The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Advocacy - is an activity by a group or individual which aims to influence decisions within political, economic or social systems and institutions.

what does that have to do with anything? muscle size is a lifestyle choice not genetically determined. Likewise the ranger themes are also something unique to them. The farstriders are shunned and looked down on in blood elf society. It is made very clear that the blood knights and mages are all that matter in blood elf society.

And half elves are different to blood elves genetically. A half breed born in silvermoon would likely have that entire family exiled or the child put to death.

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I need Mishka’s or Squire Rowe’s glasses for transmog since I keep having to explain the basics of rhetoric.

Nobody here in the High Elf community want that, we all know the differences between Blood and High Elves. When people say about using the same base models, it’s not about making them exacly the same, just use the base skeleton and animations and add different features, like how the Void Elves were handled, but with High Elven features and Half Human ones if people want that too. A good example is, once again by me, Alleria.
The High Elves in game already use the same skeleton and have the same animations, but with some features like different hair, skin and eye colors, it’s about adding more.


So are Tushui Pandaren and Huojin Pandaren or Kul Tiran Humans and Stormwind Humans or Nightborne and Night Elves. Guess they shouldn’t be playable on both factions with that logic. Better not make them playable.


We already have Void Elf Rangers, the most prominent being Alleria. You even get a unique pet if you make a new Void Elf hunter. There is no reason they couldn’t have been Farstriders before the exile.

What part of the “we don’t care about void elves, we want high elves” you didn’t understand?

Void elf rangers don’t even have lore. Umbric’s group before the transformation was made of warlocks and mages. All those rogues, rangers and warriors came out of nowhere.


Pure head canon. Just because you didn’t see them in the scenario doesn’t mean they weren’t there. They had to come from somewhere.

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That’s exactly the point that makes it bad writing, sherlock. Void elf lore is a joke. Most of it was pulled out of thin air and left unexplained.

Just for starters: why would a small group of exiles studying magic would have a sizable number of rangers, warriors and rogues?


Rogues = Subtlety Rogues use the Void.

Rangers and Warriors = …… :thinking:

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“Sizable” is the key word here.
You can make up a reason for a few cases, but to have them in any meaningful numbers? Where’s the explanation for that?

I wasn’t disagreeing with you. :fox_face:

This is why I race changed this character to VELF. I’ve always played subtlety rogue, and it fits well with the void theme.:grinning:

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The most logical explanation is that the voiding process can be duplicated. This would explain why Blood and High Elves are studying the void in Telogrus Rift. I really wish Blizzard would either confirm or deny this.

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They said it’s not but it may change in the future.

As of current lore it is not being reproduced yet.

As for when it could be in BFA or a few Xpacs away. It could tie in to some future story involving Silvermoon or a Stand Alone Void thing.


Well, then why is it not shown? Or told? Everything is implied, no explanations are given. You have a “race” that has existed for a whole year and still has less lore than anything else that came with BfA. It’s ridiculous that such a “race” was made playable.


Where has this been stated?

In one of the many recent interviews.

They basically said they started out small but some might be looking to replicate the process.

Which literally translates to they can’t do it yet but it might change.


Hey! I did the same with my rogue. :slight_smile:

Personally if the pattern of High Elves featuring prominently every other expansion holds true, I imagine the Void Elves will get quite the wealth of development from the addition of High Elves, and that is something I look forward to.

So far in BFA we see that Void Elves and High Elves seem to be hesitantly getting along. What comes to mind is the few High Elves in the Telogrus Rift as well as the High Elf Sorceress who walks alongside a Void Elf in the Stormwind Mage District. In 8.1.5 we’ll even see a Void Elf being an apprentice to a High Elf in the Stormwind Portal Chamber.

The addition of High Elves as an Allied Race would enable both groups to work together, and as what makes them similar is explored, we’ll also see what makes them different. The idea that Void Elven Mages may open Void Rifts for High Elven Rangers to perform precision tactical strikes, is a pretty interesting joint-military strategy that has a lot of potential to be highly effective. We’ve already seen Jaina and Umbric combining their powers to great effect, so I can only imagine what the Void Elves could accomplish alongside High Elven Mages.

[Edit]: Honestly this might even be the catalyst to give the Void Elves more characters, and to delve more deeply into the struggles they faced within Quel’Thalas. I’m sure very interesting stories as gossip text between NPCs could be shared between the two groups. Who knows but that Vereesa might ask Umbric how he could stand to be with the Blood Elves so long and we get a deeper look into his personal history, to what drove him to try and remain loyal to Quel’Thalas when the High Kingdom refused to be loyal to him.