visual and a 3 min cooldown or even something like that Void Dash we get during the war campaign quest when we plant the bombs-it’d be far more useful then).
Actually it can considering when Arthas came and sacked Quel’thalas the loss of high elf life had them change their name to BLOOD ELVES to honor the fallen later down the road they started using fel to feed their hunger, the BLOOD elves that didn’t care for that went back to calling themselves High elves. So yes it can be used in reverse as High Elves went along with the name of Blood elves until fel was used as a replacement with the Sunwell gone.
Actually, you’re not quite right. You’re right in that those who formerly called themselves Blood Elves were exiled and took on the name of High Elves.
What you’re wrong about is that this means all High Elves are Blood Elves. They still aren’t. High Elves are High Elves. Blood Elves are Blood Elves. The events you described also create something of a cut-off point where it would’ve been possible for a Blood Elf to turn their backs on Silvermoon and take on the name of High Elf. Once the green eyes became a visual marker for the Blood Elves, you couldn’t just act otherwise.
Even Valeera Sanguinar calls herself a Blood Elf despite lacking loyalty to the state of Quel’Thalas. You don’t see her calling herself a High Elf because she’s part of the Alliance through service to the House of Wrynn.
Since you quoted that Ion has stated that High Elves use the Sunwell is a diffrent way then the Blood elves, I’d also note that Ion has said that Blood elves are high elves. And I’d sooner trust the Gamer Director word over yours. I understand that green eyes were a visual marker. Dosen’t change the fact name excluding Alerria since she was gone and had no way to keep up with the policies or politics of her kind all High Elves went under the Name of Blood Elves and the defacto change back to High Elves from Blood elves stays. It’s in the lore the difference is one side the majority took up the fel. While the other the minority didn’t (within good reason as fel is no good) Changed back to their original names. Nothing stated otherwise changes that fact. They are the same race even more so now with the Fel the thing that wedge them apart by political name stance is fully purified now with the reignited Sunwell. Blood Elves are the High elves for every point of reason. Even the Void elves are Blood Elves High Elves why I would never talk down their importance as they are important and have laid down the stepping stones of lore are just that…stepping stones leading to Blood Elves and Void Elves as the High Elven playable races.