The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Both Blood Elves and San’layn are on the same faction, therefore sharing models isn’t an issue. High Elves are too similar to Blood Elves, hence we got Void Elves instead.

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Give the Horde something nice. Kul tiran-based ogres, a human nation of pirates and brigands with their own piratey customization, kaldorei dark rangers, eredar demons, whatever. I don’t care. Gimme high elves.


Both Void Elves and High Elves are on the same faction, therefore sharing models isn’t an issue. High Elves don’t have to look as similar to Blood Elves as they currently do.


exactly this and quite honestly just because races on opposite factions look similar to each other shouldn’t be an argument for excluding them. You are never going to mistake one for the other in any situation where it actually matters.

If it is in pvp you don’t check to see what it is. If it is attackable it is the enemy plain and simple.

for PVE it is completely irrelevant.


Blizzard thinks otherwise.

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Ion thinks otherwise you mean. We know it is Ion holding them back. The lower tier devs want them. The story devs want them.


Hmm, a modified version of the Blood/High Elf model? You just described Void Elves. :wink:


Well, he IS the game developer…

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You do realize that game directors have a track record of 2-3 expansions and that Ion so far has delivered 2 expansions that are not well received right?


We understand that you like Void Elves.

We understand that you are worried that Quel’dorei would reduce the amount of attention paid to Void Elves.

However, it’s not up to you to dictate what other players want to do with their time.

The Allied Race system is about adding playable races to the game that Players saw that they wanted to play as.

Meaning the Allied Race system is the perfect time to add Quel’dorei.



I’m over this.

You saw Archmage’s list.

It’s time that Blizzard gives Alliance players the thing they request instead of changing it.

If you want Half Elves, or you want “Strong Quel’dorei” then make a thread asking for those things specifically.

We’ve wanted Quel’dorei since vanilla. Quel’dorei have been in the game since Vanilla. We should get what we’ve wanted.



I see no reason why to make them copies of blood elves though. Why not give them customization options for half elf features along with the various different groups like rangers.

Half elves would have no place as their own thing and for what we can see they pretty much all just mold into the alliance high elf society.

We can keep a very similar model (personally I would like the alleria model as a base) and add these extra customizations.


But they aren’t fair skinned.

Ion said they are considering giving them more High Elf looking skin at some point.

The lore is quite clear that High Elves look nearly identical to Blood Elves and are often confused as such.

Because the request for playable Quel’dorei precedes Blood Elves and has nothing to do with them.

When the Horde asked for the Nightborne they didn’t hear, “Well if you want to play a tall, feral, cold colored elf they’ve already got that on Alliance.”

They also didn’t have a completely different model made. In fact, the reverse happened.


He said anything is possible.

Also at this point, the High Elf/Quel’dorei wanting community should be focusing on changing what he says anyways. So what he has said is irrelevant at this point.

Time to focus on what Ion will say.


Nyshant: The facts are irrelevant, we should try to make new facts!


And what exactly are the facts? That, at the time of the interview, Ion said they didn’t have plans for High Elves in the immediate future. Or that he followed that up right after with “Anything is possible”?